
My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

author:Yerba Grass Feifei

Narrator: Li Guihua

Original debut, please do not plagiarize or wash the manuscript, otherwise the report will be ruthless, the deduction will be ruthless, and the ban will be even more ruthless!


Last time, I wrote that although my aunt prepares gifts and 1,000 yuan in advance for the holidays every year for her cousins to go to relatives, my cousins still have to choose a few gifts from the two sisters-in-law to take away from relatives, and this habit has continued until now.

She also has an unspeakable little problem, every time she takes a gift to her mother-in-law's house, she goes to relatives and waits for the two sisters-in-law to go to her mother-in-law's house to visit relatives, sometimes just to the yard, she takes it, and selects the gifts from the gifts and puts them on the car where they are going to go to the relatives.

The sister-in-law got married later than them, and she made jokes about it.

It was the Spring Festival of the year when the sister-in-law had just returned from marriage, and the new son-in-law brought a box of good cigarettes, a box of good wine, and the others were a box of snacks, fruits and nuts for 100 yuan.

As soon as she arrived at the gate and unloaded, she picked up a box of wine and took it to her car, the new brother-in-law didn't know what the situation was, so he stepped forward to stop her and said, sister-in-law, this wine is a good wine I specially bought, and it can't be placed outside, in the house!

Her face was red for a while, and her mother-in-law hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile, It's okay to put it in the car, the new son-in-law was stunned for a while, and the sister-in-law called him to his side, handed him a box of nuts, and gave him a look, and asked him to take the house.

My sister-in-law's husband has experienced it, and he didn't say anything, he seems to be commonplace, but sometimes he mutters to his wife, your brother and sister really haven't seen anything, we honor our father-in-law, what did she do?

My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

My cousin quarreled with her a few times because of this, saying that she was really ignorant, but she said, doesn't this save us money?

I really don't know what kind of logic she has.

There is another thing that I can't help but talk about here, that is, why my cousin's daughter-in-law is 29 years old and hasn't said anything about her in-laws.

This is still after the cousin has an eldest son, an aunt's maiden relative met by chance and mentioned that the daughter-in-law is from that place, this relative said, are you talking about the daughter of XX?

The aunt said, yes, it's her.

This maiden relative shook his head and said, "You didn't inquire about it when you went on a blind date?" His parents are not sensible people, his father is a laipi character, and his mother has a fox smell, do you know? I don't know if this girl has it? People say that girls are 100% inherited! My mother! It is precisely because of these reasons that everyone in Sanli Wuzhuang knows the bottom and is unwilling to become in-laws with them.

There is another thing, her eldest son's daughter-in-law is the old couple who ran away, the eldest son has been working in Beijing, the daughter-in-law has not graduated from primary school and has been farming at home, they often quarrel, and then her daughter-in-law ran away from home, not only the two children were brought by his eldest son, and their daughter helped the eldest brother to take the child all the time.

When the aunt heard this, her heart was cold, she didn't know, she was like a mirror in her heart, but she couldn't say the bitterness in her heart!

Speaking of this medium, it was a coincidence at the time, if the father in the village was not like that, maybe it would have become.

Coincidentally, at this time, the matchmaker introduced the current daughter-in-law, who looks very good, she has a baby face, smeared with powder, and she can't tell how old she is.

Although it is a county, but the distance between the two families is far away, it is not practical to inquire about riding an electric car in the past, and I also asked a relative, but I didn't hear it, and the other party was also in a hurry at that time, thinking about it next year 26, I don't know what the situation is, and I am tired of blind dates every year, ignoring this file.

It was winter when I got married, and I didn't smell anything, and my son didn't say anything, so it is estimated that the two should become a family.

From pregnancy to return home for more than 6 months when it was autumn, I only know that every time I help my daughter-in-law clean up the house, there is a bad smell in the house, and the two of them are combined, isn't this the smell of foxes?

My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

Later, in the summer, I took a bath in the bathroom, and after washing, I couldn't smell the smell, hey, these things can only be swallowed in my stomach with my teeth knocked out.

When the eldest grandson was about to give birth, he also had a handful of bitter tears, and this daughter-in-law took her mother's words as a holy decree, and her mother said that the east is the east, and the west is the west.

At that time, the doctor said that the child had a big head and needed a caesarean section, but her mother said that a caesarean section was not good for women, and that her stomach would be ugly in the future.

That's it, stiff, I'm going to have a caesarean section, and I didn't give birth for several hours, and my daughter-in-law told the doctor at this time, if I don't have a caesarean section, I can't stand it.

The doctor told her that it would be nice if she could listen to you, but now, there is no way to have a caesarean section, only a natural delivery.

Finally gave birth, the grandson's head was black and blue, and the doctor said that looking at the child was premature, it was not a fool or dementia, and I heard that my legs were weak, and I knelt on the ground.

Fortunately, everything is getting better in the back of the child, but he can't lift his head when he is 8 months old, and he can't speak at the age of 5, which is a little different from ordinary children, and he is frightened every day, and he regrets that he found such a daughter-in-law at the beginning.

My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

It's funny to have a full moon wine, my cousin's mother-in-law pulled over a cart of things on the day of the full moon, new clothes, small cars, small quilts, toys, and after the guests were sent away that day, she said that she wanted to pull away this car of things, all of which were borrowed from others, and the whole family was almost dizzy, but the cousin's daughter-in-law didn't think that her mother was doing anything wrong, and thought it was right.

My cousin and aunt said that they wanted to divorce, what kind of family is this? But he still has to return to the army, and he can't resign like his usual job, but there is no way, and his aunt suppresses this matter again.

My cousin and sister also have a problem, they often talk nonsense, saying that their cousin and cousin-in-law treat her badly, that is not good, and the neighbors all say, this daughter-in-law shows her face and talks nonsense, we don't know what kind of temper your in-laws have.

The neighbor also said, "Look at what you say to my nephew, my niece, my eldest brother, my uncle, and I spray the heavens every day, and it's all nonsense when you hear it, what are you talking about, how can we have time to listen to you talk nonsense? This is what the neighbor told the aunt at that time, the aunt didn't speak, this is her daughter-in-law, what can she say, but she thought in her heart, this daughter-in-law is not fine.

After a year, my cousin was pregnant again, and this time I went home early, only to learn later that her sister-in-law had returned to his eldest brother, and his eldest brother's child had grown up.

After she went home, she was still lazy and didn't do anything, and then she said why not do it, saying, this is what his parents taught, and a woman should give her in-laws a horse when she gets married, and if you work when you get married, the rest of the work will be yours. The words and deeds of this parent are really unspeakable, and they really hurt her daughter.

The second child was born prematurely, born in July, and also fortune-telling, when he was born, he was put in the incubator for two months, and the reason for premature birth was to go to her mother's house to help when he was about to give birth, and her mother said that she was about to give birth to do some work, good birth, who knew that she was tired of working, which frightened her mother, and directly pulled it back to her aunt's house, and the aunt pulled the daughter-in-law to be hospitalized for delivery that night.

The cousin's daughter-in-law's mother didn't show up from the time she was sent to the birth, and after giving birth, the cousin's daughter-in-law called her mother and said, "When she gave birth, her mother said she knew, so she hung up the phone, and she didn't worry at all."

After the full moon, it is still the same operation, pull a cart of things for outsiders to see, pretend to be face, and pull away.

My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

This matter is not over yet, the next thing is coming, when the child is four months old, the cousin's daughter-in-law said that she is going to Beijing to work, her brother found her a new job, the cousin is in the army, and said that the child is still young, you can't go first, wait until the child is older and then go.

The cousin's daughter-in-law disagreed, and the two quarreled very much, so the cousin went to the father-in-law and mother-in-law to talk about the situation.

Unexpectedly, the mother-in-law and the father-in-law agreed, saying that what to do at home, there is a good opportunity to make money.

The aunt and the aunt are a lot older, they have been suffering from a cold and water for a long time, and they have to cook.

My cousin's daughter-in-law is looking for something at home, this meal is not delicious today, and your son will not be at home tomorrow, what kind of in-law are you looking for?

After so many things, the aunt and the aunt have been enduring it, in order to let the grandson have a father, seeing the daughter-in-law like this, the father and mother are not cool, and the idea of divorce is more and more every time.

At this time, my cousin's daughter-in-law said that my cousin didn't make much money in the army, and at this time my cousin got angry and said, ask her every day that you say that you earn a lot of money, but what kind of money do you earn?

She didn't speak, she knew that she was exposed, so she clamored for a divorce, and after returning to her parents' house, the two grandsons looked really pitiful, and the aunt and the aunt secretly screamed sadly, who knew that the cousin's daughter-in-law and father were not cool, and they couldn't find a second home in a county.

The cousin and daughter-in-law scolded the two uncles, and they also used knives to cut their uncles, and the aunts thought about the past, and then thought about what the relative said, and said directly, if you can't get over, divorce, don't be wronged here.

My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

My cousin has the idea of divorce again and again, but he has been suppressed by his aunt, and he knows everything about Menqing, and it has been eight lifetimes of bad luck to meet such a daughter-in-law and father-in-law.

When my cousin's daughter-in-law saw that it was true, she also pretended to say that if you divorce, you will divorce, and I will take my two sons away, and she is threatening her sons.

The cousin didn't want to say it directly, in fact, he couldn't let go of his two sons in his heart, the eldest son has followed his parents since he was a child, and his daughter-in-law has been taking care of her eldest brother's children, he has long been unbearable, but he is in the army, and he can't leave the team at will.

Before, my father and mother have been persuading the child to have a parent, if you get divorced, even if we give our hearts to the child, the child will complain about us when he grows up, so I hope you have a family, but looking at the current momentum, there is no way to pass it anymore.

My cousin said that in the army, during that time, he secretly shed tears with photos of his children, feeling that everyone was so happy, this daughter-in-law was older than himself, and there was a fox smell, and this and that, why is this life so difficult?

My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

What happened later was more dramatic, my cousin's daughter-in-law always felt that the family would not talk about divorce, this time it was a bit of a big play, and said that I was going to go to the gate of the county government with my cousin to go through the divorce procedures on the first day, and my cousin went that day, where can I see his shadow?

When I called and asked, she said that she had already gone to Beijing, and the four-month-old child had stayed at home.

Later, I found out that she was going to work and helping her eldest brother to take care of the children, and his eldest brother and her sister-in-law quarreled, and the reason for the quarrel was because of what their mother had done in the past.

His eldest brother still chose his mother, so her sister-in-law ran away from home again, and after leaving, the two children were in junior high school and needed to be picked up, here, the cousin-in-law's mother took the money for her uncle to take care of her grandfather in front of the nanny, so she asked the cousin-in-law to take care of his eldest son's child instead of her, and her own children, anyway, are taken care of by her in-laws, and she also knows that her in-laws are good and good to her grandson.

Divorce, she is not stupid, she finally found this good family, she is just playing petty, she will not divorce.

Just like my cousin and daughter-in-law said later, what kind of divorce, if I could find a suitable one before, I wouldn't be so old and haven't found my in-laws.

My cousin said that if I had to choose again, I would rather die alone than marry an older girl (II)

Later, my cousin also said that many people who have a good relationship with me say that I want to divorce and am looking for one, but I see two children, and I see that so many second marriages are not good, I don't want to divorce even if I have a little way to live, and the children are even more pitiful after the divorce.

Let's talk about this today, as I get older, things have taken a turn for the better in my cousin's daughter-in-law's family, the aunt and his wife's efforts without asking for returns, the two grandchildren are gradually growing up, and life is slowly taking a turn for the better.

Here, I would like to ask everyone, if you marry such a daughter-in-law, your mother's family is still like that, you already have children, will you divorce?
