
During the conversation, in addition to feeling the desolation of an old man with a wind and candle, there is also a reflection on suffering...

author:Miki Lao

Sentence | Miki Lao

During the conversation, in addition to feeling the desolation of an old man with a wind and candle, there is also a reflection on suffering...

Yesterday it was surprisingly cold at noon, but I braved the bitter cold wind and looked around the street for someone to repair the bicycle tires. During this time, I met an old man who was nearly ninety years old. During the conversation, in addition to feeling the bleak life of an old man with a wind and candle, he was more thinking about the miserable life.

What kind of old man is this? I saw him curled up in a car repair stall on the side of the road, his white hair swaying in the wind, and when he saw me pushing the electric car in embarrassment, he took the initiative to say hello, "Young man, do you want to repair the tire?", as if seeing a savior, I replied loudly, "Yes, it should be a puncture, you can help me take a look!"

As I spoke, I had parked my electric car next to the old man's stall. Perhaps because of his old age and frailty, I saw him half-squatting and moving towards the car with great difficulty. Then, tremblingly, he raised his left hand and turned the tires. Seeing that he was struggling, I hurried forward to help. casually asked, "Old man, how long do you live?", the old man didn't raise his head and said, "It's more than eighty, help me take off the pump,......。

It turned out that the tire was pierced with nails, and the old man suggested a new tire. I asked him how much it was, and the old man casually said, "Forty." In this way, the old man began to unload the tires, watching the old dizzy him struggling to twist the wrench, and I took the initiative to be a "temporary apprentice" and dismantled the tires with the old man. In the meantime, I asked again about the old man's life experience. It turns out that he is 87 years old this year, and after being laid off 30 years ago, he has been repairing bicycles here because it is convenient to take care of his old mother. Later, the old mother died, and his wife was paralyzed in bed for more than 20 years, so he worked in this industry for more than 30 years. Listening to the old man's understatement of his miserable life experience, my heart was sour. From time to time, the old man also reminded me to help him fight.

During the conversation, in addition to feeling the desolation of an old man with a wind and candle, there is also a reflection on suffering...

Half an hour later, the car was finally repaired. I got up and prepared to scan the code on WeChat to pay, the old man was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm old, I won't use these high-tech!", I hurriedly took out the cash in my wallet that I hadn't used for a long time.

During the conversation, in addition to feeling the desolation of an old man with a wind and candle, there is also a reflection on suffering...

At the moment when he handed over the cash to the old man, what kind of hands did he see! I saw that the trembling knuckles of his fingers were full of blood, and his heart hurt. I originally wanted to give him 40 yuan, so I took a 50 yuan and handed it to the old man. Turning around, he rode away, and the old man's shout came from behind him: "Many, many, young man!"

The cold wind is blowing in the face, just like the misfortunes in life can't be stopped. At that moment, I suddenly remembered the little poem by the Russian writer Pushkin: "If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be anxious... Believe it, happy days will come...". For an old man who is nearly 90 years old, how long do you have to wait for happy days!

(Picture from the Internet)

During the conversation, in addition to feeling the desolation of an old man with a wind and candle, there is also a reflection on suffering...