
#年迈的父母健在是幸福还是负担?#一说到父母二字, my heart is like a knife, and my parents have both left me before they reach the stage of old age... I'm still so young, but never again

author:Be at peace with what happens

#年迈的父母健在是幸福还是负担?#一说到父母二字, my heart is like a knife, and my parents have both left me before they reach the stage of old age... I'm still so young, but I don't have mom and dad to scream anymore...![tears][tears][tears]

But I still have the right to speak on this headline topic, I have experienced it in the past few years, seen it, and have a deep understanding.

First, to tell you the truth, there are not many truly filial children in this world, and there are not many who can make sacrifices for their parents, such as sacrificing work, money, and small families, and there are not many who sincerely serve their parents! Don't expect your daughter-in-law and son-in-law to take care of you, that is absolutely impossible.

Second, if the elderly parents have a large pension, then the parents are alive and well, and the children do not have to think about the cost of providing for their parents, on the contrary, it is profitable to gnaw at the old!

Third, the most cruel situation came, especially in the countryside.

Elderly parents who do not have a pension, most of them are burdens and burdens for their children, regarded as shoes (like broken shoes), and are scolded by their daughter-in-law every day as old and immortal, and usually suffer from the cold words and insults of their sons and daughters-in-law, I saw my neighbor's daughter-in-law and son yelling at the old lady together, threatening not to give food, and the son in order to please the angry daughter-in-law, but also started to give his old mother a big slap!

I thought it was an isolated phenomenon, but I was wrong. I found that this is a common phenomenon in the countryside, and the old man lives a very humble life without money, and is insulted, neglected, and disrespected! The old man is sick, and his son and daughter-in-law ignore it, and they will not pour a glass of water, and they only hope that the old man will die quickly and die cleanly!

These phenomena, in the past, killed me and I didn't believe it. In the past few years, I have witnessed with my own eyes the tragic death of the old people in the rural areas, the suicide of suicide, and the starvation of those who died of starvation! Don't look at the funeral so grand, blowing and beating, wearing linen and wearing filial piety, I bah! It is all for the living to see, and it is just to sell fame and reputation.

#年迈的父母健在是幸福还是负担?#一说到父母二字, my heart is like a knife, and my parents have both left me before they reach the stage of old age... I'm still so young, but never again
#年迈的父母健在是幸福还是负担?#一说到父母二字, my heart is like a knife, and my parents have both left me before they reach the stage of old age... I'm still so young, but never again
#年迈的父母健在是幸福还是负担?#一说到父母二字, my heart is like a knife, and my parents have both left me before they reach the stage of old age... I'm still so young, but never again

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