
The smallest courtyard in the world!

author:The most beautiful rustic courtyard
The smallest courtyard in the world!

In Kyoto, Japan, there are many private houses that have a small private garden garden called Tsubeiwa. It is named because the minimum area does not exceed one ping.

A ping is a unit of area, which is approximately equal to 3.5 square meters. Pingting is to build a small courtyard garden in a small space to give full play to various aesthetics and creativity. It's almost the smallest courtyard in the world.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

The earliest tsuboiwa was found in Kyoto's "machiya", that is, ordinary people in Kyoto in ancient times. This unique garden style, both in terms of architecture and humanistic colors, is very characteristic of traditional Japanese culture, and under the influence of traditional Chinese culture and thought, it has also developed into a kind of garden with oriental philosophical thoughts.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

A thousand years ago, Kyoto imitated Chang'an to build the capital, and the entire capital city was planned squarely, so the usable housing area of each household is a narrow rectangle, and each household is next to the other, and there is no natural light on both sides of the house.

Over the years, the town's garden was gradually formed, where it was able to be lit and ventilated, and could be viewed. It brings light and shadow to the dim, gloomy and scorching heat of the townhouse.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

Despite the small space, you can choose the right combination of trees and moss to create a deep wabi-solite beauty in the courtyard.

Through the exquisite balance of light and shadow, the seasonal changes can be observed from the gaps in light and shadow, so that the solidified building has a streamer and shadow, and it is lifelike.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

Although it is a small enclosed space, it can also create a natural landscape, bringing peace of mind and tranquility to the residents.

The courtyard is sometimes surrounded by buildings and cloisters on three or four sides, which facilitates indoor lighting and ventilation. The landscaping technique of Pingting is close to the design of seeing the big in the small, presenting a classic dry landscape courtyard with sand instead of sea and stone instead of mountain.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

Although the space of the ping garden is small, it can also be filled with mountain stones and plants, and some small things such as stones, green bamboo, stone pools, etc., imitate the natural scenery to build a miniature landscape.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

The stepping stones and stone paths are mainly reflected in humid climates, which are convenient for pedestrian safety and avoid getting shoes and socks wet. Hand and stone lanterns are even more common in Japanese gardens, and they are often used with bamboo faucets, like miniature landscapes, adding infinite charm to the tranquil garden. The stone lantern was originally used as a decoration for the courtyard, but was later introduced into the private courtyard, which not only played a role in lighting, but also added to the style of the private courtyard.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

The garden adopts a large number of garden building techniques of Japanese dry landscapes to create an artistic conception of quiet and solitary walking.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

In some cases, moss is used instead of white sand, and moss is used in dry landscape gardens to express both the sorrow of loneliness and the tenacious vitality.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

The use of vegetation and bonsai is to create an atmosphere, and different vegetation and bonsai are planted according to the climate of each place, mainly Nantian bamboo, pine, and cherry blossoms, and different plants are planted according to the climate and season to ensure that there is a view in each season.

In the era of dry landscapes, Japanese gardens abandoned elements such as bridges, islands, and water bodies, leaving only a few static and unchanging factors such as stones, gravel, and moss, to express the eternity of beauty and sorrow, that is, the so-called "one sand, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi".

The smallest courtyard in the world!

The maple tree in the courtyard turns red every late autumn, and in winter, the bamboo and red fruits are full of trees, red and green, and the beauty of life is revealed. The beauty of Pingting tells the aesthetics of Japanese style. Asymmetry is one of its characteristics.

It seems random, but it is carefully set up with moss, gabion, stone steps, squatting, and the morning breeze, and these charming lights and shadows alone are worth watching all day.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

The calm surface of the water bowl is inseparable from the reflection of sunlight. The plant arrangement was heavy on evergreens and light on flowers in the early days, and it was improved after Edo.

The ground in the garden is often covered with plants such as fine grass, small bamboo, vines, sheep's teeth, moss, etc., and is rarely paved with bricks and stones. The artificially trimmed "Karigama" is a major feature.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

The beauty of wabi-sabi is everywhere, wabi-si, which originates from the tea ceremony and is the beauty hidden under the rough exterior, and the beauty that is born from the inside of the old things. Wabi-sabi has an aesthetic of tranquility and rationality.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

For example, the most important feature of Japanese gardens is the "stone", which is not only to put the stone in the right place for the situation, but also to think about the stone itself and "how it wants to be placed" and then place the stone where it must be.

The Japanese garden reflects the eternal view of nature and religion of the soul and nature. The same is true for Kyoto Tsubeiwa. The garden not only embodies beauty, but also creates a unique world with wood, grass, water, and stone.

The smallest courtyard in the world!

Walking into this small courtyard, what you will see in front of you is the tranquility of the hustle and bustle of the city, and it is a small universe full of business. If there is a big tree in the center of the courtyard, there will be a taboo of noisy guests, and it is easy to affect the lighting of the house, resulting in dark and damp houses.

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