
Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

author:Chihyun Akira
Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

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The Jews have a population of only 15 million people, but they already own half of the wealth on the planet.

The brands we know: Coca-Cola, Apple, Disney, Ford, etc., were all built by Jews.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

These Jewish businesses play an important role in their respective fields, thus influencing the global economy and culture.

The self-confident Jewish capital suffered a big loss in Hong Kong, and China used 140 billion yuan to compete with it, and the Jewish capital lost too badly.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

The ambition is too big, and the target is Hong Kong, so you can only reap the consequences

On the eve of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the evil wolves were eyeing each other, and in order to seek the greatest benefit for themselves, a man named Soros began to use various means to create a huge economic panic in Hong Kong.

Although Soros has a place on Wall Street, it is not so simple to interfere with Hong Kong, China.

Soros has been waiting for an opportunity, and the opportunity is rare, and after the return of Hong Kong, China, Soros has not seen a suitable opportunity.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

In order to prove the feasibility of his plan, Soros found a test subject, that is, Thailand, and used this method to see the results.

So Soros became the superior, acting as a conductor behind the scenes, and led his "team" to blow this storm to the first country, Thailand.

So under the control of the trader, he lent a huge amount of Thai baht to the Bank of Thailand, which was the first and crucial step in the implementation of his plan.

In the second step, the baht is converted into US dollars, and Thailand's foreign exchange reserves will be reduced accordingly.

Under this premise, Thailand's foreign exchange reserves themselves are not much, so after the news appeared, Thailand panicked, feeling that its baht was depreciating.

Think about it, if you are an investor, when you learn that your money is going to depreciate, most people's approach is to sell the baht in their hands as quickly as possible before the depreciation.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

And this is also the practice of most retail investors in Thailand, after the news was released, most of the retail investors finally threw away the baht in their hands.

This behavior directly affected the stability of the Thai baht as a whole, and the central bank of Thailand took out 10 billion US dollars to balance it in order to stabilize the baht.

But it is clear that these figures cannot compete with the chess pieces in Soros's hands, and in the end they can only choose to compromise, and they can only reduce the exchange rate of the Thai baht by a part, which means that the real depreciation of the Thai baht.

And this depreciation directly depreciated by half, do you still remember the large amount of money that Soros borrowed before?

Now that the Thai baht has depreciated, now is the best time to repay the money, and this loan has earned me $4 billion.

Soros will not care about Thailand's life or death if he makes money in it, whether Thailand's economy is turbulent or not, it has no big impact on himself now.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

This method also gave Soros a taste of sweetness, and then began to follow suit in neighboring countries, especially in Southeast Asia, which directly messed up the economy of Southeast Asia.

Soros has tried it many times, and he has earned a lot of benefits in it, and his ambition is naturally not so simple, because he wants to get more benefits here in Hong Kong.

Soros's vision is very vicious, why choose Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong is not only the financial center of Asia, but also behind Hong Kong there is China.

He is very confident, thinking that his plan is foolproof, he has succeeded so many times in Southeast Asia, and this time he has also caught it.

Moreover, judging from my previous experience, there are no loopholes in my plan, as long as it is implemented step by step, there will be no problems.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

Moreover, my preparation this time is very sufficient, and the funds in my hands alone have reached hundreds of billions of dollars.

With enough experience and even more money, Soros believes that his business must be successful, and he thinks that he will add another achievement to his resume.

What Soros didn't know was that Hong Kong, China would be his Waterloo, and he "slided" twice.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

The battle to defend Hong Kong's financial sector is on the verge of breaking out

The same method is just a change of clothing, and under the manipulation of Soros, he wants to short sell Hong Kong stocks and Hong Kong dollars through various methods.

However, there were many problems in the early operation, such as the resistance in Hong Kong's exchange rate system.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

Because the exchange rate implemented in Hong Kong is a linked exchange rate system, the exchange rate stability is very strong, the degree of freedom is high, and the reserves are large. Unlike the countries and regions that Soros has encountered before, Hong Kong, China has a more complete and stable environment.

But this did not discourage Soros's enthusiasm, and Soros began to carry out his own plans elsewhere, hoarding and selling Hong Kong dollars, and after this operation, Soros simply admired his ability.

When Soros achieves this step, he is not far from victory, and once the news gets out, there will inevitably be turmoil in the Hong Kong market.

All of Soros's preparations are kept secret, and if his plan is known, it will be difficult to succeed.

Soros's secrecy work is indeed very good, but such a big move will definitely leave a flaw in the market.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

Although Hong Kong's monetary authority did not directly discover all of Soros's plans, it also sensed that something was wrong, and then followed up to understand what Soros wanted to do.

It is not yet the last step, there is room for redemption, and in order to win Soros's next move, the Monetary Authority began to plan to "resist".

According to the situation at that time, in order to stabilize the Hong Kong dollar, he first bought a large amount of Hong Kong dollars from the outside as his own reserves.

At the same time, it is also necessary to put pressure on Soros and others, and soon, bank mortgages were tightened, and the interest rate on loans was raised, giving Soros and others a reality that they had to accept, that is, they invested more.

Now that the arrow is ready to be sent, Soros has done so much and will definitely not give up the previous submersion cost, as long as there is still a little opportunity, then we must seize it.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

This is a war without gunpowder, and there is an unprecedented situation in Hong Kong's stock market, with all hands speculating in stocks, and a crazy economy is coming in Hong Kong.

This war must not be compromised, it must not be lost, and once compromised, China will be reduced to the country that Soros swept before.

In the fierce battle between the two sides, the central government also joined the war, taking out $120 billion of the mainland's only $128 billion in foreign exchange, plus Hong Kong's foreign exchange to start this silent confrontation.

In order to maintain the stability of Hong Kong, the whole country is united, and financial institutions throughout China will come to Hong Kong's aid.

Thanks to the efforts of the whole country, in the end, Soros and his party also suffered a big loss, directly losing more than 10 billion US dollars.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

This is a victory to win the battle against Jewish capital, and it is also a battle that makes those who have covetous hearts for the mainland want to stretch out their evil hands, and weigh their own weight in action money to see if the people in front of them are easy to mess with.

In this incident, Soros also had a sense of frustration, but he also discouraged his desire to amplify China, which also made him "short" Hong Kong again.

He once said that his interest in defeating China is higher than that of the United States, and he has been thinking about how to "short" Hong Kong all the time, venting his anger at what he had suffered in Hong Kong before.

After Soros's defeat, he founded the Open Society Foundations, which he held as chairman.

"I have a foreign teacher policy, and my goal is to be the conscience of the world. ”

This sentence came from the mouth of Soros, of course, his so-called conscience will naturally not be the conscience we understand, after all, we have seen Soros's methods clearly.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

All he wanted to do was "conquer China, conquer the world", finance the unrest, finance those who created it, and subsequently disrupt Asia's diplomacy.

Among them, "Human Rights Watch" is a key target of Soros's assistance, making it a major force in the rumor factory.

As we all know, the West's smear against China is not one or two points, and Human Rights Watch once said that "it was a virus leaked from a Chinese lab".

Behind Human Rights Watch, there is a "proprietor", and this proprietor, without any surprise, is the notorious Soros.

According to the analysis of professionals, Soros's hatred of China began after the 1998 Hong Kong financial defense war, and he could not tolerate his own failure.

Later, he also selected Jimmy Lai, a Hong Kong destabilizing element in Hong Kong, as the beginning, and the two secretly colluded and began to do things that were unfavorable to China, and jointly planned to carry out a color revolution.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

This move has also attracted hatred from the society towards Soros, who have said that Soros is a microcosm of the West's hatred of China, in which their ultimate goal is interests.

Of course, Soros is called a demon, the son of Satan, because of the harm he has done to the masses financially.

Before China, there was Thailand, and after China, there were various other countries, which suffered a lot at the hands of Soros.

This has also led to "hatred" of Jews, which some people believe is that the Jews are too clever and self-interested.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

Why is the Jew so ostracized when he is a good businessman?

In our ordinary life, most of the stories of Jews we hear come from textbooks and the Internet, and we can often hear the story of "the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis".

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

This is a sad story, and every time you hear the story of the concentration camp, many people think of the cruel words and cold photos in the textbooks.

It is precisely because of the cruel treatment of Jews that many people think that Jews are a very vulnerable group.

Why did such an oppressed nation survive and attract people's hatred, this still has to start with the history of Judea.

The Jews we know now are Israel, and they believe in Judaism, which is religiously overcolored, and considers themselves to be God's chosen people.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

However, the road to the construction of their own country was very bumpy, and after they were excluded, they went to a place to "pretend to be pitiful" and then stayed in other people's territory.

and then make a lot of money on other people's turf through his own clever mind, especially the country's money, which is even more soft.

So in such an environment, many people are reluctant to accommodate Jews, but Jews also inevitably complain about the general environment, and if they can't make money in this place, they go to the next place.

And usury is also the most popular business for Jews, and they can't afford to take away the land, houses and livestock that people depend on for their livelihood.

Do Jews make money? The answer is yes, and of course it is also an affirmation of the unscrupulous and ruthless Jews in making money.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

During the Opium War, the Jews did a lot of opium business in China, and then the Jews did the business in Germany.

In Germany, there was a mustache who was good at drawing, and the mustache was not very good-tempered, and he almost killed the entire Jews.

The Jews have been stabbed in too many countries, which also makes many people reluctant to accept them, and finally ran into a well-meaning "camel", and as a result, this Palestinian-Israeli conflict has not ended until now.

In the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, we should all have seen such a picture, in the ruins of war, a little Palestinian girl was rescued, she was wearing clothes that were Disney cartoon characters.

Disney is a fairy tale world for many children and even adults, a beautiful yearning for many people, and a memory for many people.

Hong Kong's financial defense war: China used 140 billion to bombard, and Jewish capital has never lost so badly

But the boss behind Disney is the Jews, which is nothing, but this boss donated money to Israel in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In the end, this money turned into a cannon fire against the dreams and hopes of these children, and many people did not understand why Jews were so hated, why they were so rarely attacked against Jews.

We already had a little foreshadowing at the beginning of the article, saying that half of the world's economy is in the hands of the Jews.

Even the short video platforms we are familiar with have social platforms, which are under the control of Jewish capital.

With money, in this era of big data network, the boss behind it releases more information he wants to show to the public, and controls it more if he doesn't want everyone to see it, which is the power of money.


A gentleman loves money and takes it in a good way, and the greedy demon disrupts the order of society and will inevitably be spurned by the public.

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