
When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine
When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

Today ushers in the great cold solar term.

The Great Cold is the twenty-fourth of the 24 solar terms in a year, it is not only the last solar term of winter, but also the last solar term of the 24 solar terms, and the sun runs to 300 ° of the ecliptic longitude every year. The Great Cold Solar Term generally starts around January 20 and ends around February 5 every year.

As the saying goes, "a small cold and a big cold, cold into an ice mass", the ancient book "Time Granting General Examination - Heavenly Time" quotes "Three Rites and Yizong" Yiyun: "The reverse pole of cold is called a big cold." It can be seen that the cold of the great cold is deeply experienced by people from ancient times to the present.

The Great Cold Weather

One waits for chicken milk, the second waits for the bird to be sick, and the third waits for the water to have a strong belly.

This means that five days after the Great Cold Solar Term, the hens begin to hatch their chicks, and on the fifth day, eagles and falcons and other signs of birds, in a state of extreme predation, hover in the air in search of food to replenish their body's energy to resist the cold, and on the fifth day, the ice in the waters freezes until the middle of the water, and is the strongest and thickest.

When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

The key points of living and maintaining health in the big cold

The Great Cold is the last solar term of the year, when the cold reaches the extreme, yang energy sprouts, and we will soon usher in a new reincarnation. At this time, the yin qi of nature is gradually declining, and the human organs are still in a cold state. The great cold health preservation should not only nourish the yin, but also nourish the yang.

01 Go to bed early and get up late to nourish yang energy

Ensuring adequate sleep is conducive to the latent yang energy and the accumulation of yin essence. During this time, it is not recommended for everyone to do outdoor sports in the cold mornings or evenings.

02Protect your head and feet from the cold

The blood in the human body is easy to flow when it is warm, and it is easy to stagnate when it is cold, so winter is the season when cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as cerebral thrombosis and myocardial infarction, as well as joint pain and colds.

The head is the confluence of the sun, the cold rises from the feet, these two parts are kept warm, the body can be really warm, and there will be fewer diseases.

03Drink enough water to protect your shade

The climate of the Great Cold Solar Term is dry, and the yin fluid in the human body is also prone to deficiency, and the use of heating and air conditioning will exacerbate this dryness.

In addition to drinking water normally, you can also drink pear water often to nourish yin and rejuvenate Jin, or boil radish water to drink (preferably white radish), which can regulate qi and strengthen the spleen, clear heat and diuretic, and promote digestion.

When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

04 Eat more warmth and bitterness to dispel anger

The diet of the Great Cold Solar Term should still abide by the principle of preserving yin and latent yang, and it is advisable to reduce saltiness and increase bitterness to nourish the heart qi and make the kidney qi strong.

Do not stick hard, raw and cold food, should be hot food, to prevent damage to the spleen and stomach yang qi, the taste of food can be appropriately strong, to maintain a certain amount of calories.

At this time, after a winter of meat nourishment, people will inevitably produce internal heat, coupled with the cold outside the body, it is easy to incur external evil and cold.

For this kind of "eating" cold, eating a little bitterness can quench the fire, such as bitter chrysanthemum, bitter gourd, celery, lettuce, etc.

05Exercise properly to nourish the body

In the cold season, exercise can be chosen according to their own situation, walking, jogging, tai chi, etc. are good ways to exercise, the elderly should not do excessive strenuous activities, and must pay attention not to sweat profusely when exercising, so as not to leak yang energy. It's best to schedule your workout time in the warmer afternoon.

When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

Dahan "Three Suits"

Hot tea is preferred

The great cold is the node of the transition between winter and spring, and women and people with weak yang qi should pay special attention to nourishing blood and yang.

Codonopsis, yam and cinnamon can be washed, broken, put into a gauze bag, and tie the mouth tightly; The above herbs are placed in a cup and brewed with boiling water, covered and soaked for 15 minutes. Warm drinks after lunch every day can help nourish the liver and kidneys.

It is advisable to strengthen the spleen

We must pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables in the diet of the big cold solar term, which not only has the effect of nourishing, but also prevents fire.

In terms of the choice of meat, people with yin deficiency and internal heat can choose cold duck meat, and people who are afraid of cold, prone to diarrhea and heavy humidity can choose chicken.

It is advisable to drink hot porridge

Runny nose, cough, headache...... Wind chill and cold are the most common problems in winter. If the symptoms are mild, you can choose some ingredients that are pungent and warm to relieve the surface and promote the lungs and dispel cold.

You can take 7 white green onions, 5 large slices of ginger (mashed), 30g of white glutinous rice, 900ml of water, 400ml of fried porridge, and 75ml of old vinegar. When taken while warm, it can dissipate wind chill.

Dahan "Three Taboos"

Avoid spicy

In the cold season, dietary supplementation, exercise decreases, consumption decreases, such as eating spicy and greasy food, it is easy to have digestive problems.

You can eat some "cool" foods appropriately, such as squeezing the juice of lotus root and taking it with honey, which can moisten the stomach and promote digestion.

Don't overwork

When the weather is dry and the indoor temperature is high, people are also prone to become irritable and irritable, with symptoms such as headache, dizziness, bitter mouth, and dry throat.

At this time, in addition to maintaining the yang of the spleen and kidney, we should also pay attention to regulating the qi and blood of the liver, pay attention to rest, prevent excessive fatigue, and avoid emotional instability caused by physical exertion.

Avoid wind chills

At this time, cold waves are frequent, the temperature fluctuates, if the cold and warmth are not enough, it is easy to lead to wind chill and cold, and even cause an acute attack of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Wear a hat and scarf when going out, and cover your head, back, abdomen and soles to avoid the cold.

When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

Health tips

Wear a scarf

The neck is the "fortress" of the human body, which is not only full of blood vessels, but also has many important acupuncture points. Wearing a stand-up collar or scarf can not only block the cold wind and keep the neck warm, but also have certain benefits for preventing health problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and insomnia.

Rub your nose with cold water

In order to prevent rhinitis and other respiratory diseases, you can rub your nose with cold water every morning or before going out, which is conducive to enhancing the immunity of the nasal mucosa.

Get plenty of sun

In the cold season, it is cold and freezing, and it is best to travel after sunrise and before sunset in the morning and evening. Exposure to the sun in winter can effectively replenish the body's yang energy and enhance the body's resistance.

Rub your waist often

Winter is a good time to replenish the kidneys, rubbing the waist with both hands can help dredge the veins, strengthen the waist and spine and strengthen the lean kidneys.

The specific method is: after rubbing the two hands together to heat up, press the waist and eyes, stop for a while, and then rub down to the tail vertebrae (Changqiang acupoint). Do it 50~100 times each time, once a day in the morning and once in the evening.

Soak your feet frequently

A proper foot soak can not only dispel cold, but also help warm the kidneys and yang. The water temperature of foot soak should be about 40°C, and the time should be controlled within 20~30 minutes.

When soaking your feet, you should not be too full or hungry, the water should not exceed your ankles, and you can feel warm all over your body and sweat slightly on your forehead.

Diet prescription for the Great Cold Solar Term

Radish pork rib soup

When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

Ingredients: 200 grams of pork ribs, 150 grams of white radish, 20 grams of green onions, 20 grams of ginger, a little chopped coriander. 20 grams of cooking wine, salt to taste.

Method: Chop the pork ribs into small pieces, blanch and wash, peel the white radish, wash and cut into cubes. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and bring to a boil, add the pork ribs, green onions, ginger slices, cooking wine, and simmer for 1 hour on low heat. Pour in the radish, continue to cook for 15 minutes, add salt to taste, put in a soup bowl, sprinkle with chopped coriander.

Health efficacy: As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, and don't work for doctors to prescribe medicine", eating radish in winter is particularly good for smooth stomach and intestines, disease prevention and fitness. White radish can be used to dissipate appetite, produce jin and dissolve phlegm, diuretic and laxative, and is suitable for people with indigestion, food stagnation, qi stagnation and bloating, vomiting, pantothenic acid, cough and phlegm, and poor bowel movements.

This soup with meat and vegetables can not only ensure nutrition, but also will not cause stagnation, which is an ideal choice for winter health care.

Orange beef tenderloin

Ingredients: 200 grams of beef tenderloin, 100 grams of oranges. 10 grams of soy sauce, cooking wine, and starch, and an appropriate amount of sugar, salt, and chicken essence.

Method: Wash the beef tenderloin, slice it, starch it with cooking wine, soy sauce and starch, peel the orange, wash it and cut it into cubes. Pour oil into the pot and heat it, add the beef slices, fry the raw meat, put the orange pieces and fry slightly, add sugar, salt, and chicken essence to taste.

Health effect: Beef is a meat commonly eaten in winter, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, grow muscles, strengthen bones, nourish qi and blood, strengthen the body, increase calories, and resist the cold. Oranges are the most common fruit in winter, and cooking with beef can boost appetite, promote digestion, dissolve oiliness, and can produce liquid, moisten thirst, and enhance human immunity.

Be vigilant, the cold of 20 °C may lay a hidden danger for spring fever

From today, we have entered the Great Cold solar term, and we know that the Great Cold was originally the coldest time of the year, but in Guangdong, we have seen people wearing short sleeves these days. Some people may think that it is good to be warmer in winter, but they don't know: the cold is not cold, and people are uneasy. Winter that is not cold may become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses to multiply.

"Liezi Tangwen" has a saying: "Cool is the beginning of cold, and cold is the extreme of cold". The year has come to the great cold, which means that the cold has reached the extreme and warmed up, but in recent years, especially in the south, the winter temperature has increased year by year, and today's maximum temperature is about 20 °C.

This temperature is not normal, and it is not good news for the human body.

When it is cold, take care of righteousness to welcome spring

Why is it bad to be too warm in winter?


In winter, when heaven and earth are sealed, our body's qi will also converge. "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" once pointed out that winter health preservation is mainly to comply with the law of "closed storage". In winter, animals hibernate, trees lose their leaves, and the human body hides sperm.

This "essence" refers to the essence that constitutes the human body and maintains the basis of the human body's vital activities, and is the foundation for the growth and development of the human body and the guarantee of health. If the essence is sufficient, the yang energy will be sufficient.

If the winter is warm, the skin will not be as tightly closed as it is in the cold, and the state of the human body will also emit yang energy in advance. Originally, winter is the season of lack of yang energy, and before the essence is hidden enough, it begins to diverge, so the yang energy in the coming year will be even more insufficient.

In this way, the resistance of the spring people will not be too strong, and the growth and development of the new year will also be affected.

If you don't hide your essence in winter, you will be sick and warm in spring

"Warm" refers to the disease of warmth. Childhood epidemics such as influenza, hand, foot and mouth, and herpangina, which can cause high fevers, all fall under the category of fever diseases. On the one hand, the human body is not "closed" enough, the yang energy is insufficient, the resistance is poor, and it is easy to feel external evils; on the other hand, nature is not "closed" enough, and the bacteria and viruses are not controlled by the cold, and they will multiply in large numbers as soon as the weather warms up.

So as long as it's a warm winter, the pediatric emergency department will be super busy in the spring.

Therefore, remind everyone that even if the winter is very warm, don't let the yang energy be too drained, and the winter health should still be sealed. ■

[Source: Health China, Yueyu Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xu Youjia Parenting and other WeChat]

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