
How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

author:Lazy little cook

#南宁的四大小吃是什么 #

Hello everyone, I'm a lazy little kitchen lady

It's time to share your food with everyone again, have you all eaten?

There are a variety of special snacks all over the world, because the local customs are different, the flavor is unique, so there will be many people interested in these delicious snacks, not far away to taste here, there are also many special foods in Nanning, Guangxi, today the small chef will take you to see the four major snacks in Nanning.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

1. Old Friend Noodles (Nanning Old Friend Powder)

It is said that this pasta has a hundred years of history, the origin is because an old man did not go to the restaurant to drink tea because of a cold, the boss specially cooked a bowl of noodles for him, after eating, the old man sweated, the symptoms were light, so this old friend noodles appeared, developed to the present, the old friend noodles evolved into old friend powder and old friend fried powder, but their main ingredients changed from flour to flour.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

The traditional method of laoyou noodles is to first add flour to eggs and noodles, knead repeatedly, repeatedly beat with a rolling pin, cut into thin noodles, the noodles are very strong and delicious, and then the garlic paste, tempeh, sour peppers, sour shoots and other ingredients are fried, and then add minced beef, balsamic vinegar, bone broth and other ingredients and noodles cooked together.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

2. Eight immortal powder

This is one of the must-punch foods for every traveler to Nanning, the taste of Eight Immortals Powder is delicious, flexible and smooth, with many ingredients and rich nutrition.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

The method is to use fresh chopped powder, first put the soup boiled in the pork bones in a hot pot, wait until the soup is boiling, add a small amount of fish dumplings, cooked quail eggs, shiitake mushrooms, yellow cauliflower, shredded chicken, pork slices, a variety of vegetables you like to eat, etc., after boiling, pour in the chopping powder, and then add green onions, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil and so on.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

3. Lemon duck

If you have a bad appetite for friends, you can try this lemon duck, quite appetizing, and suitable for all ages, moderately sour and spicy, and its method is relatively simple.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

First wash the duck and chop it into small pieces, put the ginger slices, cooking wine, boil the blood foam and skim off, remove the dried water and set aside, mix a sauce, put soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, pepper and balsamic vinegar in a bowl and stir well.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

Cut a little fat duck skin under the pot, put in ginger slices to sauté the oil, and then pour in the duck, put in the cooking wine together to continue to stir-fry, and then pour in the sauce and rock sugar together to continue to stir-fry out the aroma, and then put in the ginger garlic we often eat, the pepper into the stir-fry evenly, pour boiling water, basically no more than the duck on the line, boil after turning to medium heat to continue simmering, almost not much soup, and then put in two or three lemon slices to stir-fry a bit can be out of the pot.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

4. Sour field

Acid field also has two names, one is acid, one is acid, Nanning has a saying: hero sad beauty off, beauty sad sour stall. This sentence describes the acid in a beautiful way. It seems that this sour field is really very popular with guangxi people. "Sour field" is made from seasonal fruits and vegetables such as local papaya, radish, cucumber, lotus root, cauliflower, pineapple, etc., and marinated with sour vinegar, chili pepper, sugar and so on.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

It tastes sour, sweet, fragrant and spicy, crisp and delicious, and it is raw and appetizing. Now people in the society, eat too much oil and spicy, heavy taste friends, suggest that you can try this sour field, appetizing and degreasing essential things.

How much do you know about the four snacks in Nanning? Are these 4 the ones you think?

In fact, there are still many delicacies waiting for us to taste in Nanning, Guangxi, and today the four that the chef said are the four that the chef has been fortunate to eat, and it is also something that we will never forget, I hope that friends have time to taste it in person. I am a little chef, a little kitchen lady with a personality.