
If you want to be in good shape, try these 10 methods

author:Yanliang, China Aviation City
If you want to be in good shape, try these 10 methods
If you want to be in good shape, try these 10 methods
If you want to be in good shape, try these 10 methods


Take your health seriously

A sign of a person's becoming better starts from taking good care of himself. Remember, having a healthy body is the only way to have everything you want.


Have a childlike heart

Children are innocent because of simplicity, and simplicity is the source of happiness. If you want to keep yourself happy, let yourself keep a childlike heart.


Able to forgive oneself in the face of problems

When you are unhappy, use effective methods to relieve it as soon as possible, and don't let it accumulate for too long. No matter what happens, don't let yourself get caught up in it, so that you can find the strength to start anew.



Not everything in life is equally important. In many cases, the most important 20% can be concentrated and the remaining 80% can be completed relatively smoothly.


Be proactive and self-disciplined

Being serious, positive, diligent, and self-disciplined will make you better. When you keep walking and passionately go to the life you want, you will feel heartfelt happiness.


Be brave

Don't make excuses, don't be afraid to fail, try and explore. When you are brave enough to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new changes, you will take another big step towards the life you wanted.


Life is relaxed

Tight strings are easy to break, and the pace is easy to mess up when you are in a hurry. Only when there is looseness and tightness can the days have taste, and only when there is a degree of relaxation can we continue to accumulate strength for sustainable growth.


Make a few close friends

You will not be alienated by busyness, and you will rely on each other in times of greatest need. A true friend is to treat each other sincerely and not to deceive each other, and to exchange hearts for hearts and not to lose each other.


Live in the moment

No matter how many unhappy things have been, leave them in the past. Time smooths everything, and the best moment of life is always the present.


Always have kindness in your heart

Help those in need and let love and kindness circulate. Those who love love to return, those who are blessed to come, you who have good intentions and look towards the light, you will definitely have more good luck.

Source: People's Daily

Anchor: Wei Xiao

Content: Original American text, recitation audio

Submission email: [email protected]

Editors of this issue: Guo Dong, Wang Xin