
15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

author:Healthy life - Aixin

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In life, there are many habits that are accumulated over time, and a good lifestyle and habits can help us live longer.

In fact, the longevity of the elderly have different health methods, not necessarily "rigid", but the most basic good habits are almost the same, today and friends to discuss and exchange.

Here are 15 good habits for longevity, a few of which are very important, you can see how many of them you have.

When you are older, you must move slowly when you wake up in the middle of the night or early in the morning. It is necessary to determine whether there is numbness in your legs, and then get out of bed, otherwise if you don't care or are in a hurry, it is easy to fall all at once, which may lead to fractures, and it is also easy to have unstable blood pressure, dizziness and unsteady standing.

When you get up early in the morning, you have to have a "buffer" time, and this good habit should be formed.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Wake up early in the morning and move slowly

Drinking a glass of warm water every morning has at least these benefits: replenishing the water excreted at night, lubricating the throat and esophagus, diluting gastric juice to reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa, promoting intestinal peristalsis and timely bowel movements.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Drink a glass of warm water

Benefits of eating breakfast: avoid inducing cholecystitis and gallstones, replenish energy, nourish the brain, active thinking, have a good mood for the day, and concentrate on doing things efficiently.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"


The benefits are: avoid and reduce the chance of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, promote blood circulation, help "replenish calcium", and avoid cold, damp and cold air invasion and illness.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

The timing of exercise is important

The advantages are: seasonal fresh vegetables are more conducive to physical health and promote the function of internal organs, and warm food is conducive to the improvement of gastrointestinal health and transportation function.

It is necessary to eat some seafood, soy products, etc., which are rich in vitamins and trace elements, especially high in calcium, which can be called the "soft gold" in food.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Eat soy products often

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Eat warm, fresh food

Paying attention to your bowel movements means caring about the body's "in-and-out" balance and not letting constipation become a "stumbling block" to health.

If you have habitual and stubborn constipation, you must pay attention to timely conditioning, avoid hot ingredients such as chili peppers that should not be eaten, and eat more foods rich in dietary fiber to help the body return to normal.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Spicy and irritating foods vary from person to person

Frequent anger, depression or instability are the "enemies" of health, especially for patients with high blood pressure, it is difficult for people who are often emotionally uncontrollable and short-tempered to live a long life.

A peaceful state of mind leads to smooth flow of qi and blood, and a good attitude is the "cornerstone" of health.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Have a good attitude

People who have a little hobby help to improve their health index, because such people do not have much time for depression and troubles.

Do one thing you like every day, such as cooking food, raising flowers and plants, chatting with old friends, hobbies of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, sitting and drinking tea on a sunny afternoon, reminiscing about the good past in your life, planning where to travel and making various arrangements in advance.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Older people should have some hobbies

Ensure regular sleep time and quality, will make yourself energetic, sleep time varies from person to person, feel good spirits and good physical strength, you can also take a nap during the day, the elderly take a few naps to maintain longevity.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Sleep well and be in good spirits

After the age of 60, the functions of the human body decline rapidly, and the thermoregulation function is much worse, so you can't ignore your own warmth.

Especially after the age of 66, the elderly should pay special attention to dressing warmer in winter, so as to avoid the recurrence of some chronic diseases of the elderly, and also to avoid the sudden occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Dress warmly

It is necessary to create a quiet and comfortable living atmosphere and environment, where the living place is quiet, hygienic and pollution-free, the living atmosphere of the family is harmonious and warm, and the relatives care for each other.

Exercise in a planned way every day, middle-aged and elderly people can jog, brisk walk, walk, etc., outdoor activities are better, and it is better to insist on walking about 5,000 steps a day.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Take regular walks and get close to nature

When people reach a certain age, it is advisable to be "less". Eat less to reduce the burden on your internal organs.

The elderly should not often lie on a full stomach, and can take small meals and regular and quantitative diets to ensure nutrition, which is conducive to digestion and absorption, balances blood sugar, and reduces the risk of disease.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Older people should eat less

People who drink tea often will understand that laughter is good for life, which not only promotes metabolism and helps digestion, but also allows us to learn to be comfortable and cheerful, no longer entangled in the past, and develop a peaceful and contented attitude.

Regular sun exposure can help boost the body's yang energy, reduce cold and dampness in the body, and help strengthen immunity.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Regular time in the sun every day (also good indoors)

When people reach middle age, this question should be put on the agenda, and don't wait for a problem to regret it.

Eat more fresh vegetables, meat, eggs, fish and milk, including whole grains, which are rich in calcium, and a balanced diet can be guaranteed.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Eggs, milk

After the age of 30, it is necessary to develop a good habit of regular physical examination, although the body has a good ability to heal itself from minor illnesses and pains, but there are no symptoms in the early stage of some incurable diseases, which cannot be ignored.

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Regular medical check-ups are necessary

Brief summary:

If you can do more than half of the above-mentioned dozen, it will be very good, and some of them will "take a big step" if you pay attention to them properly.

In life, the most important thing is to make the right lifestyle choices, and many diseases are caused by improper lifestyles and habits.

After the age of 60, it is necessary to summarize the "secrets" of health preservation that suits you.

Everyone's physique is different, not necessarily to copy the health experience of others, you can learn from it, but you need to be suitable for yourself and perception, and each healthy old person actually has its own unique "health regimen", but it cannot be similar and copied. #I'm here to chat#

15 good habits for prolonging life, see how many you have, and more than 10 will "meet the standard"

Summarize the health "secrets" that suit you

The article was originally published for the first time. Personal opinions are for informational purposes only.

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