
Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

author:Fire and fire and good

Tomorrow, we will usher in the Great Cold Solar Term. The Great Cold is the last solar term of winter, the end of winter and the prelude to spring. At this special time, we need to be fully prepared for the arrival of spring. So, how should we welcome the arrival of spring? Below, I will give you a detailed introduction to several aspects that should be paid attention to in the cold tomorrow.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

First, not out

During the big cold, the weather is cold, and we should try to minimize outdoor activities. Because at this time, the humidity in the air is low, and it is easy to have dry skin and chapped lips. Therefore, at this time, we should pay special attention to keeping warm, wear comfortable and warm clothes, and protect our bodies.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

Second, it is necessary to rub

During the great cold, we can also rub our hands and face to promote blood circulation and enhance the body's resistance. At the same time, rubbing the skin can also play a moisturizing role. In addition to this, we can also use this time to strengthen our physical exercise and improve our physical fitness.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

3. Eat 3 samples

1. Lap-mei: Lap-mei is one of the essential foods for the Chinese New Year in the southern region. In the cold season, lap-mei can not only increase appetite, but also strengthen the body's resistance. When cooking lap-mei, we need to pay attention to the nutritional combination and try to choose fresh ingredients to maintain the taste and nutritional value of lap-mei.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

2. Chicken Soup: Chicken soup is a traditional nourishing soup that has the effect of warming and nourishing qi, replenishing deficiency and essence. In the cold season, we can nourish the body and strengthen the physique by stewing old hen soup or black chicken soup.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

3. Fruits: In the cold season, there are many kinds of fresh fruits, such as apples, pears, citrus, etc. These fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are able to strengthen the body's immunity. When choosing fruits, we can choose according to our personal taste and physique, and eat them in moderation.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

Fourth, avoid 2 things

1. Avoid strenuous exercise: The weather is cold in the cold season, and strenuous exercise can easily cause physical injury. Therefore, we should choose appropriate forms of exercise, such as walking, yoga, and other light exercises, to maintain good health.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

2. Avoid overwork: The weather is cold during the cold season, and we need to rest and maintain our body. Overwork can easily lead to physical fatigue and mental malaise. Therefore, we should arrange our work and rest time reasonably and ensure adequate sleep and rest time.

Tomorrow's big cold: 1 out, 2 to rub, eat 3 things, avoid 2 things, and lay a good foundation for the beginning of spring!

In short, tomorrow's cold is an important solar term, and we need to be fully prepared for the arrival of spring. By not refraining, rubbing, eating cured meat, chicken soup and fruits, and avoiding strenuous exercise and overexertion, we can lay a good foundation for our body to meet the challenges and opportunities of the new year.