
"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

author:Foraging in the market

"The reverse of the cold is called the great cold", the great cold as the last solar term in the 24 solar terms, and it is also the coldest season of the year, in these fifteen days, the cold wave will frequently go south, and the north and south will be more difficult, so there are many proverbs and sayings about the great cold among the people.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

Among them, there is such a sentence called "the cold does not drive away the cold, and the spring is difficult for people to be safe", in order to remind more people to keep themselves away in this cold season, don't let the cold take root in the body, otherwise even if it ushers in a warm spring, it is difficult to maintain good health.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

Doing a good job of external warmth is to protect against the cold, and the cold is more dependent on diet, through a variety of foods to supplement the body with nutrients and energy, so as to dissipate heat to dispel the cold on the body. Tomorrow is a big cold, remember to eat 3 more and eat 3 less, strengthen your physique, protect your health, which 3 things to eat more, which 3 things to eat less?

Eat 3 more things:

1. Eat more ginger

As the coldest period of the year, it is recommended to buy more ginger to eat, ginger is a warm food that can be eaten well to keep warm, and also helps to enhance the body's immunity.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

If you are good at cooking, you can buy more ginger to make ginger candy, ginger candy, gingerbread and other small snacks and eat them slowly.

Recommended method: [Five Treasure Soup]

Ingredients: ginger, eggs, brown sugar, red dates, wolfberry

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

1. Peel and slice the ginger and clean the jujubes.

2. Boil the pot with water, and put the red dates, wolfberries, and ginger slices into the pot.

3. Add another spoonful of brown sugar to the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to medium-low heat and cook for five minutes.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

4. Put a little water in a small bowl and beat the eggs into the bowl.

5. After turning off the heat, pour the eggs and water into the pot, cover the pot and simmer for two minutes to let the eggs set.

6. After two minutes, turn on low heat and simmer for another five minutes.

2. Eat more spinach

Spinach is a rare green leafy vegetable with cold-resistant properties in winter, so you can safely buy more fresh spinach to eat in the cold season.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

Moreover, spinach is also very rich in nutrients, containing more vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and iron, eating more is very helpful to improve immunity, and can also provide more calories and energy to help the body resist the cold.

Recommended method: [Roasted spinach and eggs in sauce]

Ingredients: 1 handful of spinach, 4 eggs, garlic, shallots, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, starch, bean paste, salt, pepper

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

1. Cut off the roots of the spinach, clean it, and bring it to a boil in a pot with water.

2. Pour the spinach into a pot of boiling water, blanch for 15 seconds, remove it, squeeze out the water and chop it into pieces.

3. Beat four eggs into the chopped spinach, add an appropriate amount of salt and a little pepper, add chopped green onion and stir well.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

4. Heat oil in a wok, pour the spinach and egg mixture into the pan and fry until both sides are set.

5. Put a spoonful of oyster sauce, light soy sauce, starch and bean paste in a small bowl, then add some minced garlic, add water and stir well.

6. Pour the sauce into the pot, stir-fry evenly so that the spinach and eggs are coated in the sauce, and reduce the juice over high heat.

3. Eat more black fungus

The cold season is very suitable for eating more black food, such as fungus is very good, fungus is known as the "king of vegetarians", its trace element content is amazing, such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and many other nutrients are contained, in addition to rich protein and fiber, in the cold winter to eat more can get a lot of energy from it, warm and cold, strengthen the body.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

A pack of dried fungus can be eaten for a long time at home, and the key fungus is also relatively versatile, and you can put some into it to match any dish when you cook it, and the taste is also crisp and fragrant.

Recommended method: [Roast three fresh]

Ingredients: black fungus, shiitake mushrooms, bean curd, red pepper, garlic, green onion, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt, chicken essence

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

1. The fungus, dried shiitake mushrooms, and yuba should be soaked in warm water in advance, washed and dried to control the moisture.

2. Prepare garlic cloves, green onions, dried chilies, put a spoonful of dark soy sauce, light soy sauce and oyster sauce in a bowl, and stir well with half a spoon of sugar.

3. Heat the oil in a wok and pour in the green onions, garlic and dried chili peppers to stir-fry until fragrant.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

4. Pour the fungus into the pot first and stir-fry until the fungus makes a cracking sound.

5. Pour the shiitake mushrooms and yuba into the pot and stir-fry for three minutes.

6. Pour the seasoned sauce into the pot, add half a bowl of water and simmer for five minutes, pour a spoonful of sesame oil, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence and stir-fry evenly to collect the juice and remove the juice from the pot.

Eat 3 less:

1. Eat less pickles

Many people like to buy some radishes, cucumbers, mustard gnocchi to pickle some pickles after entering the winter, and use them for porridge and rice when eating, but it is better to eat as few pickles as possible in the cold season.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

Pickles are high-salt foods, which are very unhealthy, and the nutrients in pickles are minimal, and the nutrients originally contained in vegetables are lost in the process of pickling, so eating too much pickles will also cause the nutrients in the body to not keep up, and the body's immunity is easy to decline.

2. Eat less white porridge

After entering the cold season, the body will need a lot of energy and nutrients to fight the cold, so try to make your three meals a day rich and nutritious, especially for breakfast and dinner, don't just know to drink white porridge, the nutrition is too simple, and the body will not be able to absorb too much energy.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

When cooking porridge, you can put more red beans, black beans, barley, cereal, pumpkin, yam, red dates and other foods to cook and drink together, and you can also get more energy and calories in the morning, and you will naturally not be afraid of cold when you go out. Especially some middle-aged and elderly people, don't be reluctant to eat, otherwise in the end, the lack of nutrition in the body, the decline of resistance, and the sick and sinful are still themselves.

3. Eat less bitter gourd and winter melon

Melon ingredients such as bitter gourd and winter melon are very good for the body when eaten in the hot summer, but they are not suitable for eating more in the cold winter.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

They all belong to cold food, the stomach and intestines will be relatively sensitive in winter, and then eat these cold melons, it is likely to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and even cause diarrhea.

"Eat 3 things in the big cold, and people will be safe in spring", which 3 things to eat in the big cold tomorrow? It is recommended to know more

- Lao Jing said -

In the cold season, you can drink a glass of warm water after waking up early, which can wake up the body well and also help warm the stomach and body. When you go out, you must keep warm, you should wear scarves, gloves, hats, and masks, so as to avoid inhaling cold or some germs, and reduce the possibility of getting sick as much as possible.

I am a foraging story in the market, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! I update the food recipes and market life every day, follow me, enjoy a comfortable life and don't get lost.

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