
Parents spend a lot of time and money in order to get their children into good schools, when will the educational anxiety stop?

Parents spend a lot of time and money in order to get their children into good schools, when will the educational anxiety stop?

Educational anxiety has become a common phenomenon in today's society. Parents do not hesitate to spend a lot of time and money in order to get their children into good schools, and even reduce the quality of life. This anxiety is not limited to parents, students often feel stressed, worrying that their grades are not good enough to get into a better university or get a good job, which hits the child's self-confidence and affects the child's lifelong growth.

Parents spend a lot of time and money in order to get their children into good schools, when will the educational anxiety stop?

The picture comes from the Internet

Competition is one of the main causes of educational anxiety. Competition is because there are few opportunities to choose, and in a competitive environment, failure means the loss of opportunities and resources, so people feel anxious because of the fear of failure. Competition is everywhere, from kindergarten to college entrance examination, from the workplace to society, competition has become the basic law of survival. Parents want their children to be more competitive in the future. Students are also constantly putting pressure on themselves in pursuit of better grades and honors, resulting in physical and mental exhaustion. This fear can motivate people to constantly pursue superior grades and performances to avoid being eliminated or losing opportunities.

A single value is one of the main reasons for competition in education, as it leads people to focus on only one criterion of success and ignore other important aspects. This singular value focus only on progression rates and test scores makes education monotonous and lacks diversity and innovation. We need to recognize that everyone has their own strengths and strengths, and that different people have different criteria for success. For example, some people may be better suited to a career in the arts or athletics than in a traditional academic field. Therefore, we should encourage students to explore their interests and potential, and provide diverse educational opportunities and support to meet the needs of different populations.

Social evaluation is also one of the important causes of educational anxiety. In the traditional concept, education is an important way to change one's destiny and an important means to achieve social status improvement. The signaling role of education is very obvious, and educational achievement is one of the criteria for measuring a person's social status and value. Parents and students alike are very eager to gain social recognition and praise through excellent grades and high academic qualifications. As a result, parents and students alike are burdened with heavy societal expectations for a better future through education. This expectation often leads to excessive anxiety and stress, and people lose the correct knowledge and understanding of education.

So, is there a solution to educational anxiety?

First of all, we need to take a proper view of the role of education, which is for the improvement of the meaning of life. Education is only one way, not the only way, for the development and impact of the industry, occupation and job development of employment. We need to recognize that everyone has their own characteristics and strengths, and you should choose your own development path according to your own interests and abilities. At the same time, we should also respect each child's individuality and differences, and not simply compare and judge them.

Second, we need to establish a diversified evaluation system. A single score and academic evaluation system has become one of the main sources of educational anxiety. We need to establish a diversified evaluation system, including students' comprehensive quality, strengths, social practice and other aspects, so that each student can give full play to their own strengths and specialties and get more recognition and opportunities.

Finally, we need to expand educational resources and improve the quality of education. The imbalance of educational resources should be alleviated by increasing investment in education, expanding high-quality educational resources, and improving the quality of teachers. The purpose of education is to develop talents, not to pursue grades and progression rates. We need to pay attention to the quality and effectiveness of education, pay attention to the actual needs and development potential of students, so that each student can get the right educational resources and support.

In summary, educational anxiety is a complex social phenomenon that requires us to work together to solve it. We need to take a correct view of the role of education, establish a diversified evaluation system, improve the quality of education, etc., and at the same time, we also need to pay attention to the balanced distribution of educational resources and the fairness of educational opportunities. Let every student have access to educational resources and support that are appropriate for them to reduce the pressure and anxiety of competition. (Li Zhimin, picture from the Internet)

Parents spend a lot of time and money in order to get their children into good schools, when will the educational anxiety stop?

The picture comes from the Internet

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