
Line 13 Xinlongze Station casts "skeleton"

author:The dark area breaks through the lemon thick

Yes, you heard it right! The new Longze Station of Line 13, which is located in the center of the bustling city of Beijing, the capital of China, has broken ground and successfully opened a new chapter! This shocking news has undoubtedly sprinkled brilliant colors on this colorful modern city!

Recently, the reporter rushed to the construction site of the new Longze station of the line 13 expansion and upgrading project, and a hot construction scene made people's blood boil!"The length of the foundation pit of the new Longze station reached an astonishing 532 meters, the width was 46 meters, and even in some parts it could reach 54 meters, and the area was almost the size of four standard football fields!"

In the early morning of January 6, at the beginning of the new year, a historic moment occurred at Xinlongze Station! The first section of the base plate was successfully poured in great anticipation, which was a milestone in the great road of Xinlongze Station, and it was also a beautiful scenery that the station could not do without! The construction site was like a "steel forest", and hundreds of workers were busy. This is their faith, and it is also the stage for their unapologetic choice.

Line 13 Xinlongze Station casts "skeleton"

Zhang Dong, the commander of the construction site, told us that they have divided the site into eastern, central and western areas to improve work efficiency. In this underground space, which is more than 20 meters deep, hundreds of workers are struggling to survive. They are clothed with stars and moons, they work hard, they are tenacious, they are courageous. Everyone is a hero of the new era! Their hands caressed those steel bars that were as hard as iron, and their hearts were full of longing and yearning for the future.

In the new Longze Station, which has two underground floors, there are countless lines intertwined, and the complex and exquisite structure is breathtaking. As a landmark building second to none, Xinlongze Station will not only become the transfer hub of Metro Line 13A, Line 13B, Metro Line 19 and the long-term planned Northeast Ring Line of suburban railways, but also will integrate advanced technologies such as AI, 5G, BIM, cloud computing, and big data to create a set of management systems like "smart brains" to accurately deploy on-site. Whether it's fire safety or construction specifications, it will be monitored in real time to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The reporter noticed that in order to ensure the stability and safety of the deep foundation pit, the new Longze station has adopted a variety of support forms. Zhang Dong gives an example, "The use of these methods is rare in the same subway station, which is like a chef using a steel needle to make a delicious meal." "It's a difficulty, but it's an innovation, a miracle!

Line 13 Xinlongze Station casts "skeleton"

At the construction site, we saw the construction scene like spring flowers blooming, smelled the warm rhythm of the roar of machines and the sound of steel bars colliding, and felt the smiles on the faces of the workers and the expectation of the future in their hearts. "Knock-knock-" The exciting sound kept coming, it was the rhythm from the new Longze station, it stirred people's hearts and boosted the fighting spirit.

The Spring Festival is approaching, and the construction of Xinlongze Station will also enter a new construction period. However, the optimistic project department has already arranged the construction plan, prepared sufficient human and material resources, and tried to ensure the progress of the project and go all out to promote the construction. For the improvement of traffic conditions in the Tiantongyuan area of Huilongguan, as well as the improvement of the rail transit network in northern Beijing, to meet the travel needs of citizens, they are full of confidence, and strive to achieve the grand goal of "good start" in the first quarter of this year.

Xinlongze Station, a subway station located in the bustling area of Beijing, China, has officially entered a new era. It is the epitome of the capital's modern three-dimensional transportation network, and it is also the manifestation of the wisdom and innovative spirit of the people of the country. However, the significance of this station lies not only in its magnificent scale and advanced technology, but more importantly, in the heroes hidden in it, those who are diligent, unknown but always stick to their posts, they are the majestic force that drives the whole project forward steadily!

Line 13 Xinlongze Station casts "skeleton"