
Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".

author:Big waves

Battle of Montenegro: General Liang Xingchu's decision-making resourcefulness and perseverance

Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".

In August 1947, in the early stage of the Liaoshen Campaign, Chiang strengthened his armed forces in the northeast and sent Liao Yaoxiang as the commander of the 9th Corps, with a total strength of 150,000 troops. Lin Biao, commander-in-chief of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army, and Luo Ronghuan, political commissar, decided to form the 10th column to enhance the army's combat effectiveness. They found a candidate for deputy commander and chose Liang Xingchu, a general known for his iron-blooded military record.

Liang Xingchu, a native of Ji'an, Jiangxi, began to participate in the Red Army at the age of 12, fought bloody battles all the way, fought bravely, and rose from soldier to army commander. He showed his military talent in various battlefields to be good at fighting tough battles and vicious battles, so he was known as "the big tooth of iron".

Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".

After receiving the task of forming the 10th column, Liang Xingchu was not afraid and insisted: "I would rather be the head of a chicken than a phoenix tail." If you send me, remove the word 'vice'. Lin Biao resolutely responded: "Good steel must be used on the blade." As a result, Liang Xingchu was appointed commander of the 10th column.

The general's resolute attitude and seriousness in his own responsibilities laid a solid foundation for the development of the entire war situation. His strategic wisdom was also on full display in the ensuing battles.

Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".

In the Montenegrin blockade, Liang Xingchu quickly realized the urgency of the enemy and us against Montenegro. By arranging strong reserves and occupying commanding heights, he skillfully arranged his positions and pinned down the enemy with minimal forces. Liang Xingchu encouraged his subordinates to prepare for the battle, and made it clear: "Our performance will determine the direction of the entire battle situation." This kind of resolute and clear decision-making line of thought enabled the troops to maintain high morale in the face of difficult situations.

In the face of the continuous attacks of the enemy army, Liang Xingchu remained calm. At a meeting of the internal organization, he stressed the determination to stop the enemy forces and called on the fighters to hold their positions. He profoundly analyzed the situation of the battle and pointed out that the predicament was only temporary, while the enemy had already suffered successive defeats and the morale of the army was shaken. Such strategic analysis and morale-boosting rhetoric instilled a strong confidence in the soldiers.

Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".

Throughout the battle, Liang Xingchu demonstrated outstanding military command ability. His military wisdom and decisive decision-making enabled the 10th Column to successfully resist five entire divisions of enemy troops in the face of great disparity between the enemy and us, creating a military miracle. Liang Xingchu's military wisdom and resolute determination enabled the entire Montenegrin Resistance Battle to finally win the victory.

Despite the heavy casualties of our troops in the battle, Liang Xingchu's courage and tenacity made the enemy pay a greater price. His courage and wisdom became the key to the entire battle situation, creating favorable conditions for the arrival of the main forces of our army advancing eastward.

Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".

This battle was not only a military victory, but also the pinnacle of Liang Xingchu's military career. His military talent and leadership were perfectly demonstrated in the Montenegrin Blockade, and he became an outstanding general of our army. Liang Xingchu's deeds inspire future generations, let us remember this hero who sacrificed his life for the country, and his deeds will forever shine in the glorious chapter of China's military history.


Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".
Luo Ronghuan asked Liang Xingchu to be the deputy commander, and Liang said: I will go if I remove the word "deputy".