
The need for H20 has never been more urgent in China today

author:Big waves

Countering the B21 Threat: A Strategic Concept for China's Strategic Bomber H20

With the continuous evolution of the international situation, China's needs in the military field have gradually changed. Recently, the rise of the B21 strategic bomber has attracted widespread attention. For China, there is an urgent need to take effective measures to address this challenge. This article will discuss the strategic concept of China's new generation of strategic bomber H20 to counter the threat of the B21.

Strategic Environment & Needs Analysis

The need for H20 has never been more urgent in China today

Before analyzing the threat of the B21, we need to understand China's current strategic needs. In the past, China's strategy focused on territorial defense and regional containment, but with the expansion of its foreign strategy, the security of external breakthroughs has become a top priority. The threat of the B21 is mainly manifested in its superior stealth and long-range strike capabilities, especially the potential threat to the navy.

B21 Threat Analysis

As a product of future warfare, the targeted design of the B21's defense system makes it difficult for traditional weapons and tactics to effectively deter it. Therefore, in countering the threat of the B21, China must strike a balance between the study of new tactics and the development of new weapons. In between, the development of new weapons is the best way to solve the problem, since the emergence of new weapons will give impetus to the development of new tactics.

The concept of the development of the H20 strategic bomber

The need for H20 has never been more urgent in China today

In order to effectively counter the B21, China needs a strategic bomber that combines stealth and overseas strike capabilities. Therefore, the development concept of the H20 strategic bomber is of paramount importance. As a new generation of China's stealth bomber, the development concept of H20 can be started from many aspects.

First, the H20 needs to have sufficient range to ensure that it can effectively hit key targets within the second island chain without in-flight refueling. In real combat, the combat radius of the H20 should reach more than 4000 kilometers to ensure that it is capable of performing long-range strike missions.

Secondly, the stealth of the H20 will be its biggest highlight. Beyond traditional bombers, the H20 needs to have excellent stealth to evade enemy radar monitoring and achieve stealthy raids on targets. This allows the H20 to operate freely in the enemy's first island chain area, acting as an effective deterrent to the B21.

Third, the H20's firepower and strike capability are also crucial. Being able to carry more and more powerful equipment, maintain a longer combat time, and have excellent networking capabilities will give the H20 an advantage in complex and changeable battlefields.

The need for H20 has never been more urgent in China today

The balance of stealth and firepower

In the development of the H20, China needs to strike a balance between stealth and firepower. While maintaining stealth, the H20 needs to be equipped with sufficient weapon systems to counter various potential threats. This balance will allow the H20 to be more flexible in real combat.

Application of a new generation of air-to-air missiles

In order to respond to the threat of possible air-to-air missile launches from the B21, China also needs to commit to developing a new generation of air-to-air missiles. Although existing weapons such as the PL17 are powerful, they still have a certain degree of difficulty in striking high-value targets. The development of air-to-air missiles with a longer range and higher accuracy will help increase the tactical flexibility of the H20.

The need for H20 has never been more urgent in China today


In response to the B21 threat, China needs to pay close attention to the development concept of the H20 strategic bomber. As a new generation of stealth bomber, the H20 is expected to enhance China's strategic deterrence in the eastern half of the Pacific Ocean by breaking through the first island chain while defending its homeland. The balance between stealth, firepower, and missile application will determine the actual effectiveness of the H20 on the battlefield in the future. By making full use of these technologies, China is expected to maintain a certain initiative in geopolitical competition and ensure the security and stability of the country.

The need for H20 has never been more urgent in China today

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