
When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

author:Chef Hu's gourmet recipes

Reading guide: There is a saying in the countryside that "a spoonful of lard is better than ten pairs of medicine", I remember when I was a child, every household rarely ate corn oil, peanut oil, and the most eaten oil is the lard that I boiled at home, now my grandparents are more than 90 years old, and they like to boil lard at home to eat, they say that the dishes fried with other oil are too old to bite. Personally, I also like to eat lard, but now many people say that lard is unhealthy, and eating too much will cause obesity and induce cardiovascular diseases. Is that really the case?

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

In fact, any food is a hooligan regardless of the amount of consumption, why lard is considered unhealthy oil by some people, this is because lard contains a part of saturated fatty acids, which may induce cardiovascular disease, but lard is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, vitamin D, iron, vitamin E and other nutrients, these substances can play a role in preventing cardiovascular disease, enhancing bone hardness, moisturizing and relieving cough, Laxative and other effects, so the amount of lard eaten every day, no more than 30 grams, is beneficial to the body.

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

Now it's time to boil lard again, and is it better to boil lard with "plate oil" or "fat"? What is the difference between these two kinds of lard? In fact, the difference between them is very big, and then Chef Hu will explain to you in detail, I hope you can increase your knowledge after reading it!

The first type: boil lard in plate oil

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

1. The price is cheap and the oil yield is high

Plate oil can be said to be the cheapest pig, in the vegetable field generally 5-6 yuan 1 catty, if you buy more than 10-20 catties, may be 4-5 yuan 1 catty can be bought, and the oil yield of plate oil is particularly high, 1 kg of plate oil, can be out of 7-8 taels of oil, almost not much loss.

2. The color is whiter

Lard is a piece of fat on the inside of the pig, the color of this fat is very white, so the lard boiled out of lard is also super white, if you like to boil out good-looking lard, you can choose lard.

3. More nutritious

Lard is richer in iron, calcium, and unsaturated fatty acids, and contains less saturated fatty acids, so most of the older generation like to boil with lard.

The second type: boiled lard with fatty meat

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

1. The taste is more fragrant

Because the fat meat is the meat of the pig, the fishy smell of this part will be less, why some people boil the lard is very fragrant, and some people boil the lard is very smelly, which is caused by the different ingredients used to boil the lard, most of the good restaurants will choose to use the fat to boil the lard.

2. Lard residue is more fragrant

I especially like to eat lard residues fried with fatty meat, which is crispy and soft, and it is not greasy at all, and it does not have a fishy smell at all. As for the lard boiled in plate oil, it has a strong fishy smell and is relatively greasy to eat, so my family and I don't like to eat it.

Although the oil yield of the plate oil is high and the nutritional value is high, but now people eat things, pay attention to the color, flavor and beauty, so I like to boil lard with fatty meat, and then I will take pork fat as an example to teach you how to make lard white and fragrant.

[Preparation of raw materials]: 2 kg of fatty meat, 20 soybeans, and an appropriate amount of salt.

【How to boil lard】:

Step 1: First cut the fat into thin slices, and then put the fat into warm water to grab and wash, be sure to use warm water, the water temperature is too low, the fat on the surface of the fat will solidify, resulting in the dirt on the surface can not fall off, and then the rinsed fat meat is taken out for later use.

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

Step 2: Pour the fat and an appropriate amount of cold water into the pot (cover the fat meat), then turn on the high heat, continue to boil until all the water in the pot volatilizes, change to medium heat at this time, and constantly stir the lard at the same time to prevent the fat from sticking to the pan, causing the lard to turn black (when frying the lard with fatty meat, the lard will always fry, you can use the lid to cover the pot and stir it every 3-4 seconds).

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

Step 3: Boil for about 8-10 minutes, and when all the fat is golden brown, turn off the heat immediately.

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

Step 4: Prepare a clean iron basin, put a little soybeans and salt at the bottom of the basin, which can make the lard more fragrant and not easy to mold, then pour the lard into the bowl, wait patiently for 1 night, and the lard will automatically condense.

When boiling lard, it is better to use "plate oil" or "fatty meat"! There is a big difference

If you like to eat fragrant, you can boil it with fatty meat, if you like to eat high nutritional value, you can choose plate oil, no matter what kind of lard, don't overeat, so there is no harm to the body. If today's method of boiling lard is helpful to you, please click a follow, click a like, this is my greatest support. In the future, Master Hu will explain more to you