
The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

author:Autumn wind and falling leaves
The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

The Ink in the Book Mountain: The Legend of the Three Gorges Dam, the Dream of History!

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

Today, we step into the time tunnel and reveal the mysterious code behind the Three Gorges Dam. Let's travel through history and feel the era that makes people think about it!

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

The beginning of history turned out to be Sun Yat-sen's power prophetic eye. In 1894, he proposed the idea of hydropower to Li Hongzhang, which can be described as the spark of dreams. However, the limitations of the current situation have overshadowed this idea, as if history is challenging people's technological dreams.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

Time passed, and in 1924, Sun Yat-sen once again cheered for the Three Gorges Project. However, the social and economic shackles once again pushed this plan into the cold palace. History, like an unpredictable drama, is confusing.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

Deng Gong's mission of the times and Chairman Mao's insight have left their mark on the historical picture of the Three Gorges Project. Deng Gong stepped forward and thought about how to accomplish this difficult task. This is a turning point in history, as if the hand of fate is pushing the wheels of time.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

The construction of the Three Gorges Dam is a feast of technology and wisdom. Challenges such as water pressure, environmental factors, and seismic safety all need to be solved by "technical giants". This is a huge "technological adventure" that has left a deep footprint in the long river of time.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

After its completion, the Three Gorges Dam became the focus of rumors. American scholars speculate that it may only have a service life of 50 years, but they underestimate the technical wisdom of the entire project from beginning to end. It seems to be a spell on concrete, and our engineers seem to have become the guardians of time and space.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

When it came to site selection, the engineers wisely chose the granite foundation, which provided solid support for the dam. This is a "geological think tank" competition, and by choosing the right geological foundation, the dam will be better able to withstand future floods.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

The longevity of the dam also became a mystery. Experts say the Three Gorges Project uses high-grade concrete and will last at least 500 years without problems. This is a mysterious legend of "the dam travels through time", as if it is a journey through time and space in history.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

We can consider whether the project will return on its cost from several angles. First of all, the flood control function of the Three Gorges Project is by no means fictitious. In 1998, hundreds of millions of people were affected by devastating floods, causing heavy economic losses. However, since the completion of the Three Gorges Project, it has effectively solved the problem of water flow and protected the homes of ordinary people. This is the historical saga of the "guardian of the flood".

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

As the "light of electricity", the Three Gorges Dam is a huge power production plant. By the end of 2021, it had generated a whopping 1.4 trillion kWh of electricity cumulatively. It's a sea of numbers, like a surreal spectacle in science fiction.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

What's even more interesting is that the Three Gorges Project has also spawned local tourism. It receives more than 2 million tourists every year and generates 500 million yuan in revenue. Hundreds of years later, this tourism industry will also be a tradition of "long years", bringing huge revenues to the local area.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

Finally, the contribution of the Three Gorges Dam to environmental protection cannot be ignored. It has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 1.9 billion tons, which has contributed to the promotion of clean energy in the mainland. Under the identity of this "environmental messenger", it goes beyond the return of money and becomes a precious gift to the earth by human beings.

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off

Looking back on history, the Three Gorges Dam is not only a dam, but also a project to benefit the people in China, and a bright pearl in the long river of history. Its value goes beyond money, but bears the responsibility of the millennium development of the Chinese nation. With the Three Gorges Project, we will be able to stay away from the threat of floods and live and work in peace and contentment. The Three Gorges Project is a gripping historical epic, and its unique charm will forever shine in the historical sky of the Chinese nation and will never be erased. Thank you, dear readers, for unveiling this shocking historical journey with "The Ink Artist in the Book Mountain"!

The Three Gorges Dam has been in operation for 17 years, and the investment of more than 250 billion yuan has paid off