
After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

author:Xixikan Entertainment

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After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

Text/Editor|Xixikan Entertainment


"After the wind and rain, the rainbow is revealed"

With the wonderful ending of the TV series "Flowers", netizens noticed that although Wang Chuanjun, who was born and raised in Shanghai, did not participate in it. Wang Chuanjun's upbringing and acting experience make him seem to be the ideal candidate for this drama: he grew up in an alley in Shanghai, and his acting skills have also been recognized by the audience and the industry.

Wong Kar-wai did not choose him to participate in "Flowers", which raised questions from the outside world. Wang Chuanjun's talent and background seem to be highly compatible with the requirements of the show, but his absence makes people curious about Wong Kar-wai's choice. Possible reasons include Wang Chuanjun's outspoken evaluation of Wong Kar-wai's works in the past. Let the editor Xixikan Entertainment take you to understand.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

At that time, when Wong Kar-wai's new work "The Ferryman" began to be prepared, just the news had already attracted the attention of the entire entertainment industry. The film brings together many celebrities, including Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Eason Chan, Yang Ying and other well-known actors, plus celebrities in the comedy industry such as Dapeng and Jia Ling, making the film's lineup look star-studded.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

Despite such a luxurious cast, the reputation of the movie "The Ferryman" did not rise as expected. At this critical moment, Wang Chuanjun expressed his dissatisfaction with Wong Kar-wai's large-scale invitation to celebrities, and his outspokenness was different, openly expressing his dislike for this work. After publicly expressing his dissatisfaction with Wong Kar-wai's works, Wang Chuanjun experienced a period of career trough and seemed to be marginalized by the entertainment industry. During this time, he rarely received attention and invitations from the industry.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

With his unique personality charm and straightforward personality, Wang Chuanjun has left a deep impression on the entertainment industry. His personality can be summed up as firm, sharp, irritable and with great boldness. This personality has led him to conflict with others in a variety of situations.

Especially in his acting career, Wang Chuanjun became famous for "Love Apartment", but he personally complained about playing the magical role of Guan Gu in the play, which he thought was an insult. When "Love Apartment" was involved in a plagiarism controversy in 2018, he publicly criticized the creative team and reprimanded them for their vulgar behavior. He further accused the show of shoddy production and low quality, even comparing it to a commercial film. Wang Chuanjun also strongly stated that if he could turn back time, he would never have anything to do with this character again.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

Although this straightforward expression has won the resonance of some netizens, who think that he is a frank "upright boy", it has also aroused the disgust of many people, thinking that his words are too harsh. In particular, the other leading actors who have worked with him have expressed strong dissatisfaction with his remarks, believing that his actions are ungrateful for past collaborations.

Among them, Wang Chuanjun's college classmate Chen He publicly refuted his views and questioned the importance of advertising revenue to the actor's livelihood. Wang Chuanjun's move seems to have led to the rapid dissipation of his connections in the circle, but he himself does not seem to regret it. He sees it as a kind of return, recovering his soul that might have been lost in the drive of "capital", and he is glad for it.

After 11 months of career slump, Wang Chuanjun received an invitation to participate in "Love Manhattan". At the time, he was facing his mother's serious illness, which made him hesitant to accept the role. With his mother's encouragement, he decided to accept the opportunity and hoped to change his mind.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

Sadly, his mother died of illness shortly after. This blow did not change Wang Chuanjun's character. He always maintained his straightforwardness and persistence,

This insistence and straightforwardness caught the attention of the producers of "Inglis". He stumbled upon Wang Chuanjun on Weibo and immediately contacted director Chen Chong and firmly recommended Wang Chuanjun to play the leading role, believing that Wang Chuanjun had rare enthusiasm and drive.

This momentum is fully reflected in Wang Chuanjun's performance. In "The History of the Disappearance of Romantic", the character he plays shows amazing energy in the movie. His character in the film teases with other horses, joking and acting decisively, showing the distinctive characteristics of his character. It wasn't until the cast appeared that the audience was surprised to find that the person who played Ma Zai was actually Wang Chuanjun.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

The successful performance of this role not only demonstrates the strength of Wang Chuanjun as an actor, but also reflects his professionalism in the face of personal difficulties. Despite the challenges he encountered in life, Wang Chuanjun still insisted on using his own way to continue to move forward in his acting career.

After that, Wang Chuanjun accepted the invitation of director Xu Zheng and devoted himself to the filming of the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine". The work was an unprecedented success upon its release, with the box office breaking the 3 billion mark. But at this climactic moment, Xu Zheng unexpectedly announced that he would no longer cooperate with Wang Chuanjun in the future. This decision stems from Wang Chuanjun's extreme dedication and interpretation in the film.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

In order to fit the seriously ill character in the movie, Wang Chuanjun put in great efforts. He insisted on high-intensity rope skipping training every day to create a sick body image. More extremely, he chose to move into a real ward, eat and live with the patients, and feel and figure out the life of the characters in an all-round way. During the filming of the key serious illness scene, Wang Chuanjun even remained sleepless for two consecutive days to show the character's extremely weak physical and mental state.

This extreme character devotion and acting skills eventually earned him the honor of Best Supporting Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards. This kind of investment also caused Xu Zheng to worry about his health and safety, so he decided not to cooperate with Wang Chuanjun in the future. Wang Chuanjun's performance in "I Am Not the God of Medicine" not only proves his extreme professionalism as an actor, but also shows his deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

In the movie "All or Nothing", Wang Chuanjun's character Lu Bingkun is the leader of a fraud gang. His performance is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people that even his rival actor Jin Chen publicly said that he felt "extremely frightened" in the rivalry with Wang Chuanjun. The audience praised Wang Chuanjun's performance, and even jokingly said that his performance was too realistic, as if he was not acting but really scammed, and suggested "strict investigation".

This is not the first time that Wang Chuanjun has received a warm response from the audience because of his character creation. The deep acting skills and deep understanding of the role that he showed in the film once again proved his strength as an actor.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

For many idol stars, the age of 37 may mean the gradual decline of their careers, but for actors like Wang Chuanjun, this age symbolizes a new beginning in his career. Although he has entered the ranks of "advanced age" in terms of age, Wang Chuanjun has proved his long-term charm in the film and television industry with his steady acting skills and constantly refreshing character creation.

Wang Chuanjun not only brought a series of unforgettable works to the audience, but also constantly challenged himself to show more possibilities. His career has demonstrated the importance of an actor's deep understanding and interpretation of a role, regardless of age.

After 8 years of "disobedience" with Yu Jiawei, looking at Wang Chuanjun's domestic entertainment situation, Chen Chongquan is right

I would like to thank Wang Chuanjun for his wonderful performance to the audience, and I look forward to the birth of more outstanding actors like him in the Chinese film industry. Under his influence, we have reason to believe that the film industry will usher in more "rising star" actors.

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