
The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

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The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

Those who have a lot of homework and punish students harshly will win the world

The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

Homework burden has always been a hot topic in domestic secondary education. Recently, a survey showed that the average middle school student spends more than 3 hours a day on homework. This number makes many parents and students feel anxious and exhausted. It is understood that some schools punish students harshly and even add extra homework to students in order to pursue outstanding academic performance. This practice has sparked widespread controversy.

The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

Unacceptable "help"

The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

In the field of secondary education, it's not just homework that is a concern. Some students have expressed that they feel unacceptable to help in their education. It has been reported that some teachers often rely too much on memorization and test-taking skills to give guidance and support to students, and lack educational methods to develop students' creativity and thinking skills. As a result, students are unable to flexibly apply what they have learned when faced with real-world problems, and feel powerless to cope with future challenges.

The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

Office weirdness

The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

In addition to students, the phenomenon of office freaks in secondary education is also attracting attention. Some teachers feel pressured to face menial tasks in the office, such as filling out reports and reviewing documents. At the same time, the management of some schools has become more and more stringent in their responsibilities and requirements for teachers. This pressure and burden has caused some teachers to experience burnout, and their enthusiasm for the cause of education has gradually faded.

The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

The problems of secondary education are not only a challenge for students, but also for teachers and parents. Too much homework and a strict punishment system not only add stress to students but also limit their all-round development. Education should develop students' comprehensive abilities, not just the pursuit of grades and rankings. At the same time, teachers should also receive more support and attention to reduce their workload and maintain their enthusiasm for education.

The dilemma of secondary education: too much homework, useless help, and a desperate teacher environment

In the face of the problems of secondary education, we need to fundamentally change the education system and educational philosophy. Education should focus on cultivating students' creativity, thinking and practical skills, rather than just imparting knowledge. At the same time, the pressure on students and teachers should be reduced and a better learning and working environment should be provided for them. Only then will we be able to achieve real education reform that will make secondary education healthier, more comprehensive and more meaningful.

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