
Why don't leaders like to post on Moments? Do you know why?


Nowadays, each of us has one or more communication tools, especially the most popular WeChat, which should be the most used communication platform, and many people express their emotions in WeChat Moments.

However, have you ever seen a leader post a circle of friends on WeChat? No, why immediately? I think there are the following reasons to explain:

Why don't leaders like to post on Moments? Do you know why?

First, out of privacy protection: leaders are very concerned about the protection of personal privacy, they don't want to show their life and work too much on social media, and they have their own celebrity effect, many people know them, they don't need to post on Moments.

Second, busy work and a lot of things: Nowadays, leaders need to deal with a lot of work every day, solve many thorny problems, and may not have much time and energy to maintain and update the circle of friends from morning to night.

Third, the importance of image maintenance: we all know that leaders need to be secretive and serious, they don't want to feel casual in front of their subordinates, and posting too much personal news may affect their image and authority.

Fourth, there are two WeChat accounts: for the convenience of work and life, the general leader has two or more WeChat accounts, and you contact him with his work account, and the other is with his friends and family members.

Why don't leaders like to post on Moments? Do you know why?

It is important to note that the above are just some of the possible causes, and the specific circumstances vary from person to person. Everyone's attitude and approach to using social media is different, and that doesn't necessarily mean leaders don't like to socialize or don't care about their employees.

I think it doesn't matter if the leader sends a circle of friends or not, the important thing is whether the welfare leader has implemented it, and whether you can do it for you or not, as for whether he sends a circle of friends or not, I don't think it matters at all, in a word: salty radish and don't worry about it!#Micro Headlines Launch Challenge#

Why don't leaders like to post on Moments? Do you know why?