
After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

author:There is a murmuring wind in the summer
After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

Text/Editor: Xia Youfeng


I slammed the heavy security door of the house slammed it on, making a loud noise, startling the neighbors who had just arrived home next door and were about to take out the key to open the door.

But he is not strange, our family has a small quarrel every three days, and a big quarrel every five days is well-known in the community, and it has become a counterexample for the aunt of the neighborhood committee to do family mediation.

My name is Liu Chunling, 30 years old this year, my husband's name is Xu Shijie, both of us graduated from the same 985 college majoring in industry and commerce, he is one year older than me, at that time he was not deeply involved in the world, and it didn't take long for him to get it.

After graduation, I entered a foreign trade company to work, relying on diligence and the ability to meet the source, but also in a few years to become the vice president, and the company was not large, but can not stand the market good, the foreign trade industry is in full swing in recent years, the company's orders are too many to do, my status and salary have also risen.

As for my husband, he listened to his parents' words and went to work in a bank, which can be regarded as an iron rice bowl, ensuring income in drought and flood, but who knows that he himself does not grow, and after getting married, he was brought into the pit by a friend, obsessed with antiques, and always wanted to pick up leaks and make a lot of money.

But he is a half-way monk, he has no financial resources, he has no eyesight, he loves to eat and play, he has paid a lot of tuition, and his ability is not long at all, because of this, I quarrel with him a lot.

(This content is a short fictional story, please watch it rationally, if there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence)

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

"What's the matter, did you quarrel with your husband again? I can see that every time you end the quarrel, you have to ask me to come out to accompany you for maintenance. "In the beauty club I frequent, my best friend talks non-stop.

"It's not that you don't know that he is so strong, he doesn't do anything all day long, he just daydreams, and he doesn't open for three years, and he eats for three years. "When I talk about this, I get angry and complain to my girlfriend, even though she is already callousing.

"Then what if your husband really picks up the leak and opens it?"

How is it possible, winning 5 million lottery tickets is more reliable than this, I immediately shook my head, did not speak, and enjoyed the facial massage of the beautician with peace of mind, don't be angry and wrinkles.

In the next few days, because the company was negotiating a big order with the customer company, I was too busy to touch the ground, and I didn't take much care of the family, but my husband was happy, and ran to the thrift market twice in three days.

Until one night, I was busy at the company until midnight before I got home from work, only to find that my husband, who usually went to bed at 10 o'clock, had not slept yet, but was sitting on the sofa waiting for me.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

"Chunling, let's talk. Xu Shijie's voice was a little serious, without the usual hippie smile, nor the ugliness of anger when we quarreled.

I couldn't figure out which tendon he was wrong today, so I sat down and wanted to hear what he wanted to talk to me.

"Chunling, I know that what I did in the past disappointed you, and now I also deeply realize my own mistakes, people like me are really not worthy of you, let's divorce, I can't delay you. ”

Xu Shijie's words were sincere, and he squeezed out two tears as he spoke, but the more I listened to it, the more wrong it became, and when he said the word divorce, I was a little confused.

When I was arguing so much before, it wasn't that I didn't say these two words, but I said them, and when he heard it, he would immediately panic and admit his mistake, and promised me that he would never do it again, who would want to hear the word divorce from his mouth today.

When I came back to my senses, I said with a cold face: "You didn't take the wrong medicine today, do you know what you're talking about now?"

"I understand, but I can't delay you any longer, you're still young and have such a good future, you deserve a better one. The more Xu Shijie talked, the more energetic he became, he almost compared himself to cow dung, and I said flowers, which was definitely greasy.

"I see you don't know which tendon is on the wrong line today, I'll give you some time to calm down, and I'll talk about this when I'm done with this time. After saying this, I ignored him and went straight to the shower and went to sleep.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

The next day, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong, Xu Shijie's words yesterday seemed to be very urgent, as if he was in a hurry to divorce me.

So in the evening, I called my best friend out again, I told her about it, she slapped the table, and asserted: "Xu Shijie, that guy must have someone outside, maybe he has illegitimate children, thinking of driving you away and straightening the mistress." ”

It's not impossible for my girlfriend to guess this, in the past, my career was developing fast, so I discussed with Xu Shijie to put off the matter of having a child again and again, and then we had many contradictions, not to mention, because of this, Xu Shijie's parents never gave me a good face.

But thinking about it, I don't think it's very likely, where did he get the money to find a junior, a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month, and he has to remove seven or eight thousand to go to the thrift market to "pay tuition", and sometimes he is so poor that he even has to ask me for cigarette money.

In fact, I am not so reluctant to divorce, after all, with the way Xu Shijie and I get along at the moment, this family will have to break up sooner or later, what I don't understand is why he is so abnormal.

But I don't like to get to the bottom of it so much, since he wants to leave, then it's good to leave, but the number is clear, it should be mine, and he can't take a single point.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

After another week, the company's big order was finally finalized, and the year-end bonus of the whole company for the New Year this year can be much more, and it is time for Xu Shijie and I to have an open and honest talk.

Xu Shijie said "I can't bear me, but I don't want to delay me", but in fact, he looked like he was eager to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce immediately.

"Xu Shijie, since you want to divorce so much, I, Liu Chunling, am not a person who can't let go, but some things are clear, the house was bought by my parents before marriage, and it has to belong to me. ”

"The car can belong to you, but I paid 30,000 yuan when I bought this car, counting the depreciation over the years, I will give you a discount, you just give me 15,000. ”

"Over the years, the two of us have saved half of the deposit, and I still lost it, your salary is not as high as mine, and you spend money every month to buy rags, and most of the deposits are from me. ”

"As for the handicrafts you bought, I don't want them anymore, even if you sell them for scrap, they won't sell for much money. ”

After that, Xu Shijie and I talked in detail about how to distribute the joint property of the husband and wife, but what is even more strange is that Xu Shijie seems to be indifferent to these properties, just listen to what I say there about how to distribute them.

Immediately after that, in the afternoon, we went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with our household registration book and ID card to go through the divorce procedures, and only after a 30-day cooling-off period did we get the divorce certificate.

I really don't understand, how to get married without a cooling-off period, so maybe I wouldn't have married Xu Shijie with a hot head back then, and now I have the name of "divorced", and the second-married woman is not worth much, alas.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

Returning to the single state, I seem to have returned to the young state of college, from time to time to make an appointment with three or five little sisters to go shopping, fortunately, the bonus is only issued after the divorce, otherwise it will score half of Xu Shijie, and it will be a blood loss to think about it.

"Ling'er, if you divorce your husband, you won't be a little sad? Zhang Lu, one of the little sisters, asked me.

I thought about it carefully, and replied to her: "Sad? a little, but not much, I have been married to him for 4 years, saying that there are more nannies than wives, and he has never worried about family affairs, and I feel more relieved." ”

"Then do you want to find another one, you are 30 years old, you are still a second-married girl, and if you drag it on, you will become an old aunt." ”

"Looking for death, you, I hate to marry you so much, find one yourself, I finally climbed out of the grave of love, how can I be free for a while, as for marriage, let's talk about it when I meet the right one." ”

During the period of divorce, I was very chic and embarrassed, and the friends around me were asking me what was going on, and the divorce was so sudden, the company leaders also came to ask, and asked if I wanted to take a vacation for a period of time to deal with family affairs.

The most annoying and unavoidable thing is my parents' "life-threatening serial call".

"Mom, it's really okay, I don't know if he split his legs, but your daughter and I must not have cheated, it's not suitable for a peaceful divorce, it's not a child, and the decision after careful consideration. ”

Lying on the sofa at home, I was on the phone, dealing with my mother's inquiry, like a suspect being interrogated, but what I didn't expect was that the next moment I was actually going to be interrogated.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

"Bell bell bell ~~~"

Just half an hour after hanging up my mother's phone, the piercing doorbell suddenly rang, I wondered who would come to me on the big weekend, but when I opened the door, I saw a man and a woman outside the door, both wearing police uniforms, with a somewhat serious expression.

"Hello, Ms. Liu Chunling, are you?"

"Yes, I am, may I ask who are the two of you?"

"We are from the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and we came here this time to ask Ms. Liu to cooperate with an investigation, which is about your ex-husband, Mr. Xu Shijie. ”

"Huh?" I didn't understand anything, so I was invited to the public security bureau for questioning, but it wasn't the kind of interrogation room that was separated by an iron bar on the TV, but I was taken to a room that looked like a small conference room, and it seemed that it was just to make a record of the investigation.

After some inquiries and answers, I finally figured out what Xu Shijie was guilty of, and a doubt that had haunted me before was finally solved, no wonder Xu Shijie was in such a hurry to divorce me, because he was afraid of dividing the money.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

It turned out that Xu Shijie had been eye-catching for so many years, and finally let him miss it once, and spent more than 200,000 yuan to buy a genuine Yuan Dynasty vase, which an old antique player said was worth forty or fifty million.

He couldn't come up with the money himself, and he knew that I couldn't give him this money, so the more than 200,000 yuan he bought the vase was still his own power for personal gain, and he illegally got an excess unsecured loan for himself.

Xu Shijie's original idea was to wait for the vase to be sold and settle the loan before the bank closed the account at the end of the year, and the man became bad when he had money, and when he got the money back, he began to sprout, thinking of changing to a gentle and considerate young girl.

He was even afraid that the money from the sale of antiques would become the joint property of the husband and wife, and that I would share it with him, so he hurried to divorce me, so as soon as he divorced, he began to find a buyer for the vase.

However, he belongs to the bottom of the antique collecting circle, and there is no way, so he can only find an auction house to do the auction, but there is a problem when he does the auction appraisal.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

It is true that the vase is a real antique, but it comes from an improper way, and it is an object that has just been poured out of the ground, and it is called "ghost goods" in the jargon of the antique circle.

This time, the people from the auction house called the police directly, that is, Xu Shijie bought it without his knowledge, otherwise he would have to bear the "crime of selling stolen goods".

But he didn't have a good time this time, the antique vase was confiscated as stolen goods, and his illegal loan to himself was also exposed, not only was he swept away, but he was also sued by the original unit.

The loan of more than 200,000 yuan was made without my knowledge, it is not a joint debt of husband and wife, and it has nothing to do with me.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison

After making the transcript, I saw Xu Shijie when I went out, he was not treated as well as me, it was a transcript made in the interrogation room, and I couldn't go back, I had to stay in the detention room, compared to the last time I saw him, it looked even more decadent.

I didn't go up to say hello, there was no need, I was a stranger for a long time.

A few days later, I received a call from Xu Shijie's parents, wanting me to remember the kindness of the past, and to pay for Xu Shijie's hand, and said with tears in my eyes that "one night husband and wife hundred nights", I hung up within a few minutes.

I dropped my phone on the desk, came to the floor-to-ceiling window of the office, and looked out the window at the blue sky, and my heart was peaceful.

After the quarrel, my husband wanted to divorce me, and after dividing the property, he got himself in prison