
The ID.3 sold 16,000 units in December

author:Xianning News Network

In the automobile market, car companies urgently need a "star product" to promote the sales of the entire series, whether it is the Volkswagen Beetle model that was easy to drive and fun decades ago, or the cute and durable Chery "QQ" more than ten years ago, it is the best proof that it has driven its own brand sales and volume with its own unique charm.


In the past 2023, SAIC Volkswagen's new energy sales exceeded 130,000 units, an increase of 32% year-on-year, and in December, new energy sales reached a new high of 20,538 units, which has surpassed Xpeng (20,115 units), Leap (18,618 units), NIO (18,012 units), and Zeekr (13,476 units).

The ID.3 sold 16,000 units in December

Among them, the ID. family's sales exceeded 19,000 units in December, achieving year-on-year and month-on-month growth for six consecutive months, with cumulative sales of more than 220,000 units, especially among joint venture brands, firmly occupying the throne of pure electric sales. This has to be said to be inextricably linked to the ID.3.

The ID.3 props up half the sky of pure electric SAIC Volkswagen ID. family heats up

For SAIC Volkswagen, the explosion of the ID.3 can be said to be phenomenal. Sales of the ID.3 reached 16,000 units in December, marking the fifth consecutive month of month-on-month growth, and the annual sales volume increased by 215% year-on-year. Since its launch, the cumulative sales of the car have exceeded 100,000 units, which can be described as a "Beetle in the electric era". The factory is now working overtime every day to ensure the smooth delivery of new vehicles, after all, dealers have already sold their show cars in some regions, which shows that the ID.3 is hot in the market, and it is logical that it will be the top seller of joint venture pure electric vehicles and A-class hatchback sales in 2023.

The ID.3 sold 16,000 units in December

So what did the ID.3 do to make the ID. family and even the entire SAIC Volkswagen new energy models achieve a double harvest of sales and reputation? The reason for this is because of its excellent "German quality" and reasonable pricing in line with the Chinese consumer market.

"German quality" is easy to understand, ID.3 benefits from the positive research and development of Volkswagen's MEB platform, absorbing the essence of the German artificial chassis, and SAIC Volkswagen is also well aware of the usage habits and preferences of Chinese consumers, and gives a "positive special supply" treatment in the intelligent configuration. It can be said that SAIC Volkswagen has made a new understanding of the doctrine of taking it and put it into practice.

And the ID.3, the rear axle motor with a maximum power of 125kW and a peak torque of 310N·m, also makes it a rare rear-wheel drive model in the same class, that is to say, a rear-wheel drive model with a full ride and driving experience.

The ID.3 sold 16,000 units in December

The reason why you can feel such quality in ID.3 is that SAIC Volkswagen attaches great importance to the localization of products, and set up a technology research and development center as early as 1996, insisting on independent research and development and localized development of products, and has embarked on a model road of combining German technology, German brands with Chinese needs.

In the process of product localization, combined with a large number of research on the needs of Chinese consumers, China's actual road conditions, vehicle conditions, Chinese people's driving habits, and Chinese people's driving life scenes, the product is transformed, including exterior and interior styling and materials, chassis tuning, engine tuning, etc., to create products that truly meet the needs of Chinese consumers.

ID.3 is just a "drug introduction" and "efficacy" is still to come

For the development of new energy in the future, SAIC Volkswagen, which has been deeply involved in China for 40 years, is not in a hurry to roll out all the products of the ID. family, but cleverly found the "medicine introduction" of the ID.3, and through its excellent product quality and reasonable price, it will drive the reputation and sales of the entire ID. family, and slowly roll out the ID. family product line.

This brings us to SAIC Volkswagen's MEB plant, which has the potential not only to produce a few models of the existing ID. family, but also to accumulate production capacity as a base for pure electric models. On the first day of the 2024 New Year, the ID.3 2024 and ID.4 X 2024 models will be released one after another. In addition, the new energy vehicle project of the Changsha plant, which was newly built in June 2023, entered the trial production stage and is scheduled to start production in 2024, with a planned annual production capacity of 100,000 units.

It can be said that the existing sales strategy of the ID. family and future investment in the plant are paving the way for the launch of the flagship ID.NEXT model next year. In addition, SAIC Volkswagen is also expected to exclusively import and sell Volkswagen's iconic pure electric MPV model ID.BUZZ.

The ID.3 sold 16,000 units in December

As the key model of SAIC Volkswagen in 2024, the ID.NEXT attracted countless attention as soon as it was unveiled at the Guangzhou Auto Show.

While positioning the ID. family's first high-end pure electric sedan, to a certain extent, it is also the future development direction of the ID. family, as well as a supplement to the ID. family's product matrix. Because SAIC Volkswagen clearly knows that only by keeping pace with the times, coming up with new designs, new technologies and new products, supplemented by the traditional advantages of German cars, can the ID. family move towards sustainable development.


A big game of chess is quietly forming, and time is the best partner of SAIC Volkswagen. The longer the time, the more reputation the ID. family accumulates, the better, and the easier it is for subsequent ID. family models to be launched.

Presumably, in the future, the ID. family will continue to develop in such a positive cycle, better serve the majority of Chinese consumers, continuously improve its strength, and bring more excellent performance.

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