
Zeng Guofan: Those who achieve great things must have "three slows"

author:Art Scene
Zeng Guofan: Those who achieve great things must have "three slows"

Zeng Guofan was born in an ordinary family with an average family background and never showed off his talents, and his qualifications were relatively mediocre, and he took the exam seven times before he was selected for the show.

But after seven times, it was as if he had opened his mind, and the following year, he was lifted.

After another four years, he was awarded the Jinshi and was ordered to Hanlin.

In officialdom, he can also be like a fish in water and know how to get along with others.

After that, the Hunan army was formed to fight against the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, never seeking tricks, not greedy for small profits, and fighting steadily, and finally conquered Tianjing.

Throughout his life, he has always believed that slow is fast, and clumsiness is better than skill.

It is precisely by relying on this slow kung fu and running means that he is a very popular minister, an official and a marquis.

As the ancients said: Those who are talented and slow in sex must be talented.

By slowing down in these three areas, you will be able to manage yourself better, enjoy life, and live life the way you want it to.

Read slowly

The ancients said: "The crab kneels six and the two claws, and there is no one who can be sustained in the cave of the non-snake eel, and he is also restless." ”

Today's people have a kind of impatience.

Blindly rush for quick success and quick profit, and want to climb to the sky in one step.

But when you do things with a rush mentality, you tend to end up getting farther and farther away from real success.

The so-called "slow work produces meticulous work" and "if you want to be fast, you can't reach it", this is the truth.

When Qian Zhongshu was reading, he often took notes and wrote his thoughts while reading.

Sometimes after reading a one-page book, there will even be ten pages of annotations.

Qian Zhongshu's slow reading is slow in his heart.

It is also Qian Zhongshu's reading attitude that allowed him to create his million-word masterpiece "Pipe Cone Chapter", and he has also learned from China and the West, and has read the past and the present.

Zeng Guofan said: "If you don't understand a sentence, don't read the next sentence; if you don't understand it today, you will read it again tomorrow."

The ancients also said: "The one who is erudite, the one who interrogates, the one who thinks carefully, the one who discerns, and the one who acts."

"Slow" is to read the book well, read it firmly, and read it deeply.

Only by reading slowly can we absorb, think, and learn in the process of reading.

Once you learn to read slowly, you will be able to have a stable wealth and grow more profoundly.

Zeng Guofan: Those who achieve great things must have "three slows"

Speak slowly

In life, many people speak as they please, without thinking and regardless of the outcome.

The ancients said: Good words are warm in three winters, and bad words are hurtful and cold in June.

Speaking is a science.

If you say it well, it is a heart-warming word, but if you don't say it well, you will have evil relations with others and even cause trouble.

When Zhuge Liang raised his troops to attack Wei, Sima Yi, in order to avoid his edge, chose to hang up the battle exemption card and held out.

In order to resolve the impasse, Zhuge Liang gave Sima Yi a woman's clothes, sarcastically mocking him for being as timid as a mouse.

After Sima Yi received it, although he was angry, he still quietly asked the envoy about Zhuge Liang's current situation.

Who knew that the envoy said without hesitation: "Our prime minister is diligent in political affairs, and he has to personally inquire about matters no matter how big or small, and he has very little to eat. ”

After hearing this, Sima Yi knew that Zhuge Liang would not last long, and even ignored Zhuge Liang's many provocations.

In this way, Zhuge Liang was finally dragged down due to overwork and had to return to the court.

People who speak too fast often reveal their secrets without realizing it, thus ruining themselves.

It is difficult to get along with people without being blind, dumb or deaf.

Therefore, those who can talk know how to think twice before speaking.

Those who know, say it carefully, those who know only half-understood, do not talk nonsense, and say it well, rightly, and thoroughly.

In this way, you can leave a moral message for others and a blessing for yourself.

Zeng Guofan: Those who achieve great things must have "three slows"

Do things slowly

One day, a Taoist boy asked the Taoist, "Master, how long will it take for me to become enlightened with my current efforts and qualifications?"

The Taoist replied, "It will take ten years." ”

Dao Tong was very frustrated, and then he excitedly said, "If I start to double my penance from now on, how long will it take?"

The Taoist chief said, "That could be twenty years." ”

Dao Tong began to be puzzled, so he asked again: "What if I forget to sleep and eat, and practice day and night?"

The Taoist chief knocked on Dao Tong's head and said, "Then you may never be enlightened." ”

Whether it is the experience of the mind or the learning of knowledge, it is far from an overnight thing.

The more you rush, the more you'll be scrambling.

In anything, slow down to be down-to-earth, so as not to leave crooked footprints on yourself and cause yourself to fall.

There is a cloud in the Tao Te Ching: "The wood of the hug is born in the end of the millimeter, and the nine-story platform is born in the soil." ”

No matter how tall the tree is, it grows slowly, and no matter how tall the building is, it is also built layer by layer.

The real slow life needs to think steadily and make progress slowly.

Life, only with adequate preparation, can you get twice the result with half the effort, and life will go more and more smoothly.

Many people have told us, "You have to be fast, not slow, because if you are slow, you will lose a lot." ”

But we find that sometimes, it's okay to be slow.

Learning to slow down allows us to find balance in life, relax and combine work and rest.

If we know how to slow down, we can experience and feel the scenery around us.

Therefore, those who can achieve great things understand the wisdom of "slowing down".

Do your own things well, live your life happily, and make your life more exciting.