
Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

author:Planck said things

"Retirement is just the beginning!" 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao's aura in the basketball world suddenly dimmed. The young player, who was once seen as the next basketball superstar, had no choice but to leave the court due to injury. His retirement is not only the end of an era, but also the beginning of a new story.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Liu Quanbiao's basketball career seems to have come to an abrupt end, but his love and dedication to basketball have not been extinguished. He chose to become an academy coach and the decision was both a challenge and an opportunity. His mentor Du Feng expressed firm support for this choice. Liu Quanbiao admitted that although the work of youth coaches is not as glamorous as that of professional players, this is the stage for him to regain his basketball dream.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

As a coach, Liu Quanbiao faces new challenges. He doesn't have a big name or the attention of an influencer player. However, with professional league experience and solid fundamentals, he has found his place in the youth field. Liu knows that as a coach, his responsibility is not only to teach skills, but more importantly, to cultivate the basketball awareness and team spirit of young players.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Liu Quanbiao's basketball story did not end there. He understands that to be a good coach, you need to keep learning and improving. As a result, he actively participates in coach training courses and seminars to exchange ideas and learn from industry experts. Through continuous hard work, his coaching skills have gradually been recognized.

In addition to mentoring on the court, Liu Quanbiao is also actively involved in community basketball activities and public welfare undertakings. He is well aware of the importance of basketball to the growth of young people, and hopes to contribute to the cause of Chinese basketball through his own efforts. He often walks into the campus to share his basketball stories and experiences with students, inspiring them to pursue their dreams.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Although Liu has adapted to the role of youth coach, he still pays attention to the development of the CBA and the national team, and is always cheering for his former teammates. He admits that although he is no longer able to return to the professional arena, he still hopes to return as a coach one day and create his own legend.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Liu Quanbiao's story is not only a story about basketball, but also a story about perseverance and love. His experience has sparked a controversial question: Is basketball really just a game? Perhaps for Liu Quanbiao, it is an indispensable part of his life, and it is tied to his soul.

For Liu Quanbiao, basketball is far more than a simple game. In his eyes, basketball carries tenacity, cooperation, struggle, and dreams. These values shine brightly not only on the pitch, but also throughout his career as an academy coach. He taught the young players that winning or losing is not everything, but that it is every attempt and improvement on the pitch that matters.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

As a former professional player, Liu Quanbiao's transformation has not been smooth sailing. When he first started coaching, he was faced with a mindset shift from player to coach, which was not only technical, but also a deep understanding of basketball philosophy and educational methods. He has used his professional experience and combined it with the new knowledge he has learned in his coaching training to develop a unique teaching style.

As an academy coach, Liu is facing a group of young, promising players. He needs to not only impart skills, but also develop their game mentality and team spirit. It's a challenging process, but it's also a rewarding job. Watching his students grow little by little on the court is a priceless joy for Liu Quanbiao.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

In the process of teaching, Liu Quanbiao is also growing. Every time he interacted with the students, he gained a deeper understanding of basketball. He believes that a good coach is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about guiding students to discover their potential and inspire them to love basketball. This two-way growth process made Liu Quanbiao even more convinced that his decision to become a youth coach was correct.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Liu is also actively involved in basketball activities in the community, and he believes that basketball is a bridge between different communities. He often organizes community basketball tournaments to encourage young people to participate, so as to foster team spirit and social responsibility. For Liu Quanbiao, basketball is not only a sport, but also an important part of social education.

Although Liu Quanbiao is currently focusing on youth training, he still has bigger dreams for the future. He hopes to be able to promote his teaching philosophy and methods to the wider field of basketball education. At the same time, he is also looking forward to one day returning to the professional league as a coach and applying his basketball philosophy and teaching achievements to a higher level of competition.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Liu Quanbiao knows that in order for Chinese basketball to continue to develop, it needs continuous inheritance and innovation. He actively promotes the teaching concept of modern basketball, and at the same time pays attention to the actual situation of Chinese basketball. He encouraged the young players to dare to break with tradition and try new styles and techniques. In his view, the future of basketball depends on the innovative spirit and courage of the younger generation to challenge.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

In the field of youth training, Liu Quanbiao is not only a coach, but also a psychological mentor and life mentor for young players. He knows that for these young people, the basketball court is an important place for them to learn about life topics. Therefore, in addition to technical teaching, Liu Quanbiao pays more attention to cultivating the psychological quality of players and the ability to cope with pressure. He believes that these skills are just as important not only for their basketball careers, but also for their future lives.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Liu is passionate about combining basketball culture with education. He believes that basketball is not only a sport, but also a culture and a means of education. In his youth class, basketball is not just about shooting and dribbling, it's about teamwork, respect, discipline and perseverance. Liu Quanbiao actively promotes the integration of basketball and school education, making basketball an important part of the growth of young people, helping them learn to cooperate, compete and manage themselves in sports.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Liu realized that as a coach and former professional player, he had not only the ability to teach basketball skills, but also the power to influence the younger generation and society. He uses his influence to actively participate in public welfare activities, encouraging young people to achieve self-improvement and social participation through basketball. His efforts have not only had an impact in the field of basketball, but have also resonated on a broader societal level.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

For Liu, basketball is not just a sport, it is a medium for him to convey his philosophy of life. He believes that the experience on the basketball court can reflect the challenges and opportunities in life. When coaching young players, he not only focuses on the technical aspects, but also on mentality, character and attitude to challenges. Liu believes that through basketball, he can help young players develop a positive outlook on life.

Rare appearance, 25-year-old Liu Quanbiao appeared in a new position, supported by Du Feng, and the annual salary of tens of thousands is very fulfilling

Looking to the future, Liu Quanbiao has more ambitious goals. He hopes to continue to expand his influence in basketball education and social contribution. He dreams of creating a well-rounded basketball training system that not only trains skilled players, but also young people with good moral character and strong psychological qualities. At the same time, he is also looking forward to one day returning to the professional arena, applying his basketball philosophy and educational philosophy to a higher level of competition, and contributing to the rise of Chinese basketball.

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