
Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

author:Doctor Sanqin


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He Renban of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the palace of knowledge that every student majoring in traditional Chinese medicine in Zhejiang Province dreams of. Compared with the ordinary class, He Renban pays more attention to the inheritance of traditional prescriptions. In the sophomore year, I chose a teacher who copied the prescription with the teacher to go to the hospital for follow-up. Hu Tao is a student in He Ren's class, and she had the opportunity to observe the treatment process of her idol He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, during her undergraduate clinical internship.

Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

He Ren is the winner of the honorary title of the first master of traditional Chinese medicine, and when he was young, he had the lofty ideal of hanging a pot to help the world, and after graduation, it coincided with the epidemic of acute infectious diseases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Smallpox, plague, malaria were rampant. The young He Ren explored the law of treatment from ancient prescriptions, in that era when the mortality rate of infectious diseases was extremely high. Many of the patients he has treated have turned their lives around. After the 50s, he actively devoted himself to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine and founded Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It has cultivated a large number of promising inheritors of traditional Chinese medicine. Zhejiang locals call him the most famous oncology Chinese medicine doctor.

Hu Tao clearly remembers the first time he observed a patient up close was on March 2, 2008, when a 53-year-old aunt staggered into the consultation room with a sad face covering her slightly bulging abdomen. Not long after sitting down for a consultation, I started to have abdominal pain, and then immediately squatted outside by the trash can and started vomiting. He Lao carefully examined Aunt Zhang's previous report and found that it was pancreatic cancer with pancreatic duct dilation, and there were suspicious metastases in the liver.

Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

Pancreatic cancer is a common malignant gastrointestinal tumor with insignificant early symptoms but rapid development and high mortality and poor prognosis, and is known as the king of cancers. Even in the ICU, pancreatic cancer is the most susceptible to sudden and unexpected rapid deterioration among many critically ill patients. The annual survival rate is only 7.2%, and the vast majority of patients often lose the opportunity for surgery when they are diagnosed, and the disease is less sensitive to chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other treatment methods, and the clinical efficacy is not good.

He Lao keenly captured Aunt Zhang's vomiting and abdominal pain as the main manifestation. Even if it is the same pancreatic cancer, the main manifestations of each patient are different, and the different symptoms of a disease should be treated dialectically. He Lao believes that pancreatic cancer, which is mainly vomiting, is due to the deficiency of qi and yin, food stagnation and cancer, and stomach loss and decline. It means that if a person's temper is weak, the function of the spleen and stomach will be affected, resulting in the inability to digest food normally, which is easy to form phlegm and stagnation. The abdominal pain is caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, and the operation is not smooth. He prescribed a prescription for my aunt to invigorate qi but invigorate blood.

Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

14 days later, Aunt Zhang came to He Lao's clinic for the second time, and as soon as she entered the door, she excitedly held He Lao's hand and exclaimed, you are really a miracle doctor, I have done chemotherapy twice before and I don't feel any change. But after drinking the prescription you prescribed, the abdominal pain was really reduced, and the aunt's vomiting of pantothenic acid was also calmed. The stool begins to be excreted normally every day. Occasionally, I feel a ringing in my stomach, but my appetite has improved and my food intake has increased. The effect of this short half month made Aunt Zhang, who originally planned to give up, rekindle her confidence in treating cancer.

As a student of traditional Chinese medicine, Hu Tao really felt the charm of ancient prescriptions in patients for the first time. On May 19, 2008, Hu Tao met Aunt Zhang for the third time. This time, Aunt Zhang's face was not as pale as the previous two times, and her cheeks had a healthy flush. She said that now she only occasionally has mild abdominal pain, has normal stools, and sleeps soundly. In the following two years, Professor He Ren continued to increase or decrease the prescription according to Aunt Zhang's condition, and Aunt Zhang actively cooperated with the treatment.

Aunt Zhang's last visit was in November 2010. She brought her family to thank Professor He Ren for curing her pancreatic cancer. It was tantamount to regenerating her parents, pulling her back from the line of death. In the follow-up of the hospital for the next ten years, it was found that Aunt Zhang was still alive and healthy. There are still many cancer patients like Aunt Zhang who find He Ren to see a doctor, and He Ren treats each patient's different situation. It has given hope to countless patients and families.

Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

After suffering from bladder cancer at the age of 53, He Ren also found coix seed with anti-cancer effect step by step in the ancient recipe, and in addition to the necessary surgical treatment, He Ren insisted on taking coix seed porridge every day. The reporter interviewed the 90-year-old He Ren and curiously asked what was the secret that allowed him to cure himself and so many cancer patients in addition to barley porridge. He Lao replied that this is not a medical miracle, as long as these twelve words are achieved, I guarantee that most cancer patients can recover their health after being cured!

Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

The secret of this twelve-character is to constantly correct the situation, attack the evil in a timely manner, and cure it with the evidence.

Constant correction means that from the beginning to the end, the treatment of cancer will continue to strengthen the body's righteousness, improve immunity, and improve physical fitness. The occurrence and development of tumors are inseparable from the good and evil qi in the human body. Righteousness is the ability of the human body itself to resist disease composed of essence, qi, blood, and viscera. The main reason for the occurrence of cancer is the deficiency of righteousness, and the secondary reason is the invasion of evil qi. When your immune resistance is weakened, diseases will come to your door. Therefore, when seeing a doctor, we should grasp the main contradictions, and constantly correct and cultivate the foundation, strengthen the foundation, and strengthen the foundation, so that the disease will be eliminated by itself, and the accumulation of positive and positive accumulation will be eliminated. For example, the chemotherapy and radiotherapy methods of Western medicine are easy to hurt the foundation of the body, the essence, qi and blood are exhausted, and the cancer cells kill people.

Attacking evil in a timely manner means using traditional Chinese medicine with the effects of detoxification, blood stasis and blood activation to attack evil and fight cancer. Evil qi is divided into six evils and five evils, and the six external senses are one of the common causative factors of external diseases, also known as external evils. On the other hand, there are the five endogenous evils, which are the five pathological changes caused by the imbalance of yin and yang, qi and blood in the internal organs, including internal wind, internal cold, internal dampness, internal dryness, and internal heat (fire). These changes can be understood as an imbalance in the body's natural balance, which can lead to various diseases.

Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

The medication itself will attack the righteous qi in the body, so it is necessary to find the right time and use the medicine appropriately according to the needs of the condition. The dose is adjusted according to the different stages of cancer, and patients in the early stage, or those who have not undergone surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and are still in good physical condition, can use more anti-cancer Chinese medicine. If you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or shortly after surgery, you should not use or use less evil spirits in traditional Chinese medicine. Because surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc. mainly target tumor cells, it is also a method of attacking evil.

Follow the symptoms to improve the quality of life. Cancer is a disease that is constantly changing and developing, and the main manifestations of the same disease are different in different people, and the manifestations of the same person in different periods are also different. Therefore, do not treat the disease in general, but look at it dialectically according to your own personal situation. Some drugs are honey to others and arsenic to you. Many treatments and medications may not work for you, so don't learn from someone else's treatment process.

Middle-aged with cancer and living to 92 years old, the 12-character tumor treatment method of He Ren, a master of traditional Chinese medicine, is worth learning from

All in all, complex diseases such as cancer tumors need to be treated with a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, rather than simply using one of the treatments. Usually you should exercise more, and after getting sick, you can do some diseases that your body can bear, such as deleting steps, doing tai chi, doing exercises, and so on. Improve the body's immunity and resistance, and supplement more vitamins. Vitamins can help cells metabolize, and blood circulation is good enough to prevent blockage. If it doesn't work, it hurts, and a lot of pain is caused by blockage.

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