
Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

author:Southern Weekly

"I'm a pearl student, it's colorful pearls, it's sparkling pearls. ”

"I want to get out of the mountains and let my parents live this life. ”

"A teenager has a dream, and the future is promising, I am that teenager!"


If there is no sincere rush thousands of miles away, these passionate declarations from the depths of the mountains of Yunnan will be blocked between the mountains until they disappear.

These declarations were listened to and conveyed by the CEIBS Foundation's "The Power of Seeing, True Heart" charity exhibition held in Shanghai a few days ago, where the stories and voices of the children who were struggling to study came from afar with a warm heart and vision for the future.

Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

At the Charity Exhibition, exhibitors watched the Charity Story of CEIBS Fund

From targeted assistance to earthquake relief, from student and teaching assistants to public research, CEIBS has been committed to the field of public welfare for many years. As a company that adheres to the concept of long-termism, CEIBS Fund has forged ahead in the field of public welfare over the years, and has also demonstrated the power of "long-term".

Through this exhibition and interactive check-in activities, we hope to convey the simple sincerity and goodwill, spread the seeds of love and hope to the hearts of more people, and practice the corporate mission of "Sincerity, Better Life".

The interactive exhibition helps to convey the sincerity

How long does it take to go from a grain of sand floating on the bottom of the sea to a sparkling pearl?

For the pearl students in the CEIBS Fund's "Pearl Retrieval Program", the answer is the whole childhood of solitary and difficult study.

Some children help their families pick cigarettes and pull chili peppers during the summer vacation, and some children have been living alone since the second grade, cooking and washing alone, going to school and coming home...... There are also children who come home from night study and take care of their father, who is seriously ill in bed......

In the No. 1 Middle School of Qiubei County, Yunnan Province, there are hundreds of pearl students who have been "picked up" like this. In November last year, volunteers from CEIBS and Zhejiang Xinhua Love Education Foundation (hereinafter referred to as Xinhua Love Foundation) traveled more than 2,300 kilometers to visit 40 pearl students for a week.

After in-depth contact with the children's life and learning, the warm and distressing stories are finally fixed on the interactive photo wall of the public welfare exhibition.

Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

"The Power of Seeing, Sincerity" offline public welfare exhibition true story wall

Many visitors were moved by the children's stories and positive words, and wrote blessings and encouragement on postcards, "calling for the heart" with sincerity. These postcards will also be mailed to pearl students thousands of miles away, connecting thousands of miles with love.

Yunnan Qiubei No. 1 Middle School is just one of the stops of the CEIBS Pearl Class. Since 2023, CEIBS Fund has cooperated with Xinhua Love Foundation to set up "CEIBS Fund Pearl Classes" in Yunnan, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou and other places, helping 140 middle and high school students realize their dreams of studying.

The CEIBS Fund subsidizes a living allowance of RMB 7,500 per pearl student every three years, and the partner schools waive all tuition and accommodation fees for pearl students. At the same time, adhering to the concept of long-termism, CEIBS Fund will work with partners to record the growth process of pearl students from the mountains to the society.

This agreement on growth was jointly carried out by CEIBS Fund and Pearl Students. Only the power of sincerity can travel through time and reach the other side of dreams.

CEIBS has been on the road to public welfare education and research

Far away, how far away? Not many people can be sure.

However, as Liu Jianping, general manager of CEIBS, said: "Ten years of trees, 100 years of people, we insist on practicing public welfare with long-termism, and believe in 'sincerity, make the world a better place'." I hope that more and more children will have love in their hearts and wait for the flowers to bloom. ”

CEIBS is committed to creating opportunities for more children who have never seen the world before, so that they can go to the distant places they dream of and actively break the boundaries of public welfare education.

In addition to participating in the "Pearl Retrieve Program" in 2023, since 2019, CEIBS Fund has participated in a number of public welfare projects, including the "1+1" Project Hope Student Assistance Program in cooperation with the China Youth Development Foundation, the ETS Conference for middle school students with the theme of promoting "research-based learning" in cooperation with Chunhe Youth Development Center to encourage exploration, reflection and sharing, and the "Go Far Away" and "Dream Handicraft Club" in cooperation with Shanghai Adream Public Welfare Foundation and donated the "Dream Center" classroom in Nanyi Town, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, providing students with an equal space for cooperative learning, independent exploration, communication and collaboration.

Climb over hundreds of miles of lofty mountains, walk steep and narrow mountain trails, and climb to the pastures at an altitude of 4,000 meters...... CEIBS has gone deep into these inconvenient and sparsely populated places, leaving the footprints of public welfare education in Yunnan, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Anhui and other places.

Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

In 2019, the Yunnan parent-child summer camp of the "Growing Up Together" student assistance project

In terms of the form of student assistance, CEIBS Fund also strives to be rich and diverse, and cares for children's learning and mental health in an all-round way. In addition to providing donations to students in mountainous areas, it also helps local schools to build, organizes summer camps, and focuses on broadening children's horizons.

For example, in the "Growing Up Together" program, CEIBS helped build a number of art and music classrooms in Yunnan, Qinghai, Anhui and other places, organized interactive games such as "Drawing a Blueprint Together" and "Water Rocket Launch" that emphasized the sense of participation and imagination, and donated printers, football basketballs, volleyballs, books suitable for younger students to read and other teaching supplies, and let the children see drones for the first time.

Read 10,000 books, and travel 10,000 miles. As part of the "Go Far Away" Fenxi School Scholarship Program, CEIBS supported 2,637 students from nine schools to carry out the "Go Far Away" research program. After internal program evaluation, 82 students from 5 schools formed 16 teams to obtain research opportunities. Among them, 4 went to Shanghai for 7 days of study, and 12 of them went to Shanxi Province for 3-4 days. Among them, 20 primary school students from Fenxi County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province came to Shanghai through research to visit the CEIBS Fund, experience the prosperity and technology of the international metropolis, and appreciate the magnificent historical picture of the mainland capital market.

Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

Twenty primary school students from Fenxi County came to Shanghai to visit the China Europe Fund and the China Securities Museum

In 2023, CEIBS and Chunhe Charity Co-organized the ETS Conference for Secondary School Students, focusing on students' thinking insights, observation and interview skills, logic, etc., to provide a platform for students to showcase their learning achievements.

CEIBS and Chunhe share the same understanding that the purpose of education is to awaken children, cultivate children's spirit of exploration of the world, and their ability to think and share independently, only in this way can they change people and further change society through education.

Give people roses, and there is a lingering fragrance in your hands. In 2015, after becoming acquainted with Lu Xun, Chairman of Chunhe Charity Foundation, Zhou Xiaopeng, Vice Chairman of CEIBS Zhenxin Charity Foundation, has participated in Chunhe Charity Activities for 7 consecutive years. He believes that it is you who actually benefit from volunteering, and you are giving, but you are actually reaping. Because all the children's eyes are so clear, and all their joys, sorrows, and sorrows are so direct. You will gain a lot of inner strength, you will figure out some things from them that you can't think of normally, and you will be happier.

In 2023, dozens of volunteers from CEIBS participated in the Chunhe ETS Conference as on-site judges and observers.

Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!
Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

CEIBS staff participated in the 8th ETS Conference for Secondary School Students

Disaster relief, elderly and disabled assistance, and build a solid road of responsibility

In 2018, CEIBS Fund responded to the call and participated in the construction of Liancun Photovoltaic Farm in Fenxi County, Shanxi Province, forming a compound income of "photovoltaic + agriculture + employment", and realizing sustainable and precise assistance of "blood transfusion + hematopoiesis".

Since then, the CEIBS Fund has never stopped providing disaster relief.

In 2021, CEIBS and its partners donated funds to help villagers get rich, including the construction of a new project of steam flaked corn in Huachuan County, Heilongjiang Province and a demonstration station of American ginseng and edible fungi in Liuba County, Shaanxi Province. In the same year, when Henan and Shanxi suffered sudden rain disasters, CEIBS Fund donated money to Henan and Shanxi as soon as possible to help the local people fight the disaster and rebuild the post-disaster work.

During the national anti-epidemic period, the CEIBS Foundation held an emergency meeting and donated 3 million yuan in the name of the company to support and commend the medical workers who are fighting on the front line of the epidemic.

Soon after, CEIBS employees initiated the "CEIBS Fund 'Salute to the Retrograde' Medical Care and Care Program", and donated funds and a large number of anti-epidemic items such as respirators, goggles, protective clothing, and masks as soon as possible to express their respect and concern for the medical staff. This plan is also the first fundraising plan initiated by individual employees of the company in the public fund industry.

Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!
Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

CEIBS Fund donated anti-epidemic materials to the Shanghai Neighborhood Committee

Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!
Call for sincerity CEIBS Fund Held an Offline Charity Exhibition to Convey the "Power of Sincerity"!

In the case of disasters in Henan and Shanxi, the CEIBS Fund donated money to help fight the disaster and post-disaster reconstruction

In addition to disaster relief, CEIBS Fund is deeply concerned about social issues such as the intensification of aging, and has joined hands with the Development Fund of the Center for Aging of Tsinghua University to continuously invest manpower and material resources in personal pension and other related fields, and actively assist in promoting research work.

Behind the social responsibility in many fields is CEIBS's long-term adherence to "financial goodness, long-term contribution", the unswerving practice of long-termism, and the unity of knowledge and action with full love for public welfare.

While striving to create long-term value for investors, CEIBS Fund has also built a solid path of responsibility in social welfare activities such as poverty relief, disaster relief, education assistance, elderly care, and disability assistance, so as to continue to help more vulnerable groups realize their life values and practice inclusive finance with a wider connotation.

Adhering to the mission of "Sincerity, Better Life", on September 11, 2022, the "Shanghai CEIBS Foundation for Sincere Public Welfare" was officially approved by the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau. In the future, CEIBS Fund will continue to use the spark of every public welfare project to form a prairie fire of sincerity and kindness, so that the belief in goodness will never stop.

*Risk Warning: The market is risky, and investment should be cautious. The views expressed in this article do not constitute any guarantee of market movements, and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. References to industries, funds, etc. do not constitute any recommendation.


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