
Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

author:Uncle Cat's spicy comment
Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

Tell me something you don't know.

I believe that the Lori Island scandal that has caused a lot of excitement in the past two days has stripped off the bottoms of the American political and business elites.

To sum it up in one sentence:

uses the most primitive and low desires of human nature to make profits for himself, and completely tears the obscene fig leaf of the upper class.

Of course, that's not all, in these declassified documents released, if you dig deeper into everything that happened on Alcatraz, you'll find:

In this country, which claims to be the most democratic, the most free, and the most human rights-oriented in the world, hidden in the gutter are these people who hold the lifeblood of the country, and who have been doing criminal acts very systematically in the past ten or decades.

For kidnapping, trading, abducting, and sexually assaulting underage girls, forcing them to serve this group of sanctimonious elites, doing many indescribable things, even if you look at the whole world, it is not allowed.

When the country's "dang and standing" archway was shattered, when the ugly faces of this group of well-dressed beasts were revealed to the world, we really saw the essence of this country:

Where is the capitalist state, this is the ancient slave society dressed in the cloak of civilization.

But to put it down-to-earth, no matter how dirty the Lori Island scandal is, this is only a superficial, deeper problem, from the collusion of private interests.

Just like many people will ask: Are these bigwigs crazy, can't they hide their own money and do it at home?

Sorry, not really.

Only when they are together, collectively do dirty things, and leave each other with handles, can they be regarded as people in the same boat, can they form political alliances and business partners, collude with each other, cover up, and continue to do some shady things.

This scene is not unfamiliar in gangster movies.

In the eyes of these people, this is called "bundling of interests", called "initiation ceremony", called "obedience test", only if you insult others and yourself in full view, and break through your own moral and personality bottom line, you are qualified to become one of them and enter the upper class of this society.

So, when you see Clinton's name, if you still naively think that he went to the island 73 times to have fun, then you really wronged him.

Because he seems to have a hidden illness in that area, his frequent visits to the island are just to establish a good relationship with these powerful people, send his own vote, and support him as president.

So, in the past two days, I saw that many colleagues were writing articles about the Lori Island scandal, and some of them didn't write the key points clearly, so I could only express my humble opinion.


What kind of person was Epstein?

If you want to talk about the Lori Island scandal, you can't avoid its owner, Jeffrey Epstein.

This man's experience can be described as legendary.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

His birth had nothing to do with high society, on the contrary, he was just born into an ordinary working family.

His father was an ordinary employee of the New York Department of Parks and Forests, and his mother worked at the school.

But here comes the point, he was born into a Jewish family.

That's important for the whole thing, we'll get to that later.

Although Epstein came from an average background, he had a very high double quotient, and went to a private school to teach physics and calculus before graduating from college.

But teaching was not Epstein's hobby, and it wasn't long before he was introduced by a friend to work as a trader at a financial firm on Wall Street called Bear Stearns, which was a formal entry into the financial industry.

With a bright mind, Epstein, who was not a thing in the pool, quickly won the approval of his boss with his excellent work ability.

But this person has never played cards according to common sense, he is ambitious, and often violates the rules at work, and was soon found to have fired squid by the company.

He was not discouraged, turned around and opened his own financial company.

It's just that this company is very mysterious, and until now many people have not figured out what skills Epstein used to know these powerful people who are 108,000 miles away from him.

Epstein's company, in today's parlance, is more of a leather bag company.

When it comes to the core business, he does it all by himself, although he also recruited 20 people before and after, but they are all doing some miscellaneous things such as appointments, receptions, and contacts.

It's just that the conditions for him to recruit employees are different from those of other companies, and he doesn't pay much attention to business ability, but more to age, figure and appearance.

This may explain why such an inconspicuous company, but the customers it serves are billionaires with assets of more than one billion dollars.

Perhaps since then, Epstein has taken a different approach, starting from the primitive instincts of these clients and firmly grasping them.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

After all, judging from Epstein's mysterious death in what is known as "the safest prison in the world", candid photography has always been what he does best.

Including Loli Island, pinhole cameras are basically installed in every room, in order to leave every celebrity politician in the handle.

The topic is a little further away, continuing to talk about Epstein's family history.

During the period when he opened the company, he met a big guy - Stephen Hoffenberg, you can check the information of this person on the Internet, anyway, he is a black-hearted capitalist.

But it was also from this time that the gears of Epstein's fate began to spin wildly.

Stephen's way of accumulating capital is very simple, that is, by making fake accounts and setting up Ponzi schemes, the world is crazy to absorb money, so he has also laid a foundation.

But in this way, it must have offended a lot of powerful people, and it didn't take long for Stephen to be arrested.

Epstein, who originally did this with Stephen, was very smart, and when he saw that the wind was not in the right direction, he immediately crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and immediately drew a line with the noble Stephen, and even pushed all the crimes on Stephen in court, and finally relied on his relationship with some powerful people to get out smoothly.

Of course, Stephen's business and money were also swallowed by him, and with his high emotional intelligence, he successfully broke into high society in one leap.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

Epstein was really a smart man, and he knew that he was losing more than anything in this group, and he wanted to use the connections of this group of people to do things for himself.

Since you want to use the connections of this group of people, you must establish a close and unbreakable relationship with this group of people, and after some thought, Epstein really came up with a "good plan".

He first spent 7.95 million yuan to buy a desert island in the Virgin Islands of the Caribbean Sea and named it Little St. James Island. Then some infrastructure was built on the island, but it was all luxuriously renovated.

This is the predecessor of Loli Island.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

Then, he knew very well the preferences of this group of people, and he didn't know what means he used, and recruited a group of underage girls from all over the world, the eldest was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and the youngest was only five or six years old, so as to satisfy the special habit of these powerful people for stench.

Don't say it, this trick really works, these powerful people began to linger once they came, and slowly, one by ten, ten by hundred, this "good place" became a private club of the upper class.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

This island is also known as "Loli Island".

Some people come here to satisfy their particular fetishes, some people come here just to make friends with the powerful, and Epstein is the one who benefits the most, anyway.

As a result, he became richer and richer, more powerful, and more unscrupulous.

But paper can never contain the fire, and the little girls he took in finally grew up and escaped, bravely taking up the weapon of the law to protect themselves.

Beginning in 2005, when the mother of a victim girl spoke out against Epstein, to the police being forced by public pressure to conduct an investigation and obtain a large amount of evidence, and then more and more victim girls came forward to speak out, accusing Epstein of sexual assault and forcing them to take banned drugs.

The Lori Island scandal was made public, and Epstein became a prisoner and eventually died in prison.

It's just that his death was too coincidental to remain a mystery until now.


What kind of island is Loli Island?

After talking about Epstein, let's talk about Lori Island.

You said that Epstein was so rich, and there were so many islands around, islands with a larger area, beautiful scenery, convenient transportation, and even lower prices than Lori Island, which must be everywhere, why did Epstein take a fancy to Loli Island back then?

To explain this problem, we must first start with the nature of Lori Island.

Let's take a look at the location of Loli Island first, it's actually not as good as some bloggers describe.

It is located in the Caribbean Sea, a place called the U.S. Virgin Islands.

This is the picture below, where the circles are drawn.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

Then let's zoom in.

As you can see, in this archipelago, there are a total of three large islands: St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas, and there are a bunch of smaller islands around it.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

Loli Island is right next to St. Thomas's Island.

The distance between the two, even if you count the island in the middle, is only about 2 kilometers in a straight line, and it takes more than 10 minutes to get there by speedboat.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

Secondly, the island is not as "good" as many people describe.

The area is not large at all, less than 0.3 square kilometers, and compared with the nearby island of St. Thomas, it is only a few hundredths of others.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

So what did Epstein fancy about buying this island with blood?

As mentioned earlier, this island is very close to St. Thomas, so if you zoom in on the satellite image of St. Thomas, you can see that there is a winding road on this island, and along this road, you can lead to super villas.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

Densely packed, the total number is still very large, it looks like there are hundreds or thousands.

Let's talk about the three keys that are ignored by most people in the Loli Island scandal

The appearance of these villas is very luxurious, plus the climate here, it is between 20 °C ~ 30 °C all year round, which is very suitable for the temperature of the human body, so the owners of these mansions do not need me to say who they are.

There are so many yachts parked in front of the door, it must be boring to be idle, and it takes more than 10 minutes to go to the island or go to sea, which is a matter of minutes.

Therefore, Epstein did not look at Loli Island, but the rich resort area separated from it by water.

Moreover, Loli Island also has a very big advantage.

It is located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, which have a special territorial nature and are called "unincorporated territories".

Anyway, it's quite tongue-twisting to explain, in a word, the colonies of the United States. However, it is a new century, how can the United States engage in the same kind of colonial behavior again, it is not good to say it, and it must not give other countries a handle, so it can only change to a lofty name, but this is the relationship.

Note that "non-incorporated territories" is important for Loli Island.

In other words, it is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. government, but it is not part of the U.S. territory.

The United States does not take any responsibility for infrastructure and welfare here, but only enjoys the benefits, which leads to what happened on Loli Island, which cannot be done in the United States, but can be done here.

It's just hard to imagine that if it weren't for these girls who rose up and tore apart the ugly and dirty side of Lori Island, this island could be called "a paradise for the rich and a nightmare for the poor".

That point comes again.

These classified documents were not discovered recently, but were in the hands of the police a long time ago, so why are they being made public now?

This brings us to the final question: who is in control of all this?


Why are classified documents only now being made public?

Some netizens once asserted in the comment area:

Epstein is a tool, and behind him, there must be a mysterious force whose purpose is to control the whole of the United States and make the United States die for it.

I won't go to the conclusion for a moment.

Do you remember an important point I drew earlier?

Epstein was born into a Jewish family.

Therefore, this pile of bad things is not something that any billionaire can do, and it is estimated that only Epstein can do it at that time.

Because everyone knows the relationship between American politicians and Jewish conglomerates.

Therefore, Epstein was nothing more than a pawn of the Jewish consortium to manipulate the entire American upper class.

These elites, manipulated by the Jewish conglomerates, with their financial backing, have become social power and celebrities one after another.

They became barristers, justices, and even presidents, and they became the ones who controlled the destiny of the United States.

In other words, it is not up to them to decide whether and when these confidential documents should be made public, but by the Jewish consortium.

So why did you choose to make it public at this time?

As we all know, 2024 is an election year in the United States, and the most tense thing at the moment is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

At present, Israel cannot hold on, and has been beaten by Hamas in Gaza and suffered heavy casualties, and the Jewish consortium is naturally very unhappy with the help of the United States.

chose to publish a series of lists and scandals on Loli Island at this time, just to warn these high-ranking people in power in the United States that if they don't obey again, they will be replaced directly.

Therefore, many people say that the Loli Island scandal is just the beginning, and the final result will have to wait for the general election.

But the people in power in the United States are also very wronged, they really want to support Israel, but now the national strength is also weak.

Between the United States and Israel, they believe that if they try to save Israel at all costs, the United States will definitely lose a lot, but the Jewish consortium is just going to make them desperate for anything.

In the end, between losing and losing one, they chose the latter.

At present, the two forces have entered the game stage, and the Jewish consortium can only use killer tactics.

Therefore, what seems to be the sword of justice is behind the dirty interests, and the scandal that seems to be the American elite is nothing but the inevitability of people's greed.

The human heart and the sun can never be looked at directly.

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