
"Painting Cake" Leader: Xiao Li's Workplace Tribulation

author:No salary increase is prohibited

Late at night, the lights in the office are still on. Xiao Li is working overtime to deal with a mountain of work. His leader, Mr. Zhang, was leisurely sipping tea on the side, pointing out Xiao Li from time to time.

"Painting Cake" Leader: Xiao Li's Workplace Tribulation

The gap between expectations and reality

When he first joined the company, Mr. Zhang described a bright future to Xiao Li: promotion, bonuses, and training abroad. Xiao Li listened to these words and worked hard, only to find that the reality was very different from his expectations. Mr. Zhang always defaulted on bonuses for various reasons, and the training abroad has become a one-week team building in China.

Vague praise and criticism

At every meeting, Mr. Zhang always said: "Xiao Li has done a good job, but there is still room for improvement." This left Xiao Li confused, he didn't know how well he was doing, whether he deserved praise or needed improvement. This vague praise and criticism gradually eroded his self-confidence.

"Painting Cake" Leader: Xiao Li's Workplace Tribulation

Until one day, Xiao Li stumbled upon Mr. Zhang's chat records with other customers, in which Mr. Zhang tried his best to exaggerate his ability, but he brushed off Xiao Li's efforts. Xiao Li's heart was cold, he realized that he had been PUA without knowing it.

Xiao Li decided to seek career counseling and rediscover his career direction. He began to set clear goals for himself and stopped blindly pursuing the approval of his leadership. At the same time, he also learned how to communicate with his leaders and fight for his due rights. Gradually, Xiao Li's work efficiency improved, and he also regained his enthusiasm for work.

"Painting Cake" Leader: Xiao Li's Workplace Tribulation

In the workplace, we often meet leaders like Mr. Zhang. They are good at manipulating their subordinates with words to make them create more value for themselves. In the face of such leaders, we must not blindly listen to their promises, but learn to speak up for our own rights and interests. In addition, we also need to learn how to recognize PUA behavior in the workplace to avoid becoming victims. If you have experienced something similar, please share your story in the comment section and let's grow together!At the same time, everyone is welcome to discuss how to deal with PUA behavior in the workplace and jointly maintain a healthy workplace environment!

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