
Introducing a fried pork with yuba, meat and vegetarian food to satisfy cravings, delicious rice, eat once and never forget

author:The taste is flowing for years


Introducing a fried pork with yuba, meat and vegetarian food to satisfy cravings, delicious rice, eat once and never forget

Introducing a fried pork with yuba, meat and vegetarian food to satisfy cravings, delicious rice, eat once and never forget

Stir-fried pork with yuba is a traditional dish with a unique taste, tender and delicious. Its origins can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty, when there was a time-honored restaurant, "Quanjude", which was famous for making fried pork with yuba. Since its opening, Quanjude has become a well-known restaurant in Beijing with this signature dish. The fried meat with yuba inside is full of color and fragrance, and it has almost become a special delicacy that people in Beijing have to taste.

I am a cooking enthusiast and heard that fried pork with yuba is very delicious, so I went to Quanjude to explore the store. With anticipation, I pushed open the door of the time-honored restaurant, and a strong smell of food came to my face. Sure enough, the taste of the fried pork with yuba here is really extraordinary.

Introducing a fried pork with yuba, meat and vegetarian food to satisfy cravings, delicious rice, eat once and never forget

Soon, a smiling chef came over, he was the head chef of Quanjude, who had been loving cooking for many years. I asked him how to make a dish of stir-fried pork with yuba.

The chef patiently explains: "We choose the best pork, with a lean to fatty ratio of about 2:1, and the stir-fried meat tastes better." The pork is then thinly sliced and marinated with cooking wine, light soy sauce, ground black pepper, oyster sauce, etc. Next, cut the yuba into the appropriate size and soak it in boiling water to maintain the tender texture of the yuba. Finally, stir-fry the pork slices with green onions, ginger and garlic, add seasonings, and finally add yuba and stir-fry evenly. ”

Introducing a fried pork with yuba, meat and vegetarian food to satisfy cravings, delicious rice, eat once and never forget

Hearing the chef's introduction, I couldn't help but think of my own experience when I was cooking yuba stir-fried pork at home. Normally, I cut the pork into slices, marinate it in soy sauce and salt for a while, and then stir-fry it with green onions, ginger and garlic. The chef doesn't cook the same way as I do, and he puts the marinating step before stir-frying, so that the tenderness of the pork is better maintained.

I asked, "So, why do you soak yuba in boiling water?"

The chef patiently explains: "The purpose of soaking yuba in boiling water is to better remove the fishy smell of yuba and make it easier to cook. If you fry the yuba directly in a hot pan, it may cause the outside to burn and grow inside, which will affect the taste. ”

Introducing a fried pork with yuba, meat and vegetarian food to satisfy cravings, delicious rice, eat once and never forget

After listening to the chef's explanation, I was stunned. It turns out that I have always neglected this important detail of soaking yuba when cooking fried pork with yuba. Only the right way of cooking can guarantee the texture and taste of the dish.

After this visit, I have a deeper understanding of the production process of fried pork with yuba. The characteristics of stir-fried pork with yuba are that the pork is fresh and tender, the yuba is smooth, and the seasoning is more flavorful. The unique cooking method and selection of ingredients make this dish stand out from the crowd of complex dishes.

Introducing a fried pork with yuba, meat and vegetarian food to satisfy cravings, delicious rice, eat once and never forget

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