
Many balloons on the mainland flew over Taiwan, and the Taiwan authorities were uneasy, and the hairdresser threatened that the mainland would not be allowed to change the status quo


Under this vast sky, you see those colorful balloons fluttering by, as if they are dreams in the hands of children. But this time, they flew a little differently. Have you heard? The balloon on the mainland flew over Taiwan, and this really made Taiwan's friends a little panicked.

Many balloons on the mainland flew over Taiwan, and the Taiwan authorities were uneasy, and the hairdresser threatened that the mainland would not be allowed to change the status quo

Don't look at the balloon that seems to be fluttering, but the meaning behind it is not easy. Taiwan's reaction is really not easy at all, as if someone has stepped on its tail and is in a hurry. Isn't this balloon a bit like a little political emissary, floating around with some kind of message, you say?

In fact, Taiwan's concerns are also justified. This is a major matter in cross-strait relations, and a small move can turn into a big trouble. But you know what? Actually, the biggest fear is that the so-called "status quo" is changed. It's like a stable game, and suddenly someone wants to change it, how can people not be nervous?

Many balloons on the mainland flew over Taiwan, and the Taiwan authorities were uneasy, and the hairdresser threatened that the mainland would not be allowed to change the status quo

Speaking of tension, the United States also joined the "prom". It seems to be on Taiwan's side and has issued a warning to the mainland. But what do you think? Is this really for the good of Taiwan, or is there some other purpose? Sometimes, the game of adults is really too complicated, and those of us who watch the excitement can only stand aside and watch stupidly.

Having said that, what should Taiwan do? Will it continue to uphold the "status quo" or will it bravely embrace change? This is really a difficult question. But no matter which one you choose, you have to have courage. After all, life is all about moving forward, isn't it?

Many balloons on the mainland flew over Taiwan, and the Taiwan authorities were uneasy, and the hairdresser threatened that the mainland would not be allowed to change the status quo

Let's talk about cross-strait relations, in fact, we are all one family. Sometimes there may be conflicts, but in the end, we have to be reunited. Therefore, no matter what the future holds, I hope that everyone can solve the problem calmly and not let these small things affect the harmony of our big family.

Well, having said all that, what I actually want to say is that I hope everyone can live happily. Politics is left to politicians, we just need to live our lives well. After all, every day is worth cherishing, right?

Many balloons on the mainland flew over Taiwan, and the Taiwan authorities were uneasy, and the hairdresser threatened that the mainland would not be allowed to change the status quo
Many balloons on the mainland flew over Taiwan, and the Taiwan authorities were uneasy, and the hairdresser threatened that the mainland would not be allowed to change the status quo

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