
Gnawing "hard bones" to build a biomedical industry cluster Zhao County has accelerated the construction of an industrial base of "API + preparation".

author:People's Daily Network Hebei
Gnawing "hard bones" to build a biomedical industry cluster Zhao County has accelerated the construction of an industrial base of "API + preparation".

On January 5, in the high-performance liquid chromatography room of Puli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., technicians were carrying out R&D experiments. Photo by Hebei Daily reporter Dong Chang

30 million yuan, 110 million yuan, and 220 million yuan, this set of data is the tax amount of Renhe Yikang Group for three consecutive years since 2021. This set of triple jump data fully reflects the company's adherence to the development idea of innovation and empowerment, and also benefits from Zhao County's pragmatic measures to fully support the high-quality development of biomedical enterprises. Li Guoying, chairman of Renhe Yikang Group, said.

In recent years, Zhao County has seized the major opportunity of Shijiazhuang City to support the biomedical industry to take the lead in breaking through, insisting on breaking the ice in thought, breaking the situation in development, and taking action to solve the problem, actively creating a chemical industry park in Hebei Province and a provincial-level centralized production base for APIs, and making every effort to promote the construction of a 10-billion-level "API + preparation" industrial base, and accelerating the construction of a new industrial development pattern with APIs as the leader, finished preparations and drugs as the dragon body, and pharmaceutical intermediates and packaging materials as the tail of the dragon.

Break the ice of thought

——Find the right path and build an industrial base of "API + preparation".

On January 5, Renhe Yikang Group, located in Zhaoxian Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province, has just completed a high-end preparation project in trial production.

"This is just the first phase of the Innovation Base. The county has won a special bond of 1.501 billion yuan, and through the cooperation model of 'customized construction, rent-to-buy', it will help us build an 'API + preparation' innovation base covering an area of 690 acres in three phases. Li Guoying said.

It is with the strong support of the local government that Renhe Yikang Group will develop and grow rapidly. At present, the group has 84 approved drug approval numbers. "In 2024, we plan to apply for the research and development of more than 30 new drugs, with sales revenue of more than 3.5 billion yuan and tax payment of more than 300 million yuan. When it comes to the future, Li Guoying is full of confidence.

It may be difficult for many people to imagine that in 2021, this leading enterprise will have to move to other places. "At that time, the development orientation of the biomedical industry in Zhao County was not clear, the environmental impact assessment and planning were restricted, and the new drugs we developed urgently needed to expand production, and the other places gave rich policy support. Li Guoying said.

"When we encounter problems, we must find ways to solve them, and we must not let enterprises lose investment confidence and be forced to relocate because of our reasons. After learning of this, Wang Yanfang, the newly arrived secretary of the Zhao County Party Committee, went straight to the enterprise for research and organized biomedical enterprises to hold a symposium for entrepreneurs. At the symposium, we learned about the problems restricting the development of the project: "The biomedical industry in Zhao County has been transformed from the traditional starch industry, and there are more than 20 pharmaceutical companies that produce APIs. ”

There are more than 20 API manufacturers in a county, and it also has the foundation for the development of the whole industry chain from intermediates to APIs to preparations and pharmaceutical packaging, but new projects cannot be implemented due to various reasons. This is undoubtedly throwing away the gold mountain to eat.

At the subsequent meeting of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, everyone reached a consensus: to take the biomedical industry as the leading industry in the county, go all out to help enterprises solve various problems in development, accelerate the construction of "API + preparation" industrial base, and build a 10-billion-level biomedical industry cluster.

The direction was clear, and the specific plan was soon introduced.

Improve the development plan of the biomedical industry, rely on the eastern and western districts of Hebei Zhaoxian Economic Development Zone to accelerate the application of Hebei Provincial Chemical Industry Park and provincial centralized production base of APIs, and solve a series of problems restricting the implementation of API projects.

We will introduce supporting policies for the biomedical industry, vigorously attract key industrial projects, and accelerate the construction of a whole industrial chain integrating characteristic APIs, high-end preparations and pharmaceutical excipients.

Development breakthrough

——Dare to dare to try and release the vitality of the development of the biomedical industry

With the new goal, how to implement it?

Zhao County took out the courage of "daring to face the shortcomings and breaking through the ice", and broke down and broke through the blockages, difficulties and pain points that restrict the development of the biomedical industry one by one.

It is difficult to land new API projects, and Zhao County emancipates its mind and boldly breaks through the ice.

The county held a joint meeting of the party and government to conduct special research, set up a special work class, went to Kunshan, Jiangsu Province and other places to learn advanced experience, asked questions many times, sought solutions to the difficulty of API approval, implemented integrated revision and approval planning environmental impact assessment for the east and west districts of the economic development zone, and recompiled the county's pharmaceutical industry development plan.

In just over half a year, Hebei Provincial Chemical Industry Park and provincial API centralized production base have been approved one after another, and the problem of API project approval has been solved.

"The original promises have been implemented one by one, which allows us to see the determination of Zhao County to develop the biomedical industry, not only did the company not move out, but also built a new 'API + preparation' innovation base project, and moved the group headquarters to the county. Li Guoying said.

Biomedical enterprises lack funds to expand their scale, and Zhao County dares to dare to try and take the initiative to help enterprises revitalize their assets. Due to historical reasons, although many enterprises have "one certificate, two drawings and two reports", they have not been able to obtain the real estate registration certificate, resulting in the inability of enterprises to make mortgages.

"If this problem is not solved, there will be no way for enterprises to apply for mortgage loans, which will affect the development of production expansion. At the beginning, we couldn't get a real estate registration certificate, and the responsibility was not entirely on the enterprise, and we 'new officials' had to deal with the 'old accounts'. "The county party committee and the county government of Zhao County mobilized various functional departments to sink enterprises to understand the situation, and at the same time asked the relevant provincial and municipal departments to jointly find solutions that not only comply with national laws and regulations, but also conform to the actual situation of the enterprise.

Soon, 35 eligible enterprises solved the problems left over from the history of real estate registration and revitalized nearly 7 billion yuan of enterprise assets.

"After obtaining the real estate registration certificate, we used the factory to apply for mortgage loans, and newly launched the key project with an annual output of 200 million controlled-release tablets and 500 million water injections, and the annual operating income of 1.14 billion yuan can be achieved after the project reaches production. Qin Xiaohui, chairman of Shijiazhuang Puli Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., introduced.

With the "hard bones" restricting development being gnawed off one by one, Zhao County's biomedical enterprises have ushered in rapid development.

The domestic market share of cimetidine of Puli Pharmaceutical exceeded 60%, the proportion of penicillin V potassium of Huaheng Pharmaceutical reached 98%, and the domestic market share of phenylglycine of Zhongshuo Technology reached 90%......

Up to now, among the 33 biopharmaceutical-related enterprises in the county, 25 are above the designated size, 15 pharmaceutical projects under construction with a total investment of 6.428 billion yuan are under construction at full speed, and 12 proposed pharmaceutical projects with a total investment of 2.643 billion yuan have been accelerated.

Action to solve the problem

——Optimize services and build a low-cost park with strong supporting service capabilities

"When biomedical enterprises embark on the fast track of development, they need to make efforts to optimize services and establish the orientation of hard work first. Only in this way can overtaking in corners be achieved. Bai Yinghui, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and executive deputy director of the Management Committee of Zhao County Economic Development Zone, Hebei Province, said.

In 2023, 12 varieties and 20 quality standard preparations of Renhe Yikang Group won the bid for national centralized procurement. Production capacity is expanding, and the demand for technical personnel is also increasing.

"The talent gap is getting bigger and bigger, it is unrealistic to attract talents from other places in large quantities, and there is a shortage of local talents who understand technology. Just when Li Guoying was worried about the employment problem, the county sent him a "reassuring pill". Zhao County Comprehensive Vocational and Technical Education Center is connected with Hebei Chemical and Pharmaceutical Vocational and Technical College, and through the training method, it cultivates higher vocational talents in chemical equipment technology for enterprises.

"Most of the talents trained in the orientation are locals, who can retain and understand technology, and can effectively solve our employment problems. Li Guoying introduced that in addition to studying in the school, the school also arranges for students to regularly go to the group's production line to practice exercises, complete learning on the job, and understand the work in learning, and there are currently 100 vocational college students in the enterprise top post internship.

Helping enterprises solve employment problems is just a microcosm of Zhao County's optimization of services to help the development of biomedical enterprises. In recent years, Zhao County has adhered to the development concept of "project is king, enterprise is king, and environment is king", closely focusing on the development needs of biomedical enterprises, taking the economic development zone as the main battlefield, continuously optimizing the business environment, and striving to build a low-cost park with strong supporting service capabilities.

Focusing on improving the hardware level of the park, Zhao County has planned 15 bond projects with a total investment of 2.678 billion yuan, and started the implementation of infrastructure projects such as roads, pipe networks, sewage treatment plants, and factories to comprehensively improve the carrying capacity of the park.

Hebei Zhaoxian Economic Development Zone has revitalized 971 acres of inefficient land in the park through economic, legal, administrative and other comprehensive means to provide land security for new projects.

The implementation of the "brand promotion" project, relying on existing brands such as "Anjian Chengyi" and "Xingbai Pharmaceutical" to enhance the regional brand influence, while supporting and guiding Renhe Yikang, Puli Pharmaceutical, Huikang Biotechnology, Sams Pharmaceutical and other enterprises to accelerate development, bigger and stronger, continue to polish the Zhaoxian "API + preparation" industrial cluster signboard. (Dong Chang)

Source: Hebei Daily