
Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

author:Senluo original

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Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States


When young people in China are still indulging in all kinds of brainwashing songs, dancing demonic dances, and swiping the circle of friends with a photo of an elderly person late at night, on the other side of the ocean, a Chinese girl has broken through a world-class problem.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

Today, let's take a look at how important this Chinese girl's achievements in the field of semiconductors are! And then think about whether you should continue to use your mobile phone now, or work harder in your own field.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

What are Semiconductors?

If you ask the older generation what semiconductors are, they will probably reply that semiconductors are radios. This is no coincidence, since in the middle of the last century, radio was the pioneer of the commercialization of semiconductor technology and one of the most popular consumer electronics of the era.

The use of semiconductor technology has made bulky tube radios no longer confined to the home, but can easily fit in your pocket and enjoy music and news anytime, anywhere.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

This history also marked the transition of semiconductor technology from the laboratory to the market, and the semiconductor radio became a pioneer in driving technological progress and the popularization of electronic products. Therefore, when people of the older generation think of semiconductors, they are likely to think of the small and life-changing radio.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

However, semiconductors are not just synonymous with radios, they are a special material. Its conductivity is between that of an insulator and a conductor and can be adjusted by means of doping or applying voltage.

The unique properties of this semiconductor material make it ideal for the manufacture of a wide range of electronic devices. These devices can be combined into complex circuits to achieve multiple functions such as signal amplification, detection, and storage.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

Semiconductor technology is considered to be the cornerstone of modern electronic information technology, and its application scope is widely involved in computer, communication, energy and other fields, which has had a profound impact on the development of human society.

Semiconductor technology continues to evolve, from the original discrete devices, to integrated circuits, and then to today's VLSI circuits. Over time, semiconductor devices have become smaller in size, more powerful, more versatile, and less expensive.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

This technological evolution has not only revolutionized the hardware field, but also promoted the advent of the digital age. The continuous innovation of semiconductor technology has provided more convenient and efficient electronic devices for our daily life, and has also injected a steady stream of impetus into scientific and technological progress and social development.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

Chinese youth have made another breakthrough

In the field of semiconductor technology, a high-profile young scientist has attracted global attention, and she is Zhu Jiadi. The 24-year-old MIT graduate student led the team to successfully advance the chip manufacturing process in the United States to an astonishing 1nm level, breaking through the limits of Moore's Law and opening up new possibilities for future chip design and applications.

Zhu Jiadi was born in the United States and raised in the United States, and his parents were immigrants from Taiwan. He has been interested in science and technology since childhood, and participated in the National Science Olympiad in the United States in high school, where he won outstanding results.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

Zhu Jiadi, who graduated from Peking University with a bachelor's degree, majored in computer science and electronic engineering, and won the honor of outstanding graduate. During his time at Peking University, he actively participated in several scientific research projects and published many academic papers, demonstrating his outstanding talent and potential.

After pursuing a graduate degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Zhu Jiadi chose to major in integrated circuits and joined the Micro and Nano Electronic Systems Technology Center (MIST), led by renowned professor Tomás Palacios, focusing on research in the field of two-dimensional materials and transistors. Here, he has not only been recognized and supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but also received several scholarships and honors.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

Zhu's research interests aim to fabricate ultra-thin transistors using two-dimensional materials to improve integration and performance while reducing power consumption and cost. The material, which is only one atomic layer thick, has excellent electronic and optical properties and is considered ideal for future chips.

However, the fabrication and application of 2D materials face several challenges. These include how to grow 2D materials on silicon-based chips at low temperatures, how to ensure the quality and stability of materials, and how to be compatible and integrated with traditional silicon-based circuits.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

Zhu Jiadi and his team came up with innovative solutions to these problems. They have developed a new chip fabrication technique that enables the synthesis of two-dimensional materials on molybdenum disulfide thin films at low temperatures, resulting in atomically thin transistors.

The breakthrough in this technology is that it can directly fuse two-dimensional material transistors into standard silicon circuits. This process avoids the defects that can arise when transferring 2D materials from elsewhere to the chip or wafer, which can affect the performance of the final product and circuit.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

In addition, this technology significantly reduces the time required for material growth from a day or more to less than an hour, providing a more convenient and efficient solution for manufacturing efficient and reliable integrated circuits.

This technology is seen as a revolutionary breakthrough as it promises to push the limits of silicon-based chips and achieve higher levels of integration and performance. This opens up new possibilities for future chip design, which is of great importance to the electronics industry.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

The results published by Zhu Jiadi and his team in the international journal Nature Nanotechnology have attracted worldwide praise and attention. Many media and experts praised this as not only a glorious achievement of American science and technology, but also the pride of the Chinese science and technology community.

The impact and significance of this research is not limited to the technical field, but also to the social and cultural aspects. As a Chinese scientist, Zhu Jiadi showed his talent and efforts, and also demonstrated the important contributions and influence made by Chinese people in the field of semiconductors.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

Zhu Jiadi's research results have given us inspiration and encouragement, demonstrated the development potential and prospects of semiconductor technology, and also demonstrated the power and value of young people in scientific and technological innovation.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States


Zhu Jiadi's story tells us that semiconductor technology is not only a science, but also an art. It requires continuous exploration and creation, breakthrough and transcendence, as well as continuous learning and cooperation.

We look forward to Zhu Jiadi and his team being able to achieve more achievements in the field of semiconductor technology." At the same time, we also look forward to more young people of Chinese descent who can shine in the field of scientific and technological innovation and make more meaningful contributions to the progress and development of human society. Inspirational stories like these inspire not only the scientists of today, but also the explorers of the future of science and technology.

Chinese youth are still "digging and digging", but the 24-year-old Chinese youth is breaking through the limits of semiconductors in the United States

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