
Kaiyang County: Promote the construction of rural customs and civilization to help rural revitalization

author:Tianyan News

In recent years, Kaiyang County has closely followed the goal of uniting the masses, guiding the masses, and cultivating people and customs, and has taken a two-pronged approach of "shaping" and "soul casting" in shaping the image, benefiting the people's livelihood, and establishing a new style, so as to continuously activate the new kinetic energy of comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.

Kaiyang County: Promote the construction of rural customs and civilization to help rural revitalization

Cohesion shapes the image and makes the position stronger

Establish rules and regulations. Kaiyang County gives full play to the role of grass-roots party organizations as a fighting fortress, and establishes a "four-in-one" working mechanism of "party and government teams to grasp the deployment, team members to supervise and supervise, and village cadres to grasp the implementation", forming a "game of chess" work pattern led by the party and government, linked up and down, and participated by the masses.

Expand the station. In accordance with the "five haves" standard of having a place, a team, an activity, a project, and a mechanism, Kaiyang County has built a new era civilization practice institute (station) in the whole township to achieve full coverage of the rural new era civilization practice (station). Integrate resources such as party and mass service centers, convenience service centers, and cultural activity centers, and pay close attention to the construction of cultural activity venues to form a strong activity matrix.

Enhance the appearance of the countryside. Carry out the improvement of the rural living environment and the "toilet revolution" in the whole region. Implement the fixed-point storage of domestic garbage, Nissan Nissan, and centralized treatment mechanism, clean up construction waste and waste, clean up dilapidated advertisements and signs, complete the transformation of sanitary toilets, and promote the upgrading of the appearance of the township.

Kaiyang County: Promote the construction of rural customs and civilization to help rural revitalization

Focus on people's livelihood and make the service excellent

Kaiyang County gives full play to the effectiveness of the three teams of the Party Member Pioneer Team, the Party Member Volunteer Service Team, and the New Era Civilization Practice Volunteer Service Team, innovates the service model, polishes the activity brand, and promotes the construction of rural customs and civilization to help rural revitalization.

Build a strong volunteer team. Kaiyang County fully mobilized the forces of party members, grid members, agricultural technology experts, "five old" personnel, and entrepreneurs who returned to their hometowns, and set up two "five haves" party member vanguard teams (82 people) with "knowledge, ability, responsibility, collective consciousness, and public welfare spirit", party member volunteer service team, and new era civilization practice volunteer service team, which fully stimulated the endogenous power of villagers' autonomy and implanted the "backbone" and injected "heart booster" into rural good governance.

Innovative service model. Kaiyang County relies on the party and mass service centers in each village to set up volunteer posts for rural customs and civilization, and establishes a "service list" of volunteers based on volunteers' professional knowledge and professional expertise; Optimize the "four orders" service model of "people's ordering, central dispatching, volunteer ordering, and mass evaluation", create a "15-minute convenient life circle", transform the people's "demand list" into a "satisfaction list", and strive to provide the masses with convenient services "close at hand", so that a happy life is "within reach".

Polishing the event brand. Kaiyang County combines traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival to plan, design, and organize volunteer service projects, so that there are weekly activities, monthly tasks, and quarterly priorities; More than 160 volunteer service activities such as traffic persuasion were held, helping the masses solve 376 practical problems.

Kaiyang County: Promote the construction of rural customs and civilization to help rural revitalization

Cohesion tree fresh air makes the atmosphere stronger

Adhering to the principle of educating people with culture and culture, Kaiyang County has expanded the cultural service position, strengthened the cultural service team, enriched the connotation of cultural services, innovated the cultural service model, and strengthened the cultural supply guarantee.

Strengthen preaching and guidance. Kaiyang County adheres to the party's innovative theory to forge the soul, integrates into the village work college students, rural revitalization village assistance team and other forces, with the party member activity room, the new era civilization practice (station) and the farmer's bookstore as the main position, relying on the "three meetings and one lesson", the theme party day, special training and other activity themes, has carried out 56 theoretical lectures such as learning, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the new party constitution, and promoted the party's good voice to "fly into the homes of ordinary people".

Strengthen culture and nourish the people. Excavate regional high-quality cultural resources, and vigorously carry out activities such as "heirloom training, family rules, and family style", "our festivals", Spring Festival performances, national fitness, and Spring Festival parties, so that the civilized breeze "blows" into the hearts of the people.

Kaiyang County: Promote the construction of rural customs and civilization to help rural revitalization

Strengthen demonstration and guidance. Kaiyang County has vigorously promoted the change of customs and customs, and party members and cadres have taken the lead in setting an example and leading by example, taking the lead in signing more than 1,300 letters of commitment; revising and improving the management mechanisms such as the "Village Rules and Regulations" and the "Red and White Council Charter", improving the rural autonomy system of "one appointment, one list and one meeting", and regularly carrying out the "red and black list" evaluation activities of the village rules and regulations, so as to realize the "list" to shape people's hearts, establish rules, and promote good governance; The strong atmosphere of thinking together empowers the high-quality economic and social development of the county with a strong civilized force.

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Di Liangjun

Correspondent Yang Gang

Edited by Luo Chang

Second instance Li Zhongdi

Third trial Hu Lihua