
The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

author:Cat's fishing ground

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The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

Text: Sugar gourd


On the first day of the new year, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was admitted to the hospital and was simply unable to perform his duties. But what is puzzling is that the dignified US Secretary of Defense has been lying in the intensive care unit for many days, while his colleagues have ignored it.

U.S. President Joe Biden probably never dreamed that the U.S. government under his leadership would have such a big scandal on the first day of 2024.

At the same time, some netizens noticed the changes that took place in other parts of the world during Austin's hospitalization. Although Austin was admitted to the hospital, the deployment of the US military around the world did not stop because of this.

Even during the time Austin's hospitalization, the US military quietly held a major military event. This inevitably raises feelings of concern about the actions of the US military and the related regional situation.

Why, then, did Austin suddenly end up in the hospital? Why did high-ranking officials in the US political circles turn a blind eye to the secretary of defense? What did the mold do while Austin was in the hospital?

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin)

Next, let's take it slowly.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

U.S. Secretary of Defense who is unable to perform his duties

According to reports from many media outlets such as, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin has been admitted to the hospital for treatment since January 1, 2024.

Strangely, the White House and Congress did not immediately explain the relevant situation after Austin was admitted to the hospital, and even many senior officials working in the US Department of Defense only learned about the Secretary of Defense admission after the fact.

On January 7, local time, the U.S. Department of Defense released more details about Austin's hospitalization. According to publicly available information, during the days that Austin was admitted to the hospital, his colleagues showed little concern for his condition.

Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said: As early as late December last year, Austin underwent an operation, but for some reason, after the operation, Austin's body felt unwell again.

And because Austin was hospitalized, some of his responsibilities were taken over by Deputy Secretary of Defense Hicks. U.S. President Joe Biden has also been asked to give careful consideration to the incident, but at the moment Biden has not signaled that he will fire Austin.

Seeing such a situation, former US President Trump jumped out directly and fired at the Biden administration. Trump has called on the Biden administration to immediately remove Austin from office, but the former apparently has no intention of dealing with him.

According to the latest news released by a number of media on January 10, Austin, who is the US Secretary of Defense, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, which may have a certain impact on his career.

And the Russian media newspaper "Izvestia" wrote in a firm tone in their report: "It is clear that we have seen the collapse of the American management system from this incident." ”

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(Former U.S. President Donald Trump)

At present, the U.S. government has not said when Austin will be discharged from the hospital, which also makes a series of remarks about Austin continue to ferment.

However, some netizens noticed that the U.S. military launched a surprising military operation in the past few days when Austin was hospitalized. So much so that some netizens exclaimed: Austin's admission to the hospital has completely exposed the global war conspiracy of the United States in front of the public.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(The Pentagon, the seat of the US Department of Defense)

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

Major operations of the U.S. military

According to the information published on the Alrabiya website, on January 4, local time, the US military carried out a military strike against Nujaba in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.

According to publicly available information, on the same day, an MQ-9 Reaper-type drone of the US military attacked a convoy in the Baghdad area. It is reported that several senior leaders of the Nujaba movement are in this convoy.

In addition, in addition to striking the Nujaba movement's convoy, the US military did not forget to attack the headquarters of the Nujaba movement, and piercing explosions were heard throughout Baghdad from time to time that day.

In the aftermath of the attack, several helicopters flew urgently to the area of the incident from the "Green Zone" in Baghdad, where the US Embassy is located. Many media believe that this may be a move made by the US military in order to cooperate with previous combat operations.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(Baghdad, the capital of Iraq)

Immediately after the attack, Iraq also sent a large number of armed forces around the Green Zone to take up the task of alerting. Due to the worrying security situation in Iraq, the Green Zone in Baghdad has been attacked by unknown armed forces on several occasions before.

The Nujaba Movement, which was attacked by U.S. forces, is a local Iraqi militia group. The group believes that the Shiites within Islam have close ties with Iran.

Earlier, analysts launched an investigation into the Popular Mobilization Group, an Iraqi Shiite militia to which the Nujaba movement belongs. Investigators believe that part of the weapons and equipment of the popular mobilization organization is from Iran, the "first brother of Shiites" in the Middle East.

As we all know, since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, Shiite armed groups in Iran and elsewhere have been constantly causing trouble for Israel and the United States in various fields.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(Baghdad citizens entering the "Green Zone")

While the United States cannot directly launch a large-scale military strike against Iran, it will not be too difficult for the United States to use this opportunity to strike at Iranian-backed militias.

Iran and the Shiite forces it supports have long been a stumbling block to U.S. domination in the Middle East. After all, most Sunni Muslim groups, led by Saudi Arabia, have maintained a more deferential attitude towards the United States, leaving only Iran and the groups it supports to confront the United States.

However, Iraqi President Rashid issued a statement on the afternoon of January 4, in which Rashid, on behalf of the Iraqi government, strongly condemned the insulting actions of the United States against Iraq. Rashid sees the U.S. military's move as a violation of Iraq's sovereignty.

Rashid believes that the United States has launched a military operation in Iraq without the consent of the Iraqi Government, which is a serious violation of Iraq's national sovereignty.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(Iraq's President Rashid)

In the wake of the new Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the IDF has massacred many civilians in the Gaza Strip. But the Americans, who have always liked to act as the world's policeman, have turned a blind eye to this. This has made the United States blame.

Therefore, the United States is already in a disadvantageous position in the current diplomatic and public opinion arena. The revelation of the attack will obviously cause them more trouble.

Perhaps, it is precisely because US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was suddenly admitted to the hospital that this kind of dirty tricks that are not conducive to maintaining the reputation of the United States have been exposed. Moreover, after the mask of hypocrisy of the United States was torn off, the world also saw a huge conspiracy.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(Iraq's militias)

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

Hegemony that does not die with a thief's heart

Coincidentally, in the wake of the attack on the Iraqi militia groups, the United States has provoked friction at the eastern end of the Eurasian continent.

At present, North and South Korea have made strong statements to each other. North Korea's supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, even declared for the first time that North Korea and South Korea are no longer the same people, but enemies.

Obviously, if it were not for the United States to sow discord between the two Koreas, it would not have become so tense immediately.

In addition, the United States has also roped in Japan and South Korea to convene a meeting on the Asia-Pacific region, and in the statement issued after the meeting, the United States, Japan, and South Korea are openly pointing fingers at the mainland's Taiwan Strait issue and the South China Sea issue.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un)

During the days when Austin was hospitalized, officials at all levels in the United States played the power of "fanning the flames and sowing contradictions" to the extreme. They seem to be deliberately creating conflicts and contradictions on a global scale, and their fundamental purpose is to maintain US hegemony.

As everyone knows, the United States has always regarded itself as the world hegemon. The defeat of the Soviet Union in the Cold War by the United States has given many Americans extraordinary confidence in their political system and military might.

Even under the propaganda of many Western media machines, the set of values of Americans has gradually become the so-called "universal values".

However, as long as anyone who is familiar with the history of the United States knows, although the United States, which advocates hegemonism, is full of slogans of democracy and freedom, it is doing the most dirty deeds.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(U.S. soldiers stationed overseas)

The United States obstructs the development of others by constantly stirring up contradictions in other countries, and this method can be said to have been tried and tested again and again in the course of its foreign exchanges. And the arms giants of the United States can also make unimaginable profits from it.

However, almost every time the United States stirs up contradictions in other countries, it always raises the banner of democracy and freedom in an attempt to turn its dirty deeds into a noble activity. People around the world have long been tired of such acts.

However, from a practical point of view, the decline of the United States has become an irreversible trend, because almost all of these clowns in American politics today are ineffective characters.

When time enters the 21st century, American society is deeply affected by identity and political thoughts, and when people look at a political figure, they often do not analyze his personal ability but care more about his identity and position.

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin)

Under such circumstances, the American people can only elect incompetent politicians like Biden who can only shout slogans and cannot do practical things. And in order to further curry favor with voters, Biden will naturally appoint officials according to voters' preferences.

Over time, these U.S. government officials have lost the international prestige that the United States had accumulated during the Cold War. The comprehensive national strength of the United States will inevitably decline rapidly with the gradual ebb of global hegemony.

Perhaps, Austin's hospitalization was just a fortuitous circumstance in American politics. But this incident inadvertently uncovered the true face of the corruption and incompetence of the US government.

Perhaps, after Austin's successful discharge from the hospital, he and Biden will have to conduct a careful and thorough investigation of the staff inside the Pentagon. Otherwise, what are they ready to use to save the face of the United States as a global hegemon?

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it

(Current President of the United States, Joe Biden)

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the world today is at a critical juncture in the transition between the old and the new international order. In the future, the world will certainly develop rapidly in the direction of political multipolarization and economic globalization.

This is a historical current, and it is impossible for any individual or organization to stop the development of history by its own strength. The only thing we can do is to follow this trend and find our own development opportunities in the trend.

But if certain countries still cherish the dream of hegemonism and regard the world as their private property, they will inevitably be swept into the old paper of history. And the people of the whole world after awakening will inevitably issue the most violent attacks and curses against it!

The US Department of Defense broke out in a scandal at the beginning of the year, and the Secretary of Defense was lying in the ICU and no one cared about it


U.S. Secretary of Defense Conceals Hospitalization Triggers Controversy White House Response: Biden Does Not Intend to Fire Him International Online

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