
From glory to decline: the storied history of the Arab empire spanning Europe, Asia and Africa


The history of the rise and fall of the Arab empire that spanned Europe, Asia and Africa


You might not think that the Arab empire that once swept across Europe, Asia, and Africa actually started in a small barren village. At the beginning of the 7th century, the Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula lived a nomadic life, and in 630, Muhammad was 40 years old

From glory to decline: the storied history of the Arab empire spanning Europe, Asia and Africa

Heavenly, while he was meditating in a cave on Mount Hira on the outskirts of Mecca, Allah sent the angel Jibril to "deliver the Qur'an" to him. After that, Muhammad began the history of the spread of Islam.

From glory to decline: the storied history of the Arab empire spanning Europe, Asia and Africa


Under the leadership of Muhammad, the Arabian Peninsula was quickly unified. With the unification of the peninsula, the Arab Empire began to expand outward, and in 632 AD, after the death of Muhammad, his father-in-law Abu Bakr ascended the throne as caliph, and he was the first in Mehti

From glory to decline: the storied history of the Arab empire spanning Europe, Asia and Africa

He who exercises the right to rule. After his accession to the throne, he actively consolidated his power, and with 100,000 cavalry, he wiped out the Byzantine navy, occupied Egypt, advanced north into Syria, controlled Persia in the east, and conquered Spain in the west. The Arab Empire entered its heyday.

From glory to decline: the storied history of the Arab empire spanning Europe, Asia and Africa


However, the glory of the empire did not last long. Successive caliphs after Abu Bakr failed to sustain the empire's strength. Especially in the eastern and western directions of the empire, it was devastated. After 750 AD, the empire was also full of contradictions. These internal and external troubles caused the empire to begin to decline from prosperity to decline.


The reasons for the decline of empires are manifold. On the one hand, there was a fierce internal power struggle, with various factions fighting openly and covertly, resulting in inefficient decision-making, and on the other hand, the external rivals, especially the European Crusades and the rise of the Mongol Empire, put enormous pressure on the empire. In addition, the economic contradictions and social injustices within the empire were also important reasons for its decline. Although the empire underwent several reforms, it was difficult to return and eventually became unsustainable.


However, in the process of the decline of the empire, a rich culture and religion were born. Over the centuries, the empire has produced many outstanding scholars and thinkers who have made significant contributions to the fields of philosophy, literature, mathematics and science. This collision and blending of diverse cultures has left a rich cultural heritage for future generations.


The history of the rise and fall of the Arab empire is a mirror. It tells us that a strong empire requires not only strong leaders, but also continuous reform and innovation. Only in this way can we cope with various internal and external challenges and always maintain prosperity.