
How much do you know about the naming of acupuncture points? Column is lightning, and Fenglong is thunder

author:Wisdom Whale M1

In the breadth and profundity of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture science occupies an important position. This ancient science not only carries a wealth of medical knowledge, but also contains profound cultural and philosophical ideas. The naming of acupuncture points is like a window through which we can get a glimpse of the mystery of traditional Chinese medicine. In particular, names like "Liexi" and "Hong Leong" not only make one wonder about the stories behind them, but also make one wonder about the connection between these names and modern medicine.

How much do you know about the naming of acupuncture points? Column is lightning, and Fenglong is thunder

"Leq" and "Fenglong", two imaginative names, are like the ancient poets' depictions of the natural world. They are not simply markers, but contain profound meaning and historical accumulation. The naming of these acupuncture points is the result of the profound insight of the sages of Chinese medicine into the relationship between the natural world, the human body and the universe. Acupuncture points are not only tools for healing, their naming and location reflect an understanding and respect for life and the laws governing the universe.

In today's age of highly advanced science, we may question these ancient names, but in the process of learning more about them, we can not only discover the wisdom of traditional medicine, but also explore the possibilities of integrative medicine. Acupuncture is not only a medicine, but also an art and philosophy. By exploring the stories behind the naming of "Liexi" and "Hong Leong", we can further understand the deeper value of TCM and its application prospects in modern medicine.

1. The historical and cultural background of acupoint naming

When exploring the mysteries of acupuncture points in traditional Chinese medicine, we cannot ignore the deep culture and history behind the names of these acupuncture points. As an important part of traditional Chinese medicine, the naming of acupuncture points is often rich in symbolism and philosophical thinking. These names are not just random labels, they reflect the deep understanding of the relationship between the human body, the natural world, and the universe by ancient medical scientists.

From ancient times to the present, the naming of acupuncture points is often related to their location, shape, healing effect, or the legend associated with it. For example, some acupuncture points get their names from the special shape of their location, such as the "shoulder well" located at the shoulder, which resembles the mouth of a well. Others are due to their therapeutic effects, such as the "heart mood" acupoint, which can regulate emotions and calm the mind.

The naming of acupuncture points is also heavily influenced by traditional Chinese culture. In Chinese culture, elements of nature such as mountains, rivers, and celestial phenomena are endowed with rich cultural significance. Traditional Chinese medicine incorporates this idea into the naming of acupuncture points, so that each acupuncture point has its own unique cultural connotation. For example, the "Taishan" acupoint not only indicates the location of the acupuncture points, but also implies the symbolic meaning of stability and solidity.

How much do you know about the naming of acupuncture points? Column is lightning, and Fenglong is thunder

2. Column Missing: The origin and medical significance of the name

Column missing points, located on the wrist, where the pulse beats. The origin of its name is quite poetic, and legend has it that this acupuncture point can regulate the qi and blood in the body, like neatly arranged gaps, which help the circulation of qi and blood. In ancient times, medical scientists believed that this acupuncture point was a key node in the flow of qi and blood in the body, so they named it "Lie Gap".

In the treatment practice of traditional Chinese medicine, the Lieqi acupoint is often used to treat symptoms such as headache, dizziness, and palpitations. The principle of action is that by stimulating this acupuncture point, the flow of qi and blood can be adjusted, thereby relieving various symptoms caused by poor qi and blood. This point has also been recognized in modern medicine, which believes that by stimulating specific acupuncture points, the nervous system and blood circulation can be affected, and then the therapeutic effect can be achieved.

3. Hong Leong: Medical Wisdom in the Thunder

The Hong Long point is located on the lower leg, and its name "Feng Long" means as loud and powerful as thunder. In ancient times, it was believed that thunder was the sound of the convergence of energy between heaven and earth, which had the effect of deterring and driving away evil spirits. Therefore, the name Hong Leong not only describes the power of acupuncture points, but also symbolizes its powerful role in healing diseases.

Clinically, Hong Long acupoint is widely used to treat rheumatic conditions, leg pain, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the Fenglong acupoint is an important acupuncture point of the "Zushao Yang and Bile Meridian", which can regulate the function of the liver and gallbladder to relieve pain and soothe emotions. Modern research has also shown that stimulating the Feng Long acupoint can improve blood circulation, which is helpful in relieving muscle pain.

How much do you know about the naming of acupuncture points? Column is lightning, and Fenglong is thunder

Fourth, the integration of acupuncture point names and modern medicine

Acupuncture point naming is not just an aspect of TCM culture, it also plays an important role in modern medicine. With the deepening of scientific research, more and more modern medical evidence supports the validity of the acupoint theory of traditional Chinese medicine. This cross-cultural and interdisciplinary integration not only increases the global influence of TCM theory, but also provides new treatment ideas for modern medicine.

For example, modern neuroscience research has found that stimulation of specific acupuncture points can trigger changes in activity in specific areas of the brain, which is strikingly similar to the description of the role of acupuncture points in traditional Chinese medicine. This kind of interdisciplinary research has made the study of acupuncture points in traditional medicine no longer limited to the traditional category, but has become an important branch of modern medical research.

How much do you know about the naming of acupuncture points? Column is lightning, and Fenglong is thunder

The study of acupuncture point naming is not only the inheritance of ancient wisdom, but also an important direction of modern medical exploration. Through an in-depth understanding of these ancient names, we can not only comprehend the profound connotation of traditional Chinese medicine, but also find new enlightenment and direction in the practice of modern medicine.

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