
In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly

author:Fresh citrus DL

With the arrival of winter, children's physical needs are more special and need more nutrients to strengthen their bones. During this season, preparing a series of nutritious and delicious dishes for your child will not only improve immunity, but also contribute to the normal development of bones. Consuming a different dish every day is like adding a healthy blessing to their growth. Here are five winter bone strengthening dishes for kids to thrive during the colder months.

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly

1. Braised beef:

Braised beef is a dish rich in high-quality protein, which is essential for children's growth and development. Beef is rich in iron and zinc, which help boost immunity and promote bone development. At the same time, the seasoning added during the marinating process can add flavor and make children enjoy eating more.

Ingredients: Beef shank: about 500g, ginger: 1 piece, sliced, green garlic: appropriate amount, cut into sections, cooking wine: appropriate amount, star anise: 2-3 pieces, cinnamon: 1 piece, bay leaf: 2 pieces, rock sugar: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, dark soy sauce: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, water: appropriate amount

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


1. Beef Processing: Cut the beef tendon into pieces, blanch the water with boiling water, remove the blood, and remove it for later use.

2. Cooking spices: Heat the pan with cold oil, add ginger slices, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, and fry until fragrant.

3. Add the beef: Add the beef tendon to the spices and fry until lightly browned.

4. Add cooking wine: Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and stir-fry until fragrant.

5. Add seasonings: Add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce and stir-fry well.

6. Add the rock sugar: Add the rock sugar and continue stir-frying until the rock sugar melts.

7. Add water: Add enough water to cover the beef.

8. Simmer: Cover the pot and simmer for 1-2 hours until the beef is crispy.

9. To taste: Add salt to taste and stir well.

10. Remove from the pan: Finally, add the green garlic and stir-fry evenly.

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


(1) Simmering time: Beef needs to be simmered for enough time to ensure that the meat is crispy.

(2) Condiments can be adjusted according to taste: The ratio of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce can be adjusted according to personal taste.

(3) Add spices: The addition of star anise, cinnamon and bay leaves can make the braised beef more fragrant.

2. Braised prawns:

Braised prawns are rich in protein and minerals, which have a positive effect on children's brain development and bone growth. The Omega-3 fatty acids in prawns help improve intelligence, while elements such as calcium and phosphorus in shrimp meat are essential for bone development. In addition, the delicious sauce will stimulate your child's appetite even more.

Ingredients: 500g prawns, shelled and headed, ginger: 1 piece, sliced, minced garlic: to taste, green garlic: to taste, cut into sections, cooking wine: to taste, light soy sauce: to taste, salt: to taste, sugar: to taste, cooking oil: to taste

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


1. Preparation: Remove the shell and head of the prawns, leave the tail, wash with water and set aside. Slice the ginger, mince the garlic and cut the green garlic into sections.

2. Cook the prawns: Heat the oil in a pan and stir-fry the prawns until the prawns change color.

3. Add seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, and continue to stir-fry evenly.

4. Add ginger and garlic: Add the sliced ginger and minced garlic and sauté until fragrant.

5. Add salt and sugar: Add salt and sugar and stir well.

6. Add water: Add an appropriate amount of water to cover the prawns.

7. Simmer: Cover the pot and simmer for 10-15 minutes until the prawns are flavorful.

8. Juice removal: Simmer until the soup is thick and reduce the juice.

9. Add the green garlic: Add the chopped green garlic and stir-fry quickly.

10. Remove from the pan: Once you have made sure all the seasonings are even, you can remove from the pan.

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


(1) Heat control: The cooking time of the prawns should not be too long to maintain the tender taste of the prawns.

(2) Condiments can be adjusted according to taste: The amount of salt and sugar can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

(3) Add green garlic to enhance freshness: The addition of green garlic makes the braised prawns in oil more fragrant and fresh.

3. Stewed pork ribs with yam:

Stewed pork ribs with yam is a nourishing and healthy winter delicacy. Yam is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which help to enhance intestinal function and improve immunity. With pork ribs, it can supplement enough protein and calcium, promote bone development, and make children stronger.

Ingredients: pork ribs: 500g, yam: 300g, peeled and cut into sections, ginger: 1 piece, sliced, cooking wine: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, red dates: appropriate amount, wolfberry: appropriate amount, water: appropriate amount, edible oil: appropriate amount

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


1. Preparation: Wash the pork ribs, peel and cut the yam into sections, slice the ginger, and prepare the red dates and wolfberries.

2. Blanching treatment: Add water to the pot, put in the pork ribs, add a small amount of cooking wine, blanch the water, and boil the blood water.

3. Simmer: Remove the ribs and wash them. Heat the pan with cold oil, add ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant, add the blanched pork ribs, and fry until golden brown.

4. Add seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, pour enough water, add red dates, wolfberries, add an appropriate amount of salt, and stir-fry evenly.

5. Add the yam: When the soup is boiling, add the chopped yam and continue to simmer over low heat to ensure that the yam is flavorful.

6. Simmer: Cover the pot and simmer for 30 minutes until the yam is cooked.

7. Remove from the pan: Finally, confirm the seasoning and make sure that all the ingredients are flavorful, and then remove from the pan.

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


(1) Heat control: The yam should not be stewed for too long to avoid losing its taste.

(2) Add red dates and goji berries: The addition of red dates and goji berries not only increases the sweetness of the soup, but also enhances the nutritional value.

(3) Condiments can be adjusted according to taste: The amount of salt can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

4. Wakame shrimp soup:

Wakame shrimp soup is a light and delicious soup rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. The gum in wakame helps moisturize the skin, while the zinc in shrimp is essential for immune system development in children. This soup is both delicious and easy to digest, making it a good choice for your child's winter health care.

Ingredients: Wakame: 200g, Shrimp: 150g, Chicken stock or water: 800ml, Ginger: To taste, Cooking wine: To taste, Salt: To taste, Cooking oil: To taste, Green garlic: To taste, cut into sections

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


1. Preparation: Wash the wakame and remove the shells of the shrimp and set aside. Cut the ginger into a puree and cut the green garlic into sections and set aside.

2. Bring the stock to a boil: Add chicken stock or water to a pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

3. Add the ginger paste and cooking wine: After boiling, add the ginger paste and an appropriate amount of cooking wine to enhance the fragrance.

4. Add the wakame: Add the wakame to the pot and cook until the wakame is tender.

5. Add the shrimp: When the wakame is cooked until it is half cooked, add the shrimp and cook until the shrimp change color.

6. To taste: Add salt to taste and stir well.

7. Remove from the pan: Finally, add the chopped green garlic and stir quickly to remove from the pan.

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


(1) Choice of stock: Using chicken stock can increase the umami of the soup, if there is no stock, you can replace it with water.

(2) Wakame cooking time: Wakame should not be cooked for too long to maintain its tender texture.

(3) Cooking time of shrimp: Cook the shrimp until it changes color, so as to avoid overcooking and causing the shrimp to become too old.

5. Tomato tofu:

Tofu with tomato sauce is a dish rich in plant protein and fiber, which is important for providing energy and maintaining gut health. The calcium in tofu contributes to bone development, while the vitamin C in tomatoes helps boost immunity. The delicious ketchup will appeal to your child's appetite and make it fun to eat healthily.

Ingredients: Tender tofu: 300g, tomatoes: 2 pieces, cut into small pieces, green onion: 1 stalk, cut into sections, ginger: appropriate amount, minced, garlic: appropriate amount, minced garlic: appropriate amount, cooking wine: appropriate amount, light soy sauce: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, tomato paste: appropriate amount, cooking oil: appropriate amount, green garlic: appropriate amount, cut into sections

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


1. Preparation: Cut the soft tofu into cubes, the tomato into small pieces, the green onion into sections, and the ginger and garlic into minced pieces.

2. Roast Tofu: Heat the oil in a pan and fry the tofu cubes until golden brown on both sides.

3. Cook vegetables: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add minced ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add green onions and stir-fry evenly.

4. Add the tomatoes: Add the chopped tomato cubes and stir-fry until the water comes out.

5. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce and salt, and continue to stir-fry well.

6. Add tomato paste: Add an appropriate amount of tomato paste and stir well.

7. Add water to boil tofu: Add an appropriate amount of water, add the fried tofu cubes, and cook until the soup is thick.

8. Remove from the pan: Finally, add the green garlic and stir well.

In winter, it is recommended to give children these 5 dishes to strengthen their bones and bones, eat one dish a day, and grow quickly


(1) Choose soft tofu: Choose soft tofu to keep the texture smoother.

(2) Condiments can be adjusted according to taste: The amount of salt and light soy sauce can be increased or decreased according to personal taste.

(3) Add tomato sauce: The addition of tomato sauce can enhance the flavor of the soup and make the tofu more delicious.

This winter, let's carefully prepare every nutritious dish for our children with love and wisdom. Braised beef, braised prawns, stewed pork ribs with yam, wakame shrimp soup, tofu in tomato sauce, each dish is carefully selected to strengthen their body and bones. May these five delicious dishes accompany the children through the warm winter, promote their healthy growth, and make them energetic on the road to growth. In this cold season, let delicious food be a warm companion for children, and create a winter time full of love and nutrition for them.