
Get ready to skate! After last year's historic closure, the Rideau Canal slide is expected to open

author:Anonymous Spectator

David Phillips, a senior climatologist at Environment Canada, said he hopes Ottawa's Rideau Canal will be open for skating this winter, although the start is still slow this winter. Last year's unusually warm temperature caused the famous rink to close for the first time in its history.

Get ready to skate! After last year's historic closure, the Rideau Canal slide is expected to open
Get ready to skate! After last year's historic closure, the Rideau Canal slide is expected to open


After Ottawa's almost snowless and unusually warm December, there are growing fears that history will repeat itself.

Phillips said warmer-than-usual temperatures across Canada have delayed some winter activities, but forecasts point to cold weather in the north.

That's what needs to happen before cities like Ottawa have really cold winter temperatures, he said.

"My feeling is that there's going to be a lot of cold weather, and it's only in Tuktoyaktuk that Ottawa gets into winter," Phillips said...... The north must be frozen. ”

Phillips noted that Ottawa was warmer in December 2015, but the skating track remained open after temperatures dropped in January and February. He noted that 70% of freezing days occur after January 1.

"We're not in the middle of winter yet. ”

In order to open the skating track, the canal needs at least 30 centimeters of ice, which takes 10 to 14 days to have weather between -10 degrees Celsius and -20 degrees Celsius.

After not opening for the first time last year, the National Capital Council is bracing for the possibility of mild weather, including a strategy to flood the canal ahead of schedule to speed up the rate of ice.

Phillips' optimism is based in part on lessons learned last year from engineers working on the canal on how to clean up the ice to make it last longer.

"You can't leave it to nature, you have to really be in it," he said. ”

Get ready to skate! After last year's historic closure, the Rideau Canal slide is expected to open


Sofia Benjelloun, spokesperson for NCC, said NCC "has been assessing and preparing for the impact of climate change on our assets and operations for many years. ”

"Last season gave us a good idea of the impact of warm winters on the skatepark. ”

Benjelloun said preparations are underway to open the canal for the 54th skating season. NCC spent nearly $1 million last year to prepare for its opening, however announced at the end of February that it would remain closed.

The 7.8-kilometer-long ice rink is the largest ice rink in the world and a place to attract tourists. Catherine Callary, vice president of destination development at Tourism Ottawa, said tourism in the city has not dropped significantly since the canal closed.

She said the number of visitors during last year's Winter Festival was comparable to 2019 and 2020. Still, Callary added that she "still prays" that the canal will open.

Get ready to skate! After last year's historic closure, the Rideau Canal slide is expected to open

"I still have hope, we still have time. ”

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