
Nasal congestion and runny nose after the flu have not recovered for half a month? Beware of this →

author:Guangdong Health Online
Nasal congestion and runny nose after the flu have not recovered for half a month? Beware of this →


Many people get the flu

After the flu

Fever and body aches gradually disappeared

But nasal congestion and runny nose are still not good


It may be rhinitis coming to the door

Nasal congestion and runny nose after the flu have not recovered for half a month? Beware of this →

Headache and runny nose for half a month after influenza A

Confirmed diagnosis of acute sinusitis

14-year-old Xiao Li (pseudonym) recently encountered this problem, which seriously affected the intense study Xi in the third year of junior high school.

"The child had a flu half a month ago, and after taking some cold medicine intermittently, the fever and sore throat have improved, but the nose is still not breathable, and he has to breathe with his mouth open when sleeping. In the past two days, I have been talking about headaches and a thick yellow-green runny nose. Xiao Li's father said.

After coming to the First People's Hospital of Linping District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province for examination, he was diagnosed with acute sinusitis.

"After the flu, there are more patients with acute sinusitis. Most of them have been cured with reasonable medical treatment, but there are also some cases that are not treated in time, complicated by acute otitis media, and even turn into chronic sinusitis. Lin Pengfang, executive director of the hospital's otolaryngology department, said.

80% of acute sinusitis

Occurs with upper respiratory tract infection

Acute sinusitis is an acute purulent inflammation of the sinus mucosa. Eighty percent of acute sinusitis is associated with upper respiratory tract infection, in which bacteria enter the sinuses through the nasal cavity, producing mucosal inflammation and mucopurulent discharge.

Acute sinusitis can be caused by two factors:

1. Infection of adjacent organs: such as infection of the root and gum adjacent to the maxillary sinus, tonsillitis and adenoiditis can also spread to the sinuses for secondary acute sinusitis.

2. Nasal obstruction factors: such as nasal septum deviation, turbinate hypertrophy, nasal tumor, foreign body tamponade, etc., can also directly or indirectly induce acute inflammation of the sinuses.

Therefore, many people may only have a little watery nasal discharge at the beginning of the cold, but without proper treatment and as the disease progresses, the mucus slowly begins to turn yellow and sticky mucus, and the nasal congestion becomes more and more serious, and then there may be a head swelling and pain, which affects the daily work and Xi.

Nasal congestion and runny nose after the flu have not recovered for half a month? Beware of this →

These symptoms appear

Please see a doctor promptly

The early manifestations of acute sinusitis are similar to those of a cold and can be easily overlooked. If you have the following symptoms after a cold, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment:

1. Nasal obstruction

Persistent nasal congestion can occur due to congestion, swelling, and secretion build-up in the nasal mucosa, often making it difficult to sleep and a dry mouth in the morning.

2. Heavy nasal discharge

There are often more mucopurulent discharge in the nasal cavity, and occasionally there are bloodshot in the mucus discharge, which is difficult to blow out, and some pus will also flow backward into the laryngopharynx to cause irritating cough.

3. Headaches

Due to the swelling of the mucosa in the sinuses and the accumulation of secretions in the sinuses, it is difficult to drain smoothly, which irritates the nerves and causes fullness and pain in the forehead and nose.

Nasal congestion and runny nose after the flu have not recovered for half a month? Beware of this →

4. Decreased sense of smell

Often due to severe nasal congestion, the airflow does not reach the nasal olfactory area well, resulting in a loss of smell.

The doctor reminded that if the headache and runny nose have not healed for more than 10 days after a cold, you should seek medical attention in time and intervene as soon as possible.

Prevention is essential

These things should be taken care of

1. Avoid staying up late, work and rest regularly, strengthen physical exercise, and enhance physical fitness;

2. Avoid contact with dense crowds, pay attention to wearing masks, strengthen indoor ventilation, avoid cross-infection, and prevent colds;

3. When blowing the nose, remember not to blow both sides together, you should block the left nose and blow the right nose gently, and then replace the blocked right nose and gently blow the left nose to avoid nasal mucus entering the middle ear through the eustachian tube to cause otitis media;

4. Nasal spray and nasal drops should not be used at will, and should be used rationally under the guidance of a doctor to avoid affecting the normal physiological function of the nasal cavity.

编辑 | 张芷莹 责编 | 张秀丽

Integrated Sources | Healthy Hangzhou, Linping District Health Bureau, Guangzhou Twelfth People's Hospital

Produced by the Guangdong Health Online all-media team