
My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

author:Happy Mango 21fg

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My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

When I was a child, I often heard my mother say to me, "Marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog." After I got married, I also understood the meaning of this sentence. From meeting and falling in love to finally entering the palace of marriage, I consider myself happy. But it wasn't until my in-laws, who had the keys to my house, came into my life that everything started to get complicated.

In the beginning, my in-laws and I were at peace, and I would follow whatever they said. After all, I am an obedient daughter-in-law, and I can't bear to argue with them too much. It's just that gradually, the "care" of the in-laws is getting more and more, and it has arrived".

Once, my in-laws suddenly came to my house, I was doing housework, I was in a bad mood, and it happened that the arrival of my in-laws made me a little unhappy. When they saw that I was busy, they said, "You young people are so busy that you don't have time to relax." "I thought to myself, isn't this my own home, why do I have to endure judgment and interference even in my own home?

"Mother-in-law, I feel that it is my responsibility to do housework, and I don't feel hard. As long as I can make my home clean and comfortable, I feel happy. I tried to respond tactfully.

"But it's not good for your health if you keep being busy like this. Moreover, no amount of money can buy health. The in-laws still didn't give up, with an expression of wanting to say something.

I could only smile and say, "I'll take care of my rest, I won't get too tired." ”

However, the "concern" of the in-laws did not stop. They always arranged all sorts of things for me without even asking for my permission, and sometimes made decisions for me without my permission. I sometimes really want to shout at them: ". ”

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

My father-in-law, who always had a serious face, suddenly came up to me one day and said, "Son, I hope you can take good care of our son, he is the pillar of the family, and we can trust it to you." ”

I was almost overwhelmed by this sudden sense of responsibility, and I smiled effortlessly: "Father-in-law, I will definitely take good care of him, don't worry." ”

"Well, it's better for you to rest assured. A gloomy smile appeared on my father-in-law's face.

I suddenly felt a little suffocated, this home no longer warmed me. The words of my in-laws are always full of anticipation and anticipation, which makes me feel that my position is so constrained. I'm adrift in this home, and my heart is heavy.

Sometimes, I'd hide in my bedroom with tears welling up in my eyes. I was so eager to have a space of my own and live without worries. I yearn for freedom, for a life without constraints.

"What's wrong with you, dear?" said my husband, who walked up to me and asked softly with concern.

"Nothing, just a little tired. "I didn't want him to see my fragility and held back tears.

"Actually, I also feel that sometimes my parents talk too much, and I will talk to them. My husband held my hand.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"No, I'll take care of it. I shook my head, "I thought, maybe we should move out and live our own lives." ”

"This ......," the husband looked a little embarrassed, "and this needs to be thought through." ”

"Are you afraid that your parents will be angry? Or do you think we can't leave them?" I felt a little disappointed, "we have our own lives, and we have the right to choose our own way of life. ”

My husband didn't say anything, just squeezed my hand. I know how tough it was for him. I also know that this is a painful decision, and I don't know if my decision with my husband will cause more problems in our marriage.

But, even so, I was determined to move out of the home that had exhausted me. Leaving home is not because of my unforgivable cowardice, and I can't bear to be so strange in my own home.

We found a small house not too far from home, not big, but warm enough. On the day we moved out, my in-laws looked a little stunned, and they thought the decision we had made was puzzling. In the days that followed, they would always come to my house, and their tones were full of anxiety that they had never felt before.

"How can you do this? This home is theirs, how can you move out without permission?" The words of my in-laws were simply a clamour, which made me even more blocked.

"We need our own space, we need to live our own lives. I took a deep breath and tried to explain to my in-laws in a firm tone.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"But why can't you live well with us? "My in-laws were clearly puzzled by our decision.

"I know you're here for our good, but we should have our own lives, and we need to be free. "I tried to get my in-laws to understand.

"Freedom, we can give you freedom, as long as you're here, we can help you with anything. "My in-laws still can't accept our departure.

"Mother-in-law, we have decided, maybe we will come back to see you again in a while. I whispered, hoping that my tone would ease their mood.

Life after leaving home is difficult, but I can finally do what I love and I don't need to think about the needs of my in-laws all the time. In our new home, we regained the passion of love and the freedom that everyone longed for.

"Yes, we can finally have our own space, our own time, and no longer need to think about the feelings of our in-laws all the time. I was relieved.

At this moment, the mobile phone rang, and it was a call from my in-laws. "What's the matter, did my in-laws find out that we left home?" asked her husband softly.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"No, there's no way they'll find our new home. "I was a little surprised, too.

I picked up the phone, "Mother-in-law, do you have anything to do with us?"

"We already know about you leaving home, how can you do this, how can you bear to leave us alone at home. The in-laws' voices were full of dissatisfaction and grievances.

"Mother-in-law, we have started a family independently, and it is time to have our own space and life. I said.

"Who gave you this idea? Is it your husband, he's really not a good idea. "The in-laws began to blame the husband.

"Mom, please don't blame her, it's a decision we both make, we need our own lives. The husband said helplessly.

"Well, you don't have to be so impulsive, we can discuss it. The in-laws' tone began to soften.

"Mother-in-law, we hope you understand our thoughts, and we will come to see you often. "I tried to persuade.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

On the other end of the phone, there was a sigh from the in-laws, "Okay, you also have to pay attention to your body, everything is going well." ”

After hanging up, my husband and I looked at each other and smiled. Although the attitude of our in-laws has never been fully acceptable, we finally have our own space and life, and we can freely love and stay together.

"Maybe we should go and see them often, after all, they are all elders. The husband said.

"Yes, they're doing that out of concern for us. I said with deep emotion. After leaving home, I deeply realized the importance of independence and the preciousness of freedom.

Since then, we have often visited our in-laws and invited them to our new home. Gradually, my in-laws gradually accepted our departure and began to understand our thoughts. We learned that we needed understanding and respect for each other, and we found freedom in our respective lives and maintained good family relationships.

In our new home, my husband and I are busy every day, but life is full of joy. We cook together, pick out furniture and décor together, and plan for the future together. Whenever I look at the small home I have taken care of, I feel extremely happy.

"Honey, what do you think of this table in our dining room?" I asked my husband, pointing to a large dining table.

"Well, it's good, we can invite our in-laws over for dinner often. The husband said with a smile.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"yes, they should welcome us now. I echoed with a smile.

We also often invite our in-laws to come over and have a relaxing and enjoyable time together. Even if they no longer have our keys, we understand that understanding and respect between families are what are most precious.

During this time, we also understood each other better and grew a lot.

"Honey, you know what? I think we've been through this, we've gotten closer. My husband looked at me happily and said.

"Yes, maybe it's fate, which makes us more confident in the future. "I was overwhelmed with emotion.

During this time, I also understood more about the meaning of freedom. Freedom is not about escaping responsibility, but about choosing one's own way of life within a reasonable range, and having one's own space and life.

"Sometimes, freedom comes at a price, but only then can we truly grow and find happiness that truly belongs to us. I said to my husband.

"Yes, our decision may be difficult for my in-laws to accept, but this is our life and we need to take charge of it. The husband also said with deep feelings.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

Now, we live our own lives, with constraints, freedoms, and challenges. But all this is our own choice, we will strive to create our own happiness, and we will also cherish every broad freedom.

"Honey, do you want to go over and see your in-laws?" asked the husband suddenly.

"Okay, but we need to talk to them honestly and tell them what we want. I said.

"Yes, we need to make them understand that we don't want to be alienated from them, we just need our own space and time. My husband looked at me affectionately and said.

So, we decided to go and meet our in-laws and be honest with them.

"Mother-in-law, we have come to see you. I whispered.

"Why are you here? Don't you already have a new home?" asked the in-laws with a frown.

"Yes, we have a new home, but we don't want to alienate you, we just need our own space. The husband said solemnly.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"Yes, we need to live our own lives, but we don't forget you, we come to see you often. I also said affectionately.

The in-laws were silent for a while, and a smile gradually appeared on their faces, "You are adults, it is good to be able to have your own life, and we also hope that you will have a happy life." It's just that you can tell us anything. ”

"Mother-in-law, we will, and we will be more active in communicating with you in the future. The husband said firmly.

"Well, well, you better come in and sit down, I made your favorite dish. The in-laws said with a smile.

We walked into my in-laws' house, and the family sat around the table, and the warm atmosphere permeated the room.

"Maybe it's a new beginning, we will cherish each other more and care more about you. I said with emotion.

"Yes, we will come to see you more often in the future, and you can come to our house often. The husband smiled as well.

When the in-laws heard this, a relieved smile appeared on their faces, "Okay, you guys eat, I'll go serve the food." ”

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

After that, we continued to go our own way, and our relationship was more harmonious and more understanding of each other's needs.

Now we understand that love requires tolerance and understanding, as well as its own space and freedom.

。 Time flies, and our lives go on. We have our own home and our own rhythm of life. Every weekend, my husband and I carefully pack up the housework and greet the guests at home.

One day, we invited our in-laws over for dinner. "Mother-in-law, come, serve you this dish. I said enthusiastically.

"Well, thank you. The in-laws nodded in satisfaction and began to move their chopsticks.

"Mom, why don't you eat this dish?" the husband's tone was a little displeased.

"Mother-in-law, I made this dish especially for you, you can taste it, maybe you will like it. "I tried to lighten the mood.

"Oh...... Since you've all said so, let me try it. The in-laws said with a little hesitation.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

The in-laws took a bite, and a not-so-pleasant expression suddenly appeared on their faces. "This dish really doesn't taste good, you don't need to call it my taste. The in-laws said.

"This ...... Sorry, we'll pay attention next time. "My husband and I are in a bit of a quandary.

Although I was a little unhappy, I was not embarrassed, I just silently picked up the plate and said with a smile: "Okay then, next time I will make something delicious for you to try." ”

"You're so busy, you're causing me trouble. The in-laws sighed.

"No, we'll be happy to entertain you. The husband also tried to calm the emotions of his in-laws.

In the days that followed, we still invited our in-laws over often, but we were more careful in selecting the dishes, and we racked our brains to make them happy.

"Mother-in-law, I specially learned these dishes, I hope you will like them. I said with a smile.

The in-laws picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and tasted it, with a satisfied expression on their faces. "This time it was a good job, much better than last time. The in-laws complimented.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"Thank you for the compliment, we will continue to do our best. "I feel a little relieved.

"Yes, we will pay more attention in the future to make you eat happily. The husband also smiled and agreed.

After a period of time, we gradually washed away our estrangement, and communication made us better understand each other's needs and be more tolerant.

"Let's go together and come to see us more in the future. My in-laws looked at us affectionately and said.

"Yes, we will, hopefully our relationship will be more harmonious. I said with a smile.

Freedom and responsibility are the ways we continue to explore, and understanding and tolerance are the qualities we need to learn Xi. Now, we understand that family members should understand and tolerate each other, and may our relationship be more harmonious.

In the days that followed, my husband and I paid more attention to the needs of our in-laws and tried to establish a smoother way of communication.

One day, my in-laws suddenly sent a large bouquet of flowers. "My dear, these flowers are so beautiful. I was pleasantly surprised.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"yes, it seems that they value us very much. The husband also said happily.

"Daughter-in-law, I know that you have been very good to us, and we are deeply grateful to you. The in-laws said.

"Where, that's what we're supposed to do. "I'm very relieved.

"Son, we have it too, but I'm afraid that you will live too hard. The in-laws turned to their husbands and said.

"Mom and Dad, we have our own way of life and our own attitude to life, you can rest assured that we will live well. The husband said to his in-laws seriously.

When the in-laws heard this, a relieved smile appeared on their faces. "Well, you must pay attention to your body, you can discuss anything with us. The in-laws said.

"Okay, we will, and we will be more proactive in communicating with you in the future. I also said solemnly.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

In the days that followed, our relationship with our in-laws became more harmonious, and we respected their needs and understood them better. We also learned how to deal with family relationships and how to find balance between each other.

"Mom, I've discussed it with my son, let's go see you this weekend, you can prepare a meal and wait for us. I said to my in-laws with a smile.

"Okay, we're waiting for you to come, we'll be ready. The in-laws said happily.

"Okay, we'll be sure to bring you a lot of good food. The husband also said happily.

The warmth of life slowly fills our hearts. In today's relationship, we may not have the freedom to let go of the keys to the house when we disagree, but we have learned to respect and understand each other. Nowadays, we understand that the relationship between families is not only about autonomy, but also about understanding and tolerance between each other.

Our relationship has become more harmonious, we have more respect for each other, and we have carefully arranged our lives. One day, my husband and I were talking about those old days.

"In retrospect, it wasn't easy for us. I said to my husband with a smile.

"Yes, at that time, it was really uncomfortable for my in-laws to talk, but now we are slowly understanding. The husband said with emotion.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

"We also learned to communicate and how to deal with family relationships. We figured it out, in fact, our parents also cared about us. I looked at my husband and said.

"Yes, their care is what we need. We will definitely be more prepared and care about them in the future. The husband said happily.

We continue to reminisce about the days before and the change in our perception now, a process that brings us closer and more understanding and inclusive.

"I think these experiences have made us more mature and our relationships stronger. I said with a smile.

"Yes, we've learned a lot as well. The husband said with relief.

Looking back on these experiences, we have become more mature and have learned more wisdom in life.

"We will cherish our relationship more in the future, they no longer have the keys to our home, but we will care more about them. I said to my husband sincerely.

"We will, and the care and love of our parents is what we need to cherish the most. The husband also said in the affirmative.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away

Being able to find a way of balance and understanding allows us to cherish our relationship with each other more. Now we have finally learned how to take on the responsibilities of the family, and how to respect and understand others. This mature and stable relationship also makes our lives more fulfilling and beautiful.

"My dear, we will definitely go on forever and care for each other. I took my husband's hand and said to him.

"Yes, we will. The husband responded confidently.

This kind of life has gradually become warmer and more beautiful. Our home has a more mature and understanding atmosphere. Now, we have learned how to love and understand.

My in-laws, who have the keys to my house, come and go freely every day, and after not listening to a hundred lectures, I decided to move away