
In this case, the child's fever is actually beneficial, parents should not panic, but pay attention to these three points

author:Leisurely Leaf Doctor

On a cold winter night in Beijing, Li Ting was putting a quilt on her five-year-old son, Xiao Ming. As a stay-at-home mother, her world revolves around this lively and adorable little boy. Their home was full of laughter, but the atmosphere tonight was unusually heavy. Xiao Ming's forehead was frighteningly hot, his cheeks were red, and he kept babbling and drowsy.

This is the first time Xiao Ming has had such a severe fever. Li Ting's heart seemed to be tightened, and a kind of "mother's instinct" told her that she needed to do something. Her hand gripped the thermometer tightly, her eyes constantly moving back and forth between Xiao Ming's face and the thermometer reading. Figures 37.9, 38, 38.5...... Her heart sank as the temperature rose.

In this case, the child's fever is actually beneficial, parents should not panic, but pay attention to these three points

At this time, Xiao Ming's grandfather walked into the room, saw his grandson sweating profusely, and asked nervously, "Do you want to be sent to the hospital immediately?" Li Ting shook her head, she decided to observe again. But deep down, a trace of uncertainty lingers. Was this decision the right one? She was constantly torn between medical knowledge and her mother's intuition.

In the dead of night, everyone in the family is praying for Xiao Ming's health. Li Ting sat on the edge of the bed, the thermometer in her hand displaying numbers, and every rise made her heart beat faster. She constantly reminds herself that fever can be beneficial in some cases, but at the same time, she is also well aware that she must act immediately as soon as the condition worsens.

In this case, the child's fever is actually beneficial, parents should not panic, but pay attention to these three points

Li Ting's mood became heavier and heavier. Xiao Ming's forehead was getting hotter and hotter, and she kept wiping him with a wet towel, struggling inwardly whether to take him to the hospital. At this moment, Xiao Ming's fever seemed to have reached its peak, and he began to babble inarticulately, and his face was slightly red. Li Ting felt panic like never before, and she knew she had to make a choice.

At this point, she remembered what her doctor friend had taught her that not all fevers are something to worry about. Fever is actually a sign that the body is fighting the disease and is a sign that the immune system is working. But at the same time, she remembers three key observations:

Duration and temperature of fever: In general, if a child's temperature exceeds 38.5°C for more than 24 hours, more caution is required and professional medical intervention may be required.

In this case, the child's fever is actually beneficial, parents should not panic, but pay attention to these three points

Your child's reactions and behavior: If your child is experiencing drowsiness, vomiting, persistent crying, or any unusual behavior, this could be a sign of a more serious problem and requires immediate medical attention.

Other physical symptoms: Additional symptoms such as rashes, convulsions, difficulty breathing, etc., are all signs that need urgent attention.

After evaluating these factors, Li Ting decided to take Xiao Ming to the hospital. Arriving at the hospital, after a doctor's examination, fortunately, Xiao Ming is just an ordinary viral infection, and the high fever is a sign that his immune system is working hard. The doctor explained that in the absence of other serious symptoms, a proper fever is a natural and effective defense mechanism for the child.

In this case, the child's fever is actually beneficial, parents should not panic, but pay attention to these three points

With the advice of her doctor, Li Ting learned how to properly monitor and manage Xiao Ming's condition at home. She understands that when a child has a fever, it is crucial to stay calm, properly assess the symptoms, and know when to seek help.

After a few days, Xiao Ming's fever gradually subsided, and he regained his former vitality and smile. Although this experience allowed Li Ting to experience a psychological and emotional test, it also gave her a deeper knowledge and understanding of the child's health. She knows that as a mother, learning to face her child's illness scientifically is both a kind of wisdom and a kind of love.