
Dong Yuhui's income is 500 million? The latest response is here......

Dong Yuhui's income is 500 million? The latest response is here......

Edited by Li Zedong

At 19 o'clock on the evening of January 9th, the account "Walking with Hui" with Dong Yuhui ushered in the live broadcast debut.

Yu Minhong and Dong Yuhui led 7 anchors, and a group of 9 people conducted live broadcasts including bringing goods, talent shows, and fan interactions.

Dong Yuhui, who was dressed in a black suit, was the first to appear in front of the camera and released a lottery to interact with fans. Subsequently, Dong Yuhui incarnated as a series host, and the studio anchors appeared one by one in the talent show.

Dong Yuhui's income is 500 million? The latest response is here......

According to statistics, the number of fans of "Walking with Hui" at the beginning of the broadcast was 4.168 million, and the number of fans reached 7.089 million at the end, that is, in less than 4 hours, Dong Yuhui gained nearly 3 million fans, almost 12,000 fans per minute.

"I can't eat, I can't sleep, and I didn't close my eyes all night last night. Referring to the preparation of the live broadcast room, Dong Yuhui bluntly said that there are challenges and difficulties in exploring new businesses, Yu Minhong has always supported him, and selected some people from various departments of Dongfang Selection to join "Walking with Hui", and bluntly said that he is also a partner of Dongfang Selection, "so I hope both companies are good."

"We are still led by Mr. Yu here. Dong Yuhui emphasized many times.

It is worth noting that during the live broadcast, Dong Yuhui also responded to the online income of more than 500 million. "Irresponsible journalism," he said. My mom messaged me and said, get the money soon. In addition, he also responded to whether to bring cosmetics, and he bluntly said: "I still can't overcome my heart."

Dong Yuhui's income is 500 million? The latest response is here......

According to Gray Dolphin data, as of 21:00 on January 9, the cumulative number of online viewers of the live broadcast exceeded 30 million, and the peak number of viewers exceeded 1.7 million. In terms of GMV, at around 22:20 on the 9th, Dong Yuhui revealed that the sales of this live broadcast have exceeded 150 million yuan.

Dong Yuhui's income is 500 million? The latest response is here......

However, on this night, in the same ring, the results of Dongfang Selection were relatively bleak, and on the list of goods, he and Hui jumped to the first place, and at the same time, Dongfang Selection ranked outside the top ten.

It is worth noting that just one day before the live broadcast, Dongfang Selection also released a new insurance mechanism.

On January 8, Dongfang Selection's official Weibo announced that in order to continue to improve the customer service experience, from now on, Dongfang Selection will upgrade the insurance mechanism. Among them, all self-operated products are insured for 7 days for food and 30 days for non-food products from the date of payment. For third-party store goods (except fresh fruits) purchased in Dongfang Selection and "Walking with Hui" Douyin live broadcast room, food will be insured for 7 days and non-food products for 15 days from the date of payment.

In this regard, industry sources said that under the overall market of Oriental Selection, this move is to put the main station eggs in multiple channels to better meet the needs of fans with different preferences, which seems to be diluted, but in fact, the total amount is growing.

National Business Daily comprehensive public information

National Business Daily

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