
Which of the three main reasons why the scrotum is damp and smelly? 1. Cold and damp - the tongue coating is white and greasy, especially at the base of the tongue. Manifestations: frequent urination, urgency, weakness, poor hardness.

author:Wonderful art benevolence helps the people

Which of the three main causes of scrotal dampness and odor are you?

1. Cold and damp - the tongue coating is white and greasy, especially at the base of the tongue.

Manifestations: frequent urination, urgency, weakness, poor hardness. Sensitivity to chills and cold, nocturia, loose stools, diarrhea.

Conditioning ideas: warm yang and water-based

Conditioning reference: Zhenwu soup plus or minus

2. Lower scorching dampness and heat - the base of the tongue is yellow and greasy, and sunken.

Manifestations: Decreased andrological ability, yellow urine, burning sensation, dry stool, or sticky. situation.

Characteristics of tongue image: mainly clear away heat and dampness.

Conditioning reference: Eight positive scatter plus or minus

3. 脾胃湿热——舌中裂纹,舌苔黄腻。

Manifestations: stomach distension and loose stools, stickiness in the mouth, loss of appetite, acid reflux and nausea, severe bad breath.

Conditioning ideas: mainly clear the stomach and promote dampness

Conditioning reference: Yinchen Artemisia decoction plus or minus 

For reference only, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention in time.

#Health##Traditional Chinese Medicine##舌诊#

Which of the three main reasons why the scrotum is damp and smelly? 1. Cold and damp - the tongue coating is white and greasy, especially at the base of the tongue. Manifestations: frequent urination, urgency, weakness, poor hardness.
Which of the three main reasons why the scrotum is damp and smelly? 1. Cold and damp - the tongue coating is white and greasy, especially at the base of the tongue. Manifestations: frequent urination, urgency, weakness, poor hardness.
Which of the three main reasons why the scrotum is damp and smelly? 1. Cold and damp - the tongue coating is white and greasy, especially at the base of the tongue. Manifestations: frequent urination, urgency, weakness, poor hardness.

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