
The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

author:Brand Officer
The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

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The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Introduction: Some people don't look down on small money, but some companies rely on people's daily life consumer goods to make a fortune, daily necessities are the highest use rate, but also the most frequent replacement rate of products, although the unit price is low, but more repeat customers, equivalent to small profits and quick turnover!

What dish soap, laundry detergent, laundry detergent, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, etc... These are all daily chemical products, and there has long been a wave of giants who have made a lot of money by their muffled voices for decades, such as Liby, Naaisi, Blue Moon, and foreign brands Unilever and Procter & Gamble.

Many people think that these old brands are drowning in the jungle market of the market, but in fact, people are making a lot of money!

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Chen Kaixuan (younger brother)

Taking Liby as an example, the founders are Chen Kaixuan (younger brother) and Chen Kaichen (elder brother), two brothers founded a leading daily chemical enterprise in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province in 1994.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Chen Kaichen (elder brother)

Now, the older generation has retired, and the children have their own rivers and lakes, and the business experience is different.

01. Successor of Liby: Chen Zebin

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Chen Kaixuan father and son

In the new year of 2024, Liby said that Liby was the chairman of the new year, Chen Zebin was the chairman of Liby Group, and although he was already the president of Liby in 2019, he was not comprehensive enough, and it was all counted from this year.

Chen Zebin, who looks very much like the famous host Nigmaiti, is the son of Chen Kaixuan, that is, the successor of Liby Group, born in 1986, a proper post-85 generation, and is also 38 years old this year, close to the age of 40.

Liby is a traditional private enterprise, and before the new official took office, Chen Zebin put on the "digital fire" before he officially became the successor.

Young people have to keep up with the trend when doing business, so the older generation is also willing to quit and enjoy themselves.

Chen Zebin's father, Chen Kaixuan, became the general counsel of Liby, and Chen Zebin's uncle Chen Kaichen became the deputy general counsel of Liby.

The vice chairman and president of Liby Group is Chen Zebin's cousin Chen Zhanxiong.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Chan Chin Hung

If Chen Zebin hadn't been Liby's own enterprise, he would have been an old employee of Liby.

Since 2010, he has been working in Liby, which is still an old-fashioned routine, and the successors of family businesses generally start from the grassroots level, and Chen Zebin is the same, not to mention Liby, a Chaoshan family enterprise that still attaches great importance to the business ability of his children.

Therefore, Chen Zebin just started from the brand department of their company, and as a Xi, he seized the wind of e-commerce in less than five years.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Chen Zebin

Should I say it or not, if the e-commerce company does well, it is a big piece of fat, and if it is not done well, the promotion cost of the burn is also a big head.

Unexpectedly, Chen Zebin has two brushes, he created an e-commerce department from scratch, and since then, he has used data and sales to speak, and this department can be regarded as a "wealth department", and its sales will double every year.

Therefore, in recent years, Liby has cooperated with many e-commerce anchors, which is also a very normal phenomenon, at least the first step in the transformation of traditional private enterprises.

Now Liby, in the hands of Chen Zebin, who is still a young man, has embarked on the so-called "digital" track!

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Therefore, in 2020, the opportunity is still for those who are prepared, and the general environment has come back and forth, and Liby at this time can still hold an order fair online, with sales of almost 1 billion.

The premise that the strong never complain about the environment is to take precautions!

Since 2021, Liby has cooperated with more than 1,000 partners online, and has achieved a total GMV of more than 6 billion yuan so far.

In fact, in essence, they are all selling goods on a different platform, selling goods in a different way, removing some bells and whistles, one sells, one buys, but it is more complicated than the traditional way.

This is equivalent to the second entrepreneurship of an enterprise, because to put it bluntly, Liby is a traditional enterprise, and the transformation into an e-commerce enterprise has advantages, but also difficulties.

02. Liby also has mountain culture

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

The first difficulty is people, just like Chen Zebin was also blunt in an interview with the media, saying that many people in the company ostensibly recognize his digital transformation. However, there are always various obstacles in the dark, so it is very smooth on the surface, and you understand it behind the scenes.

Reform in a traditional enterprise means that many things have to be transparent, which is bound to offend the interests of many people, and it is not normal if there is no opposition in the enterprise.

It's just that Chen Zebin is not good at stubble, he is ruthless, and he doesn't accept any negotiations, unless you beat him with data.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Generally, when the enterprise is big, it is normal to have a mountain culture, not to mention that it is still a family business, and all kinds of nepotism, which is more troublesome.

I didn't expect Liby's new successor to be quite rigid! There is some truth in data, but in fact, there are times when data is not perfect, and data means pure online channels.

Then, for Liby's products that need to be linked to large-scale supermarkets, dataization is obviously not so reliable and scientific for the real economy, but if e-commerce live broadcast and new retail channels are taken, dataization is not only Liby, but is an unavoidable way for many brands and enterprises in the future.

It's like Dongfang Selection, not all family businesses have a mountain culture, but the relationship between Dong Yuhui and Dongfang Selection is indescribable, and in the end, Yu Minhong won.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

In order to step on the tuyere of the times, Chen Zebin, who is not a social cow in real life, actually appeared in the live broadcast room of his own brand, which was also stopped by other employees in Bengbu, after all, on weekdays, their big man was not even lazy to give a speech on stage.

It's not that you can't talk about it, maybe some people have a personality like this? Not all bosses can speak well. After all, Liby, the successor, Xi used to speak with data!

Therefore, in order to catch up with the traffic of the live broadcast, Chen Zebin, who doesn't like speeches, has gone out to be the "anchor" of his own products. Of course, this president's live show, with sales exceeding 30 million, is okay.

03. The beginning of one poor and two white, borrowing the Liby of chickens and eggs

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Chen Kaichen and Chen Kaixuan

Chen Kaixuan, one of the founders of Liby, once talked in an interview with Time Weekly that he and his brother Chen Kaichen went to Guangzhou from their hometown Puning in 1994 to start a business, but they had no money, only 300,000 yuan, and could only make laundry detergent OEM, which was very similar to Midea.

Chen Kaixuan called this method "borrowing chickens to lay eggs", and there is a more advanced word, that is, asset-light operation.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

To say that one is poor and two white is so fresh and refined? It is worthy of being a rich entrepreneur, and it is right to say that he has learned success.

In 1998, Liby was selling well, and it was advertised, and the celebrity Chen Peisi was invited to endorse, and more powerful factories were found to produce detergents, and of course, it was indispensable to look decent, and Guangzhou Liby Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. was formally established.

Liby has been a household name since then! Now the advertisements are all endorsed by Chen Peisi and his son.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Now, the Forbes Global Rich List also has a place in Chen Kaixuan, former chairman of Liby Group, with a net worth of 2.9 billion US dollars, or about 18 billion yuan.

On the contrary, Chen Kaixuan felt that the descendants of the Chen family could keep up with the times, mainly to let Liby understand the "Internet" to get rich, so that he could solve the disadvantages of most of the traditional enterprises.

However, in order to be whiter in the future, the two founders gave great support to the young descendants.

04. The revenue in 2023 will be about 28.4 billion, and there is more than one opponent

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Does Liby have any rivals in the daily chemical market? Yes, that is, Naaisi, which is like Ali and Tencent in the technology circle.

According to the public data of the "2023 List of China's Top 500 Private Enterprises", Guangzhou Liby Kaisheng Holdings, also known as Liby, has a revenue of 28,419.41 million yuan, ranking 495th among the top 500, down 9 places compared with 2022.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Let's take a look at Naais Group, with a revenue of 31,126.66 million yuan, ranking 428th among the top 500, up 67 places compared with 2022.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

With a gap of about 3 billion yuan, Liby has to be a little more "white" and work hard. In short, everyone is in the first echelon of cleaning products!

The brand under Naaisi is rarely called Naaisi, but the brand of Diaopai is also Naaisi. Many people still think that Diaopai is just a business, and there is also a super energy, which is also Naaisi's.

There are many brands under Liby, and not all of them are called Liby.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

The more familiar ones are "Liby", "Good Dad", "Liby Master Fragrance" and "Blue Sky Six Treatments", and these are actually Liby brands, and there are more than a dozen of them, such as "Liby Royal Products", "Liby Xiaobaibai" and "Qingyi".

Of course, there is also Blue Moon, who wanted to show that he was the "Hermes" of laundry detergent, his head was too arrogant, and he withdrew from the large supermarket, but he still went back in the back.

There is no way, large supermarkets and brands are in a cold relationship, but most platforms are still more important.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

However, there are still two brushes in the marketing of Blue Moon, that is, every August 15, the main one is to rub the traffic of the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala of various David TVs, and the use of traditional cultural marketing is OK.

Of course, the light of domestic products still has to unite a little, and the quality of the product is of course better and better!

After all, there is Unilever, there are benchmarks such as Mystery!

Procter & Gamble, a big giant, should not be underestimated! This is not only the opponent of Liby, but also the opponent of domestic daily chemical enterprises.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Look at Procter & Gamble's brand, the daily chemical piece is basically a little bit of it, from head to toe, hair has Pantene, Sassoon, Head & Shoulders, Rejoice and other shampoos, toothpaste has Crest, etc., skin care products SK-II and Olay, shower gel has skin comfort, brushing teeth has Crest, women's products are the most classic Shubao bar.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

Thinking about it, when people first came to the domestic market, they planned it like this, but the problem is that a single brand fame, just kicking out one, can support themselves on their own.

05. The volume or non-volume of traditional enterprises

Liby has been established for 30 years since its establishment, which is neither long nor new, just a middle-aged brand.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

If a brand can go for 30 years, it is actually very good in the current domestic market, but whether it can go for the next 30 years or even become a century-old brand depends on the descendants of Chen Kaixuan and Chen Kaichen.

It seems that many people are competing for the cake of daily chemical washing and care, but in fact, there are just a few big brands that come and go, and the big fish give birth to a lot of small fish, which is the verticalization of the brand, and the categories are subdivided a lot.

In the current market, in fact, it is becoming more and more difficult to eat traffic dividends, after all, the current consumption is very rational, plus shopping around, some even break the price and lose money, just to increase a wave of consumers.

Therefore, brands and enterprises with unstable foundations and poor management capabilities have the ability to resist pressure risks, and the speed of being cleaned up by the market is getting faster and faster!

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

To put it bluntly, in the past, a bucket of laundry detergent could wash a large pot of clothes, but now it is not, and now underwear has to be made separately to wash, but it is more and more complicated, and it is easy to change the pattern of cutting leeks.

This is all energetic brand involution and involution, the old brand like Vitality 28, if it is not for luck to catch fire, it really can't roll people, and can only be drowned in the wheel of involution.

In the past, it may have been to go to the supermarket downstairs to carry a bag of laundry detergent home to wash clothes, wash smelly socks, etc., as well as wash a bunch of pots and pans, but now it is different, now people are very lazy, and it is best to send things to the door.

Secondly, there are various e-commerce platforms in the mobile phone, whether it is traditional e-commerce, or new retail, in short, it is "on the shelf" first, and the detergent, laundry detergent, laundry detergent, laundry pods, etc. It is possible to enter the consumer's kitchen and toilet.

Do you think it is better for traditional enterprises to be honest with themselves, or should they also step on the tuyere? Please leave your views and leave comments.

The annual income exceeds 28 billion yuan! Liby has changed its chairman, netizens: He is very ambitious

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