
Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

author:Mon is stylish

The sky of the city belongs to the free birds, and the life in the city and the streets and alleys that can give birth to miracles at any time belong to us. If you can't dominate your life, then you can dominate your outfit~

The prosperity of big cities and the comfort of small cities, each city has its own rhythm and composes different fashion movements. If you look at different cities, you will find that the dressing preferences of fashionistas are very different!

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why
Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

It is also winter, walking on the streets of small cities, you will see a variety of down jackets: black is low-key, white is eye-catching, and colorful personality ...... When it comes to first-tier cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, it is a street contracted by "coats".

I didn't expect that in different cities, not only the rhythm of life is different, but the preferences for winter clothing are also different! But why do big cities prefer coats, and small cities prefer down jackets? The reasons are all below~

>>Why do big cities love coats, and small cities love down jackets?

Reason 1: The style is different, the coat is in the workplace, and the down is casual

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

The very different styles of coats and down jackets are an important reason for the different fashion trends in different cities. Coats tend to have a crisp version and have their own temperament, which is more mature and elegant, which is more in line with the workplace dressing needs of migrant workers in big cities.

The casual sense > elegance of down jackets are more fascinating than coats for small cities where the formal sense of dress is not strong and the dressing atmosphere is more comfortable and casual.

Reason 2: The temperature is different, the coat is beautiful, and the down is warm

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

Of course, the difference between the living environment of large cities and small cities will also affect people's demand for warmth in clothing. There are many white-collar workers and migrant workers in big cities, and the indoor living time is > outdoors, so the demand for warmth of clothing is weaker.

The outdoor living time in small cities > indoors, and more practical and warm coats, light and warm down jackets have naturally become the first choice for fashionable elites in small cities, and white goose down and bionic down are the most common~


Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

However, don't think that girls in big cities should have demeanor rather than temperature, the coat fabric and inner match are right, and the seemingly light and stylish coat can also become a warm responsibility in winter.

For warmth, a wool coat with a high count count is preferred, while a cashmere coat is more durable and durable. At the same time, you must avoid a large area of exposed skin, a coat with a slim thick layer, and use a scarf, plush hat, and boots to protect the joints to keep you warm!

(Tips2) The down jacket should be warm and not bulky, and the right fabric should be chosen

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

The coat can achieve the coexistence of temperature and demeanor, and the down jacket can naturally do it. A truly warm down jacket is light and warm, and it can be worn over a thin T-shirt and leggings to keep you warm in winter.

To do this, you have to look at the filling amount and fluffiness of the down jacket. The filling amount and fluffiness are high, and the down jacket is warm and not bloated, which is also the reason why girls in small cities love goose down and gray duck down jackets more~

Reason 3: The practicality is different, and the down jacket is more practical and durable

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

Fashionistas in big cities and small cities also have different needs for the practicality of clothing. Girls in big cities pay more attention to the aesthetics of clothing, and elegant coats are more suitable as a daily must-have.

However, although the coat is beautiful, its commonly used animal hair and velvet materials need to be carefully cared for for a long time to maintain the crispness and flatness of the coat. In contrast, down jackets are more wear-resistant, more practical, and more deeply won the hearts of girls in small cities~

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

<选款篇>Basic, versatile colors and draped fabrics are the most durable

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

Sisters who love to wear coats in winter look to big cities such as Shanghai and Chengdu to meet the three characteristics of basic style, versatile color and drape fabric.

Avoid coats with complex design elements, bloated and dragged versions, and soft and shapeless materials, and choose basic + small necklines/lapels, and coats of basic colors, no matter how you match them!

<搭配篇>To look thin and tall and temperamental, the coat must be worn like this:

(How to wear 1) The longitudinal simple coat + high waist line is the highest

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

If you want to make the coat more brilliant, you can't miss any of them, look thin, tall, and temperament! This is actually very simple for girls in big cities who can dress:

If you are short, you should wear a longitudinal long line version of the coat with a well-fitting shoulder and neck, such as H-shaped, narrow A-type and X-shaped, avoiding big hats, big lapels and other coat styles with a strong sense of horizontal extension, plus a high waist line shaped by belts and tucked corners, which is too beautiful~

(How to wear 2) coat + local straight line + color contrast is thinner

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

Thinness is a small case, whether it is a fat apple-shaped body on the upper body, or a pear-shaped body with the strongest lower body, a slightly loose coat + some straight lines + color contrast is always the thinnest!

Girls in big cities, try to wear long coats slightly open, shallow on the outside and dark on the inside, simple on the outside and complex on the inside. A large number of curves appear on the coat, which is easy to be redundant and fat, remember to stay away~

(Wearing method 3) textured clothing fabrics and delicate details choose one of the two temperament

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

The coat should be more temperamental than others, and for girls in big cities, either the texture of the clothing itself is advanced enough, or there are exquisite and luxurious details to enhance the texture of the coat.

Like these two coats, it is a typical temperament type match. The former takes a minimalist approach, focusing on coats that are heavily crafted and have a sense of texture and shine, while the latter is delicate, with luxurious and finely crafted accessories such as scarves around the neck, plush handbags, metal belts and sunglasses.

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

<选款篇>Choose wide seams for the outside, and wear a narrow down jacket on the inside

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

As for the down jacket that girls in small cities love, if you look at their outfit, you can easily have a warm and comfortable winter. Small city girls have their own cheats for down jacket selection:

Long down jackets should avoid bloat, short down jackets should avoid rustic, remember that "long down jackets pick wide seams, short/can be worn with narrow seams or diamond-shaped seams to reduce the feeling of expansion" ~

<搭配篇>Down jackets are worn like this by girls in small cities, which is super fashionable

NO.1 down jacket + casual items + color to create a harmonious temperament

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

After looking at the daily down jackets of girls in small cities, I found that their dresses were completely unearthly as they imagined. The beige down jacket is worn open, with a smooth color and a scarf embellishment, and the temperament is natural!

Girls in small cities wear down jackets, with wide-legged pants, sweatshirts and other casual models, and use the color matching idea of matching the color inside to enhance the sense of coherence, avoid too many horizontal color dividing lines, and down jackets can also rely on "appearance" to win~

NO.2 Simple down jacket + partial layering, away from passers-by

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

If you want to get away from the crowds, be sure to try layering a simple and loose puffer jacket all at once. The high neck and folded V-neck are beautiful, color + no color contrast, or elastic contrast.

But it should be noted that slim and waist-length short down jackets are not suitable for layering, and the layers of layering should not be more than three, otherwise the down jacket will turn from mediocre to bloated, which is too cost-effective!

NO.3 down jacket + slim inner layer/high waist line, not afraid of bloat

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

Adding the magic of "elastic contrast" to a down jacket can also save the figure. With thin legs and a thin body, you can try a large-area tight model, such as a loose down jacket + leggings, with a tight underwear, etc.

If you are slightly chubby, use a loose down jacket with straight-leg pants, A-line skirts, etc., with naked boots and an open neckline, to show the slender lines at the joints, and the high waist line is closer to the perfect body!

Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why
Girls in big cities mostly wear "coats", but small cities prefer down jackets, which is why

Whether you choose to wear a coat or a down jacket, it is our ultimate pursuit to dress beautifully and warmly, add luster to the mediocre life, and paint your own color to the city where we get along day and night~

The coat in the big city is elegant, the down jacket in the small city is warm and safe, learn their dressing skills, and use the coat and down jacket to contract the fashion of the whole winter!

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