
The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river

author:Smoke pike night fish white

Recently, during the live broadcast of a jewelry store in Foshan, a jadeite ring face "worth 12 million" accidentally fell into the river, and then the boss spent a lot of money and hired someone to pump mud in the river to salvage jadeite.

The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river

The contradiction between the virtual economy and the real economy is still prominent. The jewelry store relies on live streaming sales and belongs to the new economy. But after all, the jewelry industry is a traditional industry, and it is difficult to distinguish between real and fake, and inflated prices are common problems in the industry. We should actively promote the integration of virtual and real, so that the new economy can provide impetus for the real economy, rather than just staying on the surface of speculation.

Supervision still needs to be strengthened. The price of luxury goods such as jadeite is difficult to distinguish the authenticity, and there is a lot of room for speculation. Relevant departments should strengthen supervision and formulate stricter pricing norms to prevent infringement of consumer interests. At the same time, it is also necessary to prevent individual businesses from exaggerating by improper means to attract attention.

The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river

The platform's awareness of social responsibility needs to be improved urgently. Should live-streaming platforms be jointly and severally liable for merchants' false propaganda behaviors? Platforms need to establish a content review system to prevent users from using the platform to spread false information and create gimmicks.

The public's discernment and rationality need to be strengthened. We should not believe the exaggerated propaganda of merchants, but should remain rational, establish independent thinking ability, and distinguish the authenticity of information.

The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river
The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river

Of course, there are more unknowns about this incident, and we should remain rational and wait for the results of the official investigation. However, the occurrence of such incidents does remind us that while the economy is developing rapidly, we should also be vigilant to prevent anomie from harming the public interest. We need to actively seek ways to improve in our development.

Although the authenticity of this jade "falling into the river" incident is doubtful, it does reflect some problems in China's economy and society: the disconnection between the virtual economy and the real economy. Online and offline interactions should be achieved in a positive way, rather than simply stimulating physical consumption through virtual hype. We need to better integrate the old and new economies.

The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river

Supervision and the level of rule of law need to be strengthened. It is necessary to prevent individual businesses from making profits through false propaganda and safeguard the rights and interests of consumers. At the same time, platforms should also assume the responsibility of content moderation.

Public judgement needs to be improved. It is necessary to distinguish the authenticity of information, remain rational, and do not believe the exaggeration of merchants. At a time when citizens' access to information far exceeds their ability to acquire wisdom, this gap needs to be narrowed.

The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river

Moral standards need to be improved. Don't use unfair means to gain attention and sensationalize. Both businesses and the public should uphold the ethics of integrity and kindness.

The definition of success needs to be deepened. Success should not be defined only as money or attention, real success should be based on benefiting society. We need to pursue higher.

The jade worth 12 million yuan fell into the ditch during the live broadcast, and the jewelry store spent more than 100,000 yuan to hire people to drain the river

At present, China has ushered in an important window period of development, and it is also facing many risks and challenges. Only by facing up to problems and actively improving can we move on the right track in development. Society should work hard to achieve economic achievements into social progress.


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