
The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

author:PJD Summer Time

Recently, another expert has triggered the defense of all migrant workers, let's see what this expert said that caused such a big controversy among everyone?

1. Experts believe that a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and a pension of 4,000 are too little

Recently, Dong Ke, a professor at the Chinese People's University, said that the pension of a person with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan after retirement is only 4,000 yuan, and experts believe that 4,000 yuan is not enough for these people's daily survival needs, at least 6,700 yuan is enough. So it is proposed to delay retirement.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Experts say that in order to solve this phenomenon, it is proposed to delay retirement, and it is a stepped delayed retirement.

Experts say that this kind of stepped delayed retirement, on the one hand, can ensure that everyone can have their own satisfactory pension and still get a high quality of life after retirement.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

On the other hand, there are many employees now, in fact, at the age of 65, because of various life pressures, they are actually unwilling to retire, so this kind of stepwise delayed retirement is also very good, to meet people's living needs and practical needs.

On the other hand, this kind of stepwise delayed retirement fully gives workers the right to choose, when to retire, and how much to choose the pension.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Although the experts' proposals have a lot of practical significance, they can indeed solve some problems that do exist in life.

And the expert's suggestion is that from a macro point of view, the level seen by experts is higher and farther than that seen by ordinary netizens.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

You must know that the aging of the society is serious, the future aging of the population will bring a series of impacts, our generation to pay the pension, can support the retirement costs of the previous generation, but when our generation retires, there are not so many people to pay the pension, our retirement life should be guaranteed by whom?

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Moreover, the aging of the population brings about a shortage of labor, and the operation of society will be affected in all aspects.

In the face of the aging of the social population, it is necessary to make adequate preparations in advance. The expert's proposal is the way to come up with this coming situation.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Second, the comments of netizens on this

Although experts put forward opinions, netizens said that this opinion was not very acceptable.

Today's migrant workers are really too pitiful, because this society is very involuted, it can be said that there are all kinds of rolls every day, and it is very tiring to go to work, and they need to work overtime, and they can't get basic living security.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Now there are countless workers in the workplace, all of them are suffering, every day I want to be able to retire as soon as possible, I don't have any big dreams, I just want to live an ordinary life, I don't need to be so tired, I don't need to work so hard.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Now experts have repeatedly pointed out that if we want to delay retirement, how can a migrant worker not break the defense? If you spend your whole life working part-time, then what is the point?

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Especially when experts say that the pension of 4,000 is not enough to spend, there are many people, especially many young people, who have a monthly salary of less than two or three thousand, but they can still live. How is the pension of 4,000 yuan not enough to spend?

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Netizens think that experts have really been out of the real social world for too long, and think that if experts go to the construction site to move a few bricks, they want to make suggestions and hope to retire early.

The monthly salary of 10,000 yuan and the pension of 4,000 are too little! Experts propose to delay retirement, and netizens in the comment area break it

Experts and netizens are all asking questions from different angles, whose views do you support in this regard?