
Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

author:Ice Green Creek


How does a Peking Opera martial artist snipe the positive image he has accumulated over the years in the entertainment industry and interpret a negative role to a jaw-dropping one?

The situation is changing, and the entertainment industry is like a battlefield

Dong Yong, born in 1972.

When he was young, he aspired to be a Peking Opera martial artist and devoted himself to the Xi of martial arts.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

As a martial artist of Peking Opera, Dong Yong flipped and leaped on the stage, showing a righteous and awe-inspiring heroic image.

He incorporated the loyalty and courage of traditional Chinese culture into his performance of Wusheng, showing the image of a flesh-and-blood hot-blooded teenager.

Over the years, he has also maintained this positive image, which is deeply loved by the audience.

However, when Dong Yong gradually grew up and entered the film and television industry, he also slowly realized that the development of the entertainment industry was far more complicated than he imagined.

It's not just Vanity Fair, it's a psychological battlefield.

Competition and competition between actors are everywhere, and the rule of the jungle also applies.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

If you want to gain a foothold here, you must dare to break through yourself and constantly look for opportunities to achieve cross-border breakthroughs in roles.

This also made Dong Yong understand that the development space of actors is almost unlimited.

After experiencing the poverty of the fledgling and the struggle of the later period of Beipiao, he became more aware that actors must constantly break through themselves and tap their own potential in order to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Dong Yong once lost himself in this highly competitive entertainment industry.

He questioned what he wanted to achieve, whether he wanted to maintain a positive image and become a moral benchmark in the hearts of the public. Or risk being misunderstood and try out groundbreaking new roles?

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

However, he soon realized that a truly good actor would never limit himself because of outside labels.

Just as martial arts masters are always able to master and overcome a variety of opponents, great actors should also be brave enough to expand their possibilities.

Unwilling to accept the status quo, bravely break through

For Dong Yong, the biggest enemy is the image of an actor he has accumulated over the years, and what he must overcome is the satisfaction of success and a positive image.

When the opportunity of "Flowers" came, the director offered him a villain role that subverted his previous impression, Dong Yong chose to accept it without hesitation.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

Because as an ambitious actor, he understands that he cannot be defined and limited by the one he used to be.

If you want to stand out in the film and television industry today, you must dare to break through yourself.

Playing the negative character of "Mr. Fan" posed a huge test to his acting skills and psychological quality.

How can a Peking Opera actor who has been Xi Wu for many years transform himself into a deep, cruel and ruthless business predator in front of the camera? This is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

Dong Yong must modify the performance methods and skills he has accumulated over the years, so that his every move reveals the temperament of a villain.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

At the same time, he also has to be psychologically prepared and willing to play an abominable villain.

However, it was this challenge that exceeded expectations that made Dong Yong see the hope of going further on the road of acting.

It takes courage to break through, and Dong Yong has this courage.

He dared to face the original framework and limitations in his subconscious, and dared to let go of his existing achievements to complete new breakthroughs at all costs.

He knew in his heart that this was not only a challenge to his acting skills, but also a tempering of his will, which could make his status in the film and television industry to a higher level.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

This is the only way for an actor to succeed in this unpredictable entertainment industry.

Unexpected, reasonable

When "Flowers" premiered on the screen, Dong Yong's "Mr. Fan" immediately caused a sensation.

The audience couldn't believe that this originally resolute Peking Opera actor has now perfectly transformed into a brutal and shrewd business predator.

This mutation is so huge that many people need to confirm it again, is this really the patriotic positive actor from before?

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

However, when the audience gets used to the surprise of this role-playing, they will find that everything makes sense.

Because this is the result of Dong Yong's years of acting accumulation and careful preparation.

He poured all his professional qualities and life experience into this role, making "Mr. Fan" a flesh-and-blood, three-dimensional and expressive character.

Dong Yong's villain interpretation this time has integrated a strong personal style, making this business tycoon vivid under the camera.

Because of this, despite the great contrast, Dong Yong's transformation has received a high degree of recognition.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

While admiring his persistent pursuit of acting, public opinion is also reflecting on the internal logic of the actor's growth.

It turns out that successful actors have almost unlimited possibilities in film and television creation.

They should not be tied to any one kind of role, but should find a breakthrough in different types of roles.

Breakthrough requires courage, and achievement requires strength.

As an actor, Dong Yong should dare to challenge higher heights instead of being bound by past successes.

He proved this with his excellent acting skills.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

Maybe many actors will hesitate when faced with similar opportunities, but Dong Yong's choice has proved that success and progress always go hand in hand.

As depicted in martial arts novels, masters will always dare to challenge opponents who are stronger than themselves, because this is the only way for them to grow quickly.


Dong Yong's role as "Mr. Fan" in "Flowers" undoubtedly sends a signal to the audience: the possibilities of actors are unlimited, and they need to constantly challenge new role types in order to achieve self-sublimation.

Dong Yong's challenge has raised a new topic for the entire industry: actors can break through their original roles and effectively expand their own interpretation space.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

The positive evaluation of this performance breakthrough by the media and the audience also made Dong Yong understand that his acting career has entered a new stage of development.

His spirit of daring to break through and try will also inspire more actors to step out of their comfort zone and explore more possibilities for themselves.

If Dong Yong was more like a "hero" born in martial arts, then after this successful role reversal, he has grown into a "master" in the film and television industry.

A real "teacher" not only refers to his superb acting skills, but also his mentality and spirit of never being satisfied and having the courage to break through, which is the driving force for every actor's growth.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

Just as Dong Yong's villain acting skills are impressive, similarly, his success is also a reminder to the entire industry: if an actor wants to achieve great things, he cannot be limited to any one type of role.

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, only by constantly challenging one's mentality and spirit can one determine the height of an actor's career.

This breakthrough in the role is just a new starting point.

After reaching this new height in his career, his inner soul as an actor has burned even more, and he is eager to challenge more different types of roles.

Dong Yong, who has played a policeman all his life, is not guaranteed in the late season in "Flowers", and the role counterattack is jaw-dropping!

This has also set off a new wave of learning Xi from Dong Yong and challenging breakthroughs in the entertainment industry.

More and more actors are reflecting on their own ambition and actively looking for opportunities to try new roles.

Some commentators even pointed out that Dong Yong's success has brought a positive impact on the industry that is far more meaningful than his performance in any one role.

It indicates that in the future, the actors in the entire entertainment industry will move towards a more open, inclusive and enterprising direction.

This also indicates that there will be more wonderful performances in his career in the future, and he will continue to amaze this era.

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