
After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

author:Curious Barry 4P7O

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After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

Two months ago, I was hospitalized for an accident injury. After the surgery, I was frail and needed to be taken care of by my family. During this time, I felt the care of my parents and sister, who not only took care of my daily life, but also accompanied me through countless lonely nights. However, the younger brother was nowhere to be seen, without a trace of care and greeting.

"Little brother, why did you just come here? I've been sick here for two months, why don't you come to see me once?" I looked at my brother in surprise, my heart full of disappointment and anger.

"Oh, brother, I've been a little busy lately and haven't come to see you. But you're ready to be discharged from the hospital now, right? I'm going to ask you something. There was a hint of impatience in the younger brother's tone.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

"You're here just to ask something, don't you even care about my condition?" I blamed my brother, and I couldn't calm down.

"Brother, I'm really in a bit of a hurry to need money, can you lend me some?" My brother's words made me even more angry, and I woke up.

"You're a person, I haven't had a phone call these days when I'm sick, and now you're actually asking me for money, are you treating me as an ATM?" I angrily scolded my brother.

After listening to my words, my younger brother showed a trace of embarrassment and uneasiness on his face, "Brother, don't get me wrong, I do need money urgently." ”

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

"With money, are you causing some trouble outside? Are you treating me as a scarecrow?" I interrupted my brother mercilessly. I was very disappointed and sad about my brother's indifference and selfishness.

The younger brother didn't say anything more and left gloomily. I sat alone on the bed, filled with disappointment and anger at my brother. I don't understand why my brother, who was once close, suddenly became like this, indifferent to his sick brother. I used to think that my family was the closest being, but now I feel a loneliness that I have never felt before. The change in my brother left an indelible scar on my heart.

Slowly, I realized that relationships between people are not always simple. In this world, some people choose to become indifferent to those closest to them, hurting them and leaving them feeling endless pain and loss. However, I also understood that no matter what, I should face this harsh reality and face everything around me with a strong mindset.

During this time, I tried to calm my mind and stop thinking about my brother's indifference and selfishness. I began to cherish my parents and sister's care and love for me even more, their love was selfless and sincere, and it was the most worthy of me to cherish and cherish. With them by my side, my condition has gradually improved and I have become stronger.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

One day, my brother came to my hospital room again. "Brother, I know I didn't do well before, but I really have a hard time, can you give me another chance?" The younger brother's words were full of apology and remorse.

"Brother, I know you may be having some difficulties, but you should also know that the most important thing in a family is to care for and support each other. You can't always choose to drop me when I need help and come back to me when I need it. If you decide to change, I'll give you a chance. But if you're still the same cold and selfish person, don't bother my life anymore. I said to my brother in a firm tone.

After listening to my words, my younger brother let out a long sigh, "Brother, I understand, I will try to change myself." ”

Unconsciously, I also understood that everyone will go through some adjustments and changes, and these changes may make us more mature and stronger. Regardless of whether my brother can truly change himself in the future, I will stick to my beliefs, cherish those who are truly good to me, and make them the most important part of my life.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

There will inevitably be some hurts and disappointments in life, but we should all learn to come out of it and meet all the challenges ahead with tenacity. Everyone has their own growth process, and I believe that after going through all this, I will become more mature and stronger for a better life in the future.

The younger brother's attitude began to change, he began to care more about his family and became more mature. He often came to visit me, and each time he would bring some fruit or snacks to chat with me and ask me about my recovery. Slowly, I also began to feel his care and love for me.

One day, I saw my brother coming to the hospital, and his face was a little anxious, "Brother, I have something I want to discuss with you." ”

"Tell me about it. I looked at my brother with a slight smile, I hadn't seen him so proactive in a long time.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

"Actually, I've been experiencing some difficulties recently, and I've had some pressure and conflicts at work, I want to ask you to help me, can you lend me a little money?"

"Brother, I promise you, I will use this money to plan my life and work, and I will not live up to your expectations. "My brother was very excited, and he was very grateful for my decision.

I know that everyone can get lost in the journey of life, and my brother may just need some time and guidance to understand what kind of lifestyle he should choose. I am willing to give him a chance to turn over a new leaf and believe that he can make a positive change.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

Time passed slowly, and I gradually recovered. And the younger brother is constantly trying to change himself and gradually grow into a more mature and responsible person. Gone are the selfishness and apathy he once had, replaced by a caring and enterprising attitude towards his family. Our relationship has gradually repaired and become more harmonious.

Life is an amazing journey, and we are all constantly growing and changing on this journey. Sometimes we may make mistakes, but as long as we can face up to our mistakes and are willing to work hard to correct them, life will give us more opportunities and hope. The experience with my younger brother also made me deeply understand the importance of family and the preciousness of family affection.

Now, whenever I see my brother working hard and contributing to his family, I feel an inexplicable sense of comfort and happiness in my heart. And I will also meet the future life with a more resilient attitude. Life is no longer that lonely sky, because I know that with my family, I will be braver and stronger.

I gradually recovered from my illness and began to gradually return to my normal life after I was discharged from the hospital. And his younger brother has maintained his positive form, and he has also shown great progress in his work. The relationship between our brothers has also become more harmonious. We would eat and talk together, walk and talk together. This is the longest time we have had in years, and the most sincere time.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

One day, we were walking together in the park, the sky was blue and the breeze was blowing.

"Brother, thank you for always supporting me, I know how I treated you badly in the past, but you still gave me a lot of opportunities, you are the closest person to me, I am really grateful. The younger brother spoke.

I smiled and looked at him, "These are things in the past, brother, and the most important thing is our present and future lives." As long as you are willing to work hard and change, I believe you will have a bright future. ”

"Yes, I will. I also wanted to talk to you and I decided to give you a return. The younger brother looked determined.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

"What did you say?" I was a little surprised.

"Yes, I have decided to give you a reward, I intend to use this reward to help you and make your life better, and I will always be by your side in the future. The younger brother said, looking serious.

I was so moved that I could barely speak. For a long time, we walked on the park path without saying a word, but our hearts were filled with sincere emotion and excitement.

Life is an amazing journey, and we are all constantly growing and changing on this journey. Sometimes we may make mistakes, but as long as we can face up to our mistakes and are willing to work hard to correct them, life will give us more opportunities and hope. The change of my brother made me deeply understand the preciousness of family affection between people. With the company of family affection, life will be better. During this time, I learned more about my family, about family affection, about growth and change.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

At this moment, I feel indescribably happy. Life is no longer a lonely sky, because with my family, I will be braver and stronger to meet a better life in the future.

As we walked down the park path, the breeze was blowing, and the mood of both of us became peaceful and warm.

My younger brother looked at me and said with emotion: "Brother, the experience between us may be the arrangement of fate, and this encounter has also taught me more truths." Thank you for your continued accommodating and helpful. ”

I smiled slightly: "You're welcome, people always have to tolerate and understand each other." The affection between us is not only giving, but also a kind of understanding and tolerance between each other. ”

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

The younger brother nodded with deep feeling: "Yes, your tolerance and help to me have made me understand a lot. I will also keep it in mind and will continue to work hard in the future to be a person worthy of you. ”

I patted him on the shoulder encouragingly: "Good brother, we will work together in the future to face the challenges of life together and share the joy of life together." ”

At that moment, we both understood the value of family affection and the power of change. Maybe all the previous things are tempering, so that we can grow, and we can know how to tolerate and understand each other.

There are always people and things in life that make us understand how precious family affection is, and how precious it is to grow and change. And the experience between us also made us understand the true meaning of life.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

We continued to walk with a smile on our faces, quietly feeling the emotional exchange between each other. Life is good, keeping us with more memories and precious experiences.

I deeply understand that when the road of life encounters bumps and setbacks, only with the companionship and support of family can we move forward bravely, and let us cherish and be grateful for everything in life.

After the walk, my brother and I returned home. That night, we sat down on the balcony of our home and reminisced about the experiences we had together over the years.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

"Brother, the indifference and selfishness towards you in those years really hurt my heart. But I now understand that it was really just an escape from my own incompetence and cowardice. Thank you for giving me the opportunity and thank you for your tolerance and understanding. The younger brother said frankly.

I responded gently: "Brother, don't blame yourself too much, there will inevitably be confusion and entanglement on the road of life. Being able to recognize our own problems and be willing to change them makes us look better. That's all that matters. ”

"Yes, I will continue to keep my efforts going. I will also try to make up for my previous regrets to you. The younger brother said firmly.

We were silent for a moment, our hearts filled with expectations and yearning for the future. On this quiet night, we are reunited in family affection and tolerance, and we also grow together in mutual understanding and inspiration.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

I deeply understand that happiness does not lie in having much material wealth, but in having a trustworthy and trustworthy family. In the face of all kinds of changes in life, we all need a warm embrace, an ear to listen and a hug to give. And all this may be the true meaning of family affection.

We are deeply aware of this wonderful time. I sincerely hope that the future time will be warmer and the family relationship will be consistent. This encounter and acquaintance made us understand the preciousness and beauty of family members. In the future, we will be more optimistic and happy to meet every challenge in life.

This is the story of family affection, witnessing the growth and change of life. We may still face many trials, but I firmly believe that with the company of family and tolerance, we will become braver and stronger. Because, we know that having the company of family affection is the greatest happiness in life.

It was getting late, and the light of my home was reflected warmly on my face. My brother and I sat side by side on the couch and looked out the window at the starry night sky.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

"Brother, I've figured it out. I want to give you a reward and help you achieve your dreams. The younger brother said suddenly.

I looked at my brother in surprise and asked in surprise, "What do you say? ”

My younger brother looked at me seriously and said firmly, "Brother, I have been given so many opportunities and changes, and I hope to help you realize your dreams as well." I think my reward is to make your life better. ”

When I heard my brother's words, I felt a wave of warmth welling up in my heart. I know that my brother is not joking, he is expressing a sincere emotion and sincerity.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly

I held my brother's hand and said encouragingly: "Brother, I know your sincerity, but I don't need you to help me realize my dreams. Being able to recognize our own problems and be willing to change them makes us look better. That's the most important thing'After that difficult time, we now have more understanding and honesty with each other, which is the most valuable reward. ”

The younger brother pondered for a moment and said firmly: "Brother, I understand what you mean, but I hope to be able to surprise you with my own efforts." I want you to know that I can't express how grateful I am to you. ”

Our eyes are relative, and in addition to gratitude, there is an indescribable emotion flowing. Subtle changes are taking place in our hearts.

There will always be dispersion on the road of life, but with the company of love and understanding, we will be braver and stronger. The collision of love and emotion has become an indelible memory in our hearts.

On that night, we may not have found anything, but our hearts have gathered more emotion and sincerity. Perhaps this is the deepest power of family affection, which makes us more determined and warmer in our common experience.

After being hospitalized, my brother ignored him, and two months later he came to the door again to ask for money, and I woke up and refused directly