
The invisible killer - Helicobacter pylori, can be eradicated with a Chinese patent medicine

author:Dapan Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, today I will tell you a magical Chinese medicine prescription - Banxia Xingxin Soup, which is a good Chinese medicine prescription for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori. Let's first understand what Helicobacter pylori is.

The invisible killer - Helicobacter pylori, can be eradicated with a Chinese patent medicine

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives on the mucosal surface of the human stomach. Despite its scary name, not all infected people will experience symptoms. However, for some people, this bacterium can cause stomach problems such as gastritis, ulcers, etc., and may trigger other more serious diseases.

Banxia Xingxin decoction is one of the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. It was originally founded by Zhang Zhongjing, a medical saint in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Zhang Zhongjing was a famous medical scientist in ancient China, and his masterpiece is "Treatise on Typhoid Fever and Miscellaneous Diseases", which has had a profound impact on medical research in later generations. Through clinical observation and practice, he summed up many experiences in the treatment of diseases, and Banxia Xingxin Tang is one of them.

The main ingredients of Banxia Xingxin soup include: 9 grams of dried ginger, 12 grams of ginger Banxia, 9 grams of skullcap, 3 grams of Coptis chinensis, 9 grams of ginseng, 9 grams of boiled licorice, and 4 red dates. These herbs are precisely proportioned, and each herb has its own unique effect:

The invisible killer - Helicobacter pylori, can be eradicated with a Chinese patent medicine

- Dried ginger and ginger banxia have the effect of warming and stopping vomiting, dispelling dampness and dissolving phlegm;

- Skullcap and Coptis chinensis have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory;

- Ginseng has the effect of strengthening qi and spleen, and enhancing human immunity;

- Boiled licorice has the effect of harmonizing medicinal properties and can enhance the efficacy of other medicinal materials;

- Jujube can play an auxiliary role and help to enhance the efficacy of the whole formula.

The combination of these medicines, combined with decoction to form Banxia Xingxin Soup, can help the body to remove Helicobacter pylori to a certain extent, improve stomach discomfort, and help restore stomach health.

For example, in my clinical practice, there was a patient who had frequent stomach pains, acid reflux, and loss of appetite. Upon examination, the patient was found to have H. pylori in his body. Under my treatment, this patient started taking Banxia Xingxin Decoction. Over time, the patient's symptoms gradually lessened, the stomach discomfort improved significantly, and the appetite gradually increased, and finally the patient returned to health.

Due to the good effect of Banxia Xingxin Soup, it has now been made into a Chinese patent medicine, called "Banxia and Stomach Granules", which is more convenient for patients to take. Through a long history of verification and the practice of modern science, it has become a widely used traditional Chinese medicine.

The invisible killer - Helicobacter pylori, can be eradicated with a Chinese patent medicine

Just like a beautiful rose, Banxia Xingxin Tang and Banxia and Stomach Granules for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori are the precious flowers of medicine, bringing health and hope to patients. I hope that more people will understand this miraculous Chinese medicine prescription and let more people benefit. Give roses, hands have a lingering fragrance, let us work together to spread this healthy fragrance.

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the wonders of Banxia Xingxin Soup and its role in the treatment of H. pylori infection.